
"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

It is said that it is not easy for women after marriage, because they not only have to face the chai rice oil and salt in life, but also complete various trivial things such as childbirth. At this time, if you meet a bad husband again, then the marriage is naturally difficult to maintain.

Women after divorce often have three paths to go, one is to remarry, the second is to remarry, and the third is not to marry. Unmarried women are naturally able to live how they want, so who will be happier for women who choose to remarry or remarry?

"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

"Remarriage" and "remarriage" who is happier, come over to say the real feelings

According to the data survey, more than 80% of divorced people will eventually choose to enter marriage again.

Different people have different views on which "remarriage" or "second marriage" is happier, after all, everyone's personal experience is different. Some people say that "remarriage" is happier, because when remarrying, choosing a partner will be more cautious, and there will be good results later;

Ms. Chen, 41, has experienced three marriages, first divorced and then remarried, and then remarried. Such a marriage experience is ridiculous in the eyes of many people. Ms. Chen divorced her husband because her husband was an alcoholic and would beat people when he was drunk.

"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

After the divorce, the husband swore repentance and could not withstand the husband's soft and hard bubble, Ms. Chen agreed to remarry, but after the tragedy of remarriage, Ms. Chen could only choose to divorce again; after the divorce, Ms. Chen met her second husband, and her life after marriage was very stable.

Some people think that "remarriage" is better, because two people have a lot of common memories, and they have common children, which is naturally easier to live.

Ms. Chen, 33, said: She accidentally found that her husband had changed his heart, which hit her very hard, and the two people who had been together since college said that they were cheating on each other? Finally, at my insistence, the two of us divorced, but later because of the children, I chose to remarry, after the remarriage, the husband was very good to himself, perhaps to make up for the mistakes he made.

"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

"Remarriage" and "remarriage" are two completely different choices for women

For women, after divorce, whether they choose "remarriage" or "divorce", the two are completely different choices.

After "remarriage", the need for a woman to live with another brand new partner is a whole new attempt and needs to start adjusting to a new life again. Couples who remarry also face many trials.

"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

Like the couple's "face and heart discord", each other's children's problems, and the connection with the ex, etc., are all things that the remarried couple needs to deal with properly. Once these problems are not handled well, remarried couples are more likely to divorce than the original couple.

And "remarriage" is also a dangerous thing, although it is a familiar person, but the old saying: "the country is easy to change the nature is difficult to move", many couples regret remarriage after divorce, because they found that the problems that led to divorce before still exist today.

Some couples after divorce, seeing that their children have been wronged or sad, choose to remarry, but this forced establishment of a compound family is not only no temperature, but also a kind of torture for both husband and wife;

"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

And some families who choose to marry for the second time are also combined with purpose and selfishness, and once the feelings become a plot to pursue interests, it is naturally difficult to obtain happiness.

After divorce, whether to "remarry" or "remarry", it is best to analyze from the following aspects:

If the contradiction of the failure of the first marriage is not properly resolved, it is not recommended to remarry

It is said that "husband and wife are still the original match", because they know the roots, and have a certain emotional basis, plus they have common children, naturally remarriage seems to be happy, but blind remarriage will only repeat the same mistakes.

"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

Before remarriage, we must first consider whether we want to remarry, not the attitude of the other party is sincere, not to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our children, but also to see whether the contradictions that lead to our divorce still exist, so as to decide whether to remarry.

To be happy when remarrying, you have to cross four hurdles: children, money, ex, and mindset

In the eyes of many people, it is difficult for second-married couples to "communicate" because their feelings are not pure and involve too many aspects. In terms of children, no one can really treat the other child as their own, or even a bowl of water;

"Remarriage" or "remarriage", which one will women choose to be happier? The man who came over spoke from his heart

In terms of money, people will take money very seriously, which is an instinct, but it will also hurt each other; in the ex, even if it is divorced, in the partner's heart, there will be an ex-wife or ex-husband position, which will undoubtedly affect the current relationship to a certain extent.

Therefore, before remarrying, we must take a good look at these problems and make sure that there are no problems before we can take this step.

For women, whether it is remarriage or remarriage, they must choose carefully. Especially in remarriage, the same mistake can not be made a second time, let alone emotional.

Today's topic: Which do you think will be happier for women who "remarry" or "remarried"?

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