
Xiaofei is 3 years old and 5 months old this year, but his language development is slower than that of his peers for more than a year. The preliminary diagnosis found that Xiaofei could only say the last word of the noun or the superposition of the salutation class, and could not say it

author:Pediatric physician Liu Yunxian

Xiaofei is 3 years old and 5 months old this year, but his language development is slower than that of his peers for more than a year. The preliminary diagnosis found that Xiaofei could only say the last word of the noun or the superposition of the salutation class, could not say two words and sentences, and had no active language, and his own comprehension ability was weak. Due to the lack of smooth expression, Xiaofei will also hit people in a hurry.

In view of Xiaofei's situation, targeted treatment of integrated Traditional Chinese and Western medicine, sensory rehabilitation training, language training, and attention training for children is targeted.

Most parents pay attention to the question of when their child starts talking. Some children will jump out of a few simple syllables in 7 or 8 months, and the mother is so excited that she can't sleep all night; Some children are almost 2 years old and do not talk much, and parents are very anxious, thinking that the child will not be autistic.

You know, after 3 months, children can slowly perceive the emotions entrained in the language, and after the age of 1, they can slowly understand the meaning of the language.

If you feel that your child is talking a little late, parents should first check their own 3 aspects: First, have you communicated with your child more? Second, is there an opportunity for children to speak? Third, are you encouraging your child to speak and pronounce? Second, look at whether the child's personality is extroverted or introverted. Children with introverted personalities generally speak a little later.

Finally, we must also look at the surrounding language environment, whether the old man with the baby speaks in dialects, the sister-in-law is another dialect, and the parents speak Mandarin, such an environment is also easy to cause confusion to children, and it will be late to speak.

In short, there are many factors that affect language development, and each child's individual differences are very large. If parents are more worried, it is recommended to go to the pediatric consultation early to reduce the impact of anxiety on children's language development and willingness to speak.

Attach a reference table for children's language development standards to see if your child has language delays. #Very Cases ##Language Delay ##Is The Child Talking Late Is Language Development Delay##Healthy 2022#Health Truth Society##健康头条 #

Xiaofei is 3 years old and 5 months old this year, but his language development is slower than that of his peers for more than a year. The preliminary diagnosis found that Xiaofei could only say the last word of the noun or the superposition of the salutation class, and could not say it

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