
The two are together, the stupid woman cares about the man's money, and the smart woman only cares about three things

The two are together, the stupid woman cares about the man's money, and the smart woman only cares about three things

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Qian Zhongshu once wrote in "The Siege of the City": "Marriage is a besieged city, people outside the city want to go in, people in the city want to come out." ”

The reason why such an exclamation is issued is nothing more than that the relationship between husband and wife requires wisdom too much. Just like the sand in the hand, if you hold it too tightly, the sand will eventually run away, hold it too loosely, and worry that the feelings will not be able to grasp. How to deal with marriage and the other half has made countless people think about it.

Some people think that marriage is a business, it is two people working together to start a company, for the company, the most important thing is money, so firmly grasp the money, everything is correct.

And some people think that there are few couples who come to the old company. Choosing to enter marriage is nothing more than to not be lonely and accompanied by someone after old age, so family affection is the most important.

In fact, two people together, stupid women, will only seize the man's money, and smart women, will only care about these three things.

The two are together, the stupid woman cares about the man's money, and the smart woman only cares about three things

One: The time a man spends with himself

Eason Chan once sang in the lyrics: Companionship is the longest confession of affection.

Husband and wife, the most important thing is to accompany and love each other, blindly keep the money, the feelings are inevitably thin, a little wind and grass will inevitably fall apart, but pay attention to his time with him, to accompany him, but also to accompany him, the feelings will last forever.

In this year's fire TV series "The World of Man", the reason why everyone envies the love of Bingkun and Zheng Juan is nothing more than that in the era of ebb and flow, only they are protecting each other and have gone through decades of ups and downs.

For Zheng Juan, Bingkun and Photon Films are her world, and for Bingkun, Zheng Juan and his family are also his all.

The reason why the love that can be sung and wept makes people nostalgic is nothing more than because no matter how the years change, what remains unchanged is always the company of each other.

The two are together, the stupid woman cares about the man's money, and the smart woman only cares about three things

Two: Men's desire to share with themselves

The reason why good love is always sweet is actually because there is always a strong desire to share with each other.

Although many people say that good love is "love does not know what to do, always deep", but think about it carefully, what is the true love in the world that does not know what to do, what can truly connect the two hearts is the sincere desire to share, and the faithful listening of each other.

Previously, there was a story on the Internet about "30 seconds of library power outage", which caused widespread discussion.

It is said that there is a girl who finds herself and her boyfriend who has been in love for many years, has not seriously talked and shared for a long time, and later she learned that those sharing desires, boys have given to their sisters.

On the day of the heroine's birthday, in the 30 seconds of the wish, just the sister sent a message saying that the library was out of power, and the boy was still returning to the information of the sister for those 30 seconds, but lied to the girl that it was the tutor's information.

Later, on the day of the breakup, the girl asked:

"In the 30 seconds that I made my wish, were you praying to spend my birthday with me every year, or did you hope that she wouldn't be scared by the power outage?"

This is not a cheating story of dog blood, even if the boy finally makes everything clear, but the heroine still knows that they can't go back. The "what to eat for breakfast" and "what are you going to do after class" sent by those boys to their students has blown away the original love.

The two are together, the stupid woman cares about the man's money, and the smart woman only cares about three things

Three: Men are true to themselves

Smart women will not only stare at men's money, because money is only temporary, and what can really bring long-term "gains" is the man's sincerity to himself. As long as the heart is still there, everything has a chance. Money or companionship requires a sincere foundation.

In the world of feelings, there is no true love, just like a dinner without nutrition, and no amount of eating can soothe the spiritual barrenness. Sincerity is the foundation of feelings and the most important proof of a lifetime of hand-in-hand.

Good love does not change, it is nothing more than because it has a sincere blessing and a true feeling.

The two are together, the stupid woman cares about the man's money, and the smart woman only cares about three things

In a marriage relationship, there are always more important things than money, such as time to accompany each other, such as the desire to share with each other, and for example, the strong and sincere sincerity between husband and wife.

A love with sincerity, time and sharing and common protection is always secure, and it can still stand firm despite the rain and wind outside.

A good marriage requires wise management, and it needs each other's warm waiting.

The two are together, the stupid woman cares about the man's money, and the smart woman only cares about three things


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