
The family was too poor, and it took 5 pounds of millet to marry a crazy girl. The girl gave birth to a boy with half a life. After the boy understood things, he not only did not call her a mother, but told her to stay far away. Until there is

author:Sister Na forward

The family was too poor, and it took 5 pounds of millet to marry a crazy girl. The girl gave birth to a boy with half a life. After the boy understood things, he not only did not call her a mother, but told her to stay far away. Until one day, the crazy girl was smoked half to death, and the boy suddenly woke up...

My home is inside a poor ravine in Shaanxi. The ancestors were all there. The most worthy thing about Grandpa in this life was that he went to Xi'an. What left the deepest impression on him was the food in Xi'an, and the white girls in the city.

Grandpa described the girls in the village as "yellow potatoes" and the girls in Xi'an as white tofu. That time I went to Xi'an, I followed the villagers to ask for food. It was the first and last time in Grandpa's life.

The biggest headache for Grandpa was the father's marriage to his daughter-in-law. Grandma had a total of 5 children, and malnutrition died two. My dad is an old man. The eldest uncle took the daughter-in-law and "exchanged" it with the eldest aunt.

In the 1970s, the family was poor, and changing relatives became popular. So the aunt married someone else. And the uncle married someone's sister. When it came to my father, my grandfather said that the most regrettable thing was that he did not have an extra girl with his grandmother...

At that time, there was a great drought in the whole country. Although my family is poor here, I can grow millet and sweet potatoes, but I can't starve to death. On this day, a group of Henan people, old and young, came to our village to ask for water. Each one is as thin as wood, and the shadow is single. Grandma is kind, just give them a little water.

Grandma noticed that there was a girl in their team who had some looks, but she was led by someone with a rope. Her parents explained that the child had mental problems but could not ignore them. That's it.

Grandma got the idea and discussed with the man to exchange 5 pounds of millet for my mother and make my father a daughter-in-law. Although the father was reluctant, he looked at the situation at home and gritted his teeth and agreed. As a result, the father did not spend a penny and became a groom. 

Needless to say, this woman later became my mother-in-law.

When she gave birth to me, my grandmother said that my mother had suffered a great sin and screamed in pain. My mother's pelvis is small, and I'm somehow a little older than the average baby. Grandma burned incense and prayed again. In the end, there was no way but to use a rope to tie my mother's hands with a rope, and the two midwives clamped the mother's legs left and right... Only to give birth to me.

Grandma hugged me, who had just been born, and rejoiced: "This fool, he also gave birth to a child." ”

My mother's reward for giving birth to me was a can of chicken soup. Grandma said that when my mother looked at me that day, she was particularly quiet, usually noisy and noisy. Quietly finished drinking the soup and looked at me with a smirk.

However, when my mother gave birth to me, my grandmother did not let my mother feed me. Grandma didn't know who to hear, people with crazy diseases, milk will be transmitted to children. So Grandma fed me up with goat's milk and rice soup.

My mother always wanted to hug me, and grandma disciplined her to stay away from me, and if she dared to touch me, she would be taken away. Grandma was not half vague, afraid that my mother would hurt me.

When my mother's body recovered a little, my grandmother asked my father and my mother to move to the east of the village. Grandma's idea was that I was afraid that when I grew up, the people in the village would laugh. The older generation knows and knows. The younger generation forgets it when it gets older.

And when I didn't know what to do, I found that except for me, all other friends had mothers.

I asked my father for it, I asked my grandmother for it, and they told me that your mother was dead. But my friend secretly told me: "There is a crazy person in the east of the village who is your mother, and your father often brings her food."

At that time, I did not have the concept of "crazy", only that I missed my mother very much, and I secretly went to see it several times with my friends. At that time, the mother was disheveled, stupid, with a chain on her foot, and the other end was tied to a stone sticker...

When my mother saw me go to see her, she smiled, the corners of her mouth were drooling, and she waved her hand to let me pass, but when I was young, I was frightened and ran away...

Later, I had to sneak away from her. then. I went to school in the next village, and my classmates all had mothers, and as soon as I was mentioned, I was not happy, and my mother lost my face. As soon as the teachers asked, I said that I had not had a mother since I was a child...

With the aging of the day, Grandma's heart can no longer harden, so she no longer uses chains to tie the mother, but also grooms the mother and wears some good clothes.

I have never given my mother a good look, nor have I ever called my mother, the communication between us is mainly based on my "roaring", and the mother will never dare to resist. My mother often took the initiative to please me, but I stayed away from her every time.

I remember when I was in the third grade of elementary school, it was raining outside. Grandma asked my mother to bring me an umbrella. The mother may have fallen several times along the way, like a mud monkey, she stood by the classroom window and looked at me with a smirk, and her mouth also shouted: "Tree... Umbrella..."

And the students giggled over and over again, while imitating the mother's voice. I felt particularly humiliated, so I got into a fight with the most violent classmate. That classmate fought very badly, and I wasn't an opponent at all.

When the mother saw it, she dragged the classmate out. The mother's strength was surprisingly great, and she threw the classmate into the air. The teacher found out and rescued the classmates...

Later, the parents of the classmates found my house. The other party wanted compensation, and my father had no way, so he used the whip of the sheep, split his head to cover his face and smoke at the mother, and the sound of the mother's wailing could not be forgotten for the rest of my life.

In the end, it was the village chief who dared to arrive and saved his mother, who was already dying at that time.

Since then, I have accepted that the woman is my mother!

Later, when I went to high school, my mother brought me rice and pickles once a week on Sundays.

Until one day, my mother not only brought me food, but also brought a few peaches. I praised her for getting more and more capable. Unexpectedly, the next day, my father came to tell me that my mother had not come home.

My father asked me, did your mother say anything? I said no, only sent vegetables and a few peaches. Father said: When it is finished, it should be broken on this wild peach.

I took a leave of absence, so I went back down the mountain road, and on the way home there were indeed several wild peach trees, which survived because they grew on the cliffs. At the same time, we found a peach tree with broken branches, and under its feet was an abyss.

The mother lay quietly at the bottom of the valley, surrounded by some scattered peaches, and the blood on her body had long since solidified into a heavy black.

I hugged my mother tightly, remorseful...

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