
The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

author:Magic cheese h

On May 19, a distressing accident occurred on Wugong Mountain. A young female hiking enthusiast froze to death due to a sudden change in weather during the climb.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

In modern hiking events, many people are looking for a way to be stylish and show their style, and the influence of social media has led many people to think more about taking pictures and neglecting safety when preparing for an event. The unfortunate girl probably wanted to take a beautiful photo of the top of the mountain and share it on the Internet for the same reason.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

Nowadays, many young people have weak safety awareness and lack basic knowledge of self-help and protection when they are engaged in outdoor activities. Her tragedy should serve as a wake-up call to all outdoor enthusiasts that they must be well prepared, whether climbing a mountain or other adventures, especially when it comes to emergency food and warmth, which are the foundation of life-safe. Outdoor activities can only be guaranteed to be safe and enjoyable if safety is put first.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

On May 21, in response to the unfortunate incident that occurred in the Wugong Mountain Scenic Area, the staff responded. The woman who died tragically was an outdoor hiking enthusiast. It is understood that because she did not have enough understanding of the changeable climate in the mountainous areas, she encountered sudden small-scale extreme weather, and she herself was relatively young and lacked sufficient outdoor experience and sufficient warm equipment, which led to the accident.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

After discovering the emergency, the scenic spot immediately dispatched a rescue team to search and rescue, but unfortunately, she had no vital signs on the way back. The attraction emphasizes that all climbing entrances have obvious safety warning signs to warn climbers to pay attention to safety.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

The woman had the misfortune of experiencing a sudden change in weather during the hike, it rained during the day, and due to the lack of necessary waterproofing measures, her clothes quickly became wet, causing her body temperature to drop dramatically. In the face of extreme weather conditions, she may have overestimated her physical strength and hardiness and chose to move on rather than seek refuge in time. As night fell and the temperature dropped further, she gradually lost her strength, and finally failed to make it to safety and collapsed alone in the mountains. The tragedy highlights the importance of self-protection awareness and preparedness in outdoor activities.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

The victim was a woman born in 1997 who was reported to have little to no outdoor experience. Previously, it was reported that she was wearing only suspenders while climbing, to which the person in charge clarified, pointing out that in fact she was wearing a skirt and did bring extra clothes, but unfortunately these clothes were wet in bad weather. The microclimate in the mountains is often unpredictable.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

The police said that the specific cause of the woman's death is still under investigation, and it is initially speculated that it was a tragedy caused by hypothermia. The families of the victims have gone to the local police station to deal with the follow-up matters. This incident is yet another reminder of the importance of being well prepared for outdoor activities, especially dealing with sudden weather changes and maintaining appropriate equipment to ensure personal safety.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

In this case, the young lady was clearly ill-prepared for outdoor activities, wearing only a suspender and not even basic dry food and waterproof gear. Unfortunately, when the weather suddenly changed and heavy rain poured down, her clothes were completely soaked, without any warmth and waterproofing measures.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

Due to her mediocre physical strength and misjudgment of the weather changes in the mountains, she was soon left alone with the team. As the temperature dropped dramatically in the evening, she became physically exhausted and eventually collapsed in the wilderness. Sadly, her teammates who climbed the mountain with her may have not been able to properly cope with emergencies due to their own inexperience and panic.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

The person in charge categorically denied the rumors that the victim woman participated in the so-called "Little White Group" and that "her teammates abandoned her and fled". According to her introduction, the woman made an appointment with two former classmates to go on a mountaineering activity on May 19, and the three of them gathered at the foot of the mountain without hiring a guide to participate. At around 90 p.m. that night, her companion called the police for help.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

Due to the complex terrain in the mountainous area, it takes about three to four hours for professional rescue team members to set off at night to reach the top of the mountain. Rescuers eventually found the woman in the early hours of the morning and quickly rushed her to a hospital down the hill for resuscitation, but unfortunately, the woman was unable to save her life.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

The exact cause of death is still under investigation. The incident once again highlighted the importance of outdoor event safety and reminded the public of the importance of being well prepared and maintaining close contact between teams when participating in similar events.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

This tragedy underscores the importance of proper preparation for outdoor activities and the need for teamwork in the event of an emergency. At the same time, it also reminds all outdoor enthusiasts, especially beginners, that they must carefully learn outdoor knowledge and emergency self-rescue skills to ensure that they can return safely from every activity.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

In this information age, many people are exposed to all kinds of engaging outdoor adventures through social media, and are attracted by the wonderful adventure stories of influencers and various bloggers. These things often seem simple and easy, but in reality, every outdoor activity requires a lot of preparation and expertise. Especially for young people, such as this girl born in 1997, she may be full of longing for adventure, but ignore the risks and challenges of real action.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

Unfortunately, this impulsive decision, triggered by social media, can easily lead to undeliberate action. Many young explorers may not have received formal outdoor survival training, lack the ability to cope with the natural environment, and are prone to problems once they encounter bad weather or other crises.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

As happened to the girl, her expedition seemed to lack sufficient preparation and experience, and when things suddenly changed, the lack of teamwork and self-rescue skills could eventually lead to tragedy.

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

Netizens are hotly discussed

"There are many camels under the Wugong Mountain, and there are many slings on the mountain, this is not false at all, it seems that the propaganda is really effective. Hahaha, a mountain full of suspenders! "

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

"I really don't understand that these so-called outdoor hiking enthusiasts don't even know the basic knowledge of keeping warm?"

"How can you go to the mountains without wearing suspenders, how can the little fairies become immortals?"

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

"It's usually cold in the mountains, especially in the morning and evening, and even in summer, long sleeves and a jacket are standard. You can tie a coat around your waist, but you can't do without. "

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

"Going on an outdoor adventure? Remember to bring a blanket, flashlight, waterproof mat, Swiss Army knife, enough water, and food. Imagine you're trapped for two days, but it's going to be heavy, it's not something you can just say, and many people don't have the ability to survive in the wild. "

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

"It's incomprehensible to claim to be an outdoor hiking enthusiast and go up the mountain in a sling. Safety comes first when you go out, at least you have to have basic protective measures. "

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

"It's all a little book that follows the trend, and when you look at the video, you think you can do everything, but you just go to get a card."

"The last time I watched a video, several people were trapped in the cave, and when they were rescued, a diver was unfortunately killed, and foreigners praised them for their adventurous spirit."

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

"Maybe it's because I'm wearing too little, but if I find it in time, I can still save it. Travelers and merchants in the mountains are usually happy to help. We should revere nature, cherish life, and take responsibility for our actions. "

The girl climbed Wugong Mountain and lost temperature and "froze to death", Xiaobai only had Xiaohongshu in her eyes, and she wore a suspender at night to meet the mountain rain

"I've heard that dying of hypothermia is not too painful, and when someone died of hypothermia before, he looked quite peaceful, and there was no painful expression on his face."

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