
Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience

author:Guanghe County Rong Media Center

A book can warm a person, and a book city can nourish a city. On May 15, the upgraded Guanghe County Xinhua Bookstore was officially opened, bringing a new reading experience to readers with a new image, allowing people to enjoy the beauty of books here.

Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience
Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience
Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience

Walking into the lobby of the bookstore, all kinds of books are neatly stacked, and customers who buy books shuttle between the shelves, choosing their favorite books. In the reading area, students and parents with children sit in comfortable chairs and read a variety of books. The bookstore also has a special storytelling session for students to share wonderful stories.

Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience

Chengguan Primary School student Sha Zixuan

The environment here is beautiful, all kinds of books are complete, and I have a good place to read after school and holidays. The teachers of Xinhua Bookstore shared a short story for us and recommended a few good books, I want to read more books, read good books, and be a primary school student who loves reading.

Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience

It is reported that the upgrading and transformation of Xinhua Bookstore lasted 2 months, the bookstore area expanded from 100 square meters to 230 square meters, the store now has more than 8,000 kinds of books, the number of more than 40,000 volumes, covering politics, literature, biography, social science, philosophy and other more than a dozen categories, can fully meet the reading cultural needs of the masses. On the opening day, Xinhua Bookstore in Guanghe County also donated books worth 2,000 yuan to the society.

Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience

Fei Jianming, general manager of Guanghe Xinhua Bookstore

In the future work, all the staff of Xinhua Bookstore will continue to optimize the service quality, continue to improve the service efficiency, greet readers with a smile and serve readers with sincerity, and strive to build Xinhua Bookstore in Guanghe County into a warm home for readers, promote the extensive participation of the whole society in reading, and help the construction of national reading and scholarly Guanghe to achieve practical results.

Guanghe: Xinhua Bookstore reopened to bring readers a new reading experience

At the same time, Xinhua Bookstore will also give full play to the role of the main channel of book distribution and the main position of propaganda, ideology and culture, carry forward the main theme, spread positive energy, and continuously expand the quantity and quality of reading space in the county, so that Guanghe is full of books.

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