
The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and was suspected of "freezing to death", Xiaobai believed in Xiaohongshu and encountered mountain rain while wearing a suspender

author:A big cow who loves to share

Speaking of modern society, "Little Red Book" has become a compass for many young people to explore, as if all good things can be found there. However, the story of her, a little white girl born in 97, is a victim of the collision of dreams and reality.

This girl, bent on exploring, but unprepared to hike up Wugong Mountain. With that bit of information from Xiaohongshu, I thought that everything would be as beautiful as in the story.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and was suspected of "freezing to death", Xiaobai believed in Xiaohongshu and encountered mountain rain while wearing a suspender

Her outfit? It couldn't have been more "simple" - wearing only a branded jacket and no survival gear or food, as if I was going to buy a bun on the next street.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and was suspected of "freezing to death", Xiaobai believed in Xiaohongshu and encountered mountain rain while wearing a suspender

Unfortunately, the weather was not beautiful, and the rain came suddenly and violently. And she, without any waterproof measures, soaked through, still stubbornly believes that she can get out of the predicament. Then, there was a rapid decline in physical fitness, until he could no longer walk, and he fell alone in the rain.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and was suspected of "freezing to death", Xiaobai believed in Xiaohongshu and encountered mountain rain while wearing a suspender

At this point, you might ask: What about her teammates? The answer is chilling - they are all the same Xiaobai, in the face of emergencies, they chose to "protect themselves" and leave her alone in the wilderness.

As for why the police were not called, there was no signal at that place, and the bad weather made it extremely difficult to rescue.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and was suspected of "freezing to death", Xiaobai believed in Xiaohongshu and encountered mountain rain while wearing a suspender

When the girl was discovered, her life and death were uncertain, lying motionless on the ground, and her condition was critical. Fortunately, he was rescued in time, but whether he can survive is still a question mark.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and was suspected of "freezing to death", Xiaobai believed in Xiaohongshu and encountered mountain rain while wearing a suspender
The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and was suspected of "freezing to death", Xiaobai believed in Xiaohongshu and encountered mountain rain while wearing a suspender

Another mention of Xiaohongshu, many people regard it as a compass, but forget that it also hides fog. This incident has had a huge repercussion in public opinion on Xiaohongshu, with many voices pointing out that for the sake of traffic and eyeballs, some people on the platform have done whatever it takes to mislead young people who trust them.

Summing up this bleak story, it can't help but be thought-provoking. Reality is not a beautiful picture of the Internet, and adventure is not child's play. While pursuing your dreams and adventures, it's important to keep your eyes peeled and prepared to protect yourself.

Don't let "online fantasy" become a trap for a good life. Before you go, make a good strategy, be fully equipped, and cherish life so that you can return safely and enjoy the real beauty and adventure.

Let's take this girl's experience as a lesson and not let the unprepared adventure become the regret of life, nor let the Xiaohongshu-style adventure become the gravedigger of young life.

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