
Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

Buying a car

2024-05-25 21:22Posted in Tianjin Automobile Creator

Xiaomi SU7 intelligent driving failures are frequent, user dissatisfaction is high, and many netizens have said that the first batch of owners are just like guinea pigs of Xiaomi cars.

Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

Recently, Mr. Nie from Foshan, Guangdong Province, encountered a worrying intelligent driving system failure while driving his newly purchased Xiaomi SU7 electric car, which was less than a month old. On April 29 and May 1, he experienced two intelligent driving failures on the highway and the emergency braking function also failed, and this repeated technical problem finally prompted him to accept Xiaomi's proposal to return the car.

Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

It all started on March 28, when Mr. Nie bought the SU7 Max Founding Edition EV released by Xiaomi and picked it up on April 10. Shortly after using the vehicle's intelligent driving function, the first failure occurred, causing the intelligent driving system to not work properly. Xiaomi's service team initially blamed the problem on a software issue and promised to continue using it once it was fixed. However, just two days later, on May 1, the intelligent driving system failed again, and this time, the statement of Xiaomi's after-sales team was a hardware problem.

Xiaomi Auto's online service department said that it had returned the car for Mr. Nie and that the two parties had signed a repurchase agreement. Despite this, the specific cause of the failure is still a mystery and requires further detection and analysis by professionals.

Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

In addition to Mr. Nie's case, Xiaomi SU7 has also recently broken out a number of intelligent driving system failures. On May 17, it was reported that a Xiaomi SU7 owner failed to react in time and rear-ended a Tesla in front of him when he turned on the self-driving NOA function on the highway. In this case, the dashcam did not automatically save the footage, indicating that there may have been a serious safety breach. Xiaomi Auto After-sales said that due to the lack of driving video evidence, they could not accurately determine the cause of the accident.

Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

Another incident was reported on May 13, a netizen claiming to be the owner of the Xiaomi SU7 revealed that he encountered a crash while using the high-speed intelligent driving function, which almost caused serious consequences. After contacting customer service, the netizen was told that Xiaomi had set up an expert team to investigate, but five days have passed without results. This owner questioned Xiaomi's processing speed and transparency.

Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

These successive incidents have raised serious public concerns about the Xiaomi SU7 and its intelligent driving system. Netizens have expressed their dissatisfaction, with some saying that Xiaomi is treating car owners as "guinea pigs" to test new technologies that have not been fully validated. Although Xiaomi Auto said it was dealing with these issues and promised to address them responsibly, the frequent negative incidents have dealt a big blow to the brand's credibility.

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  • Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?
  • Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?
  • Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?
  • Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?
  • Xiaomi SU7 faulty owner has returned the car, netizens: Is the owner a guinea pig?

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