
Touched by a small detail in "The World", men are really not easy

Touched by a small detail in "The World", men are really not easy.

The Bingkun family is looking forward to Zhou Nan, who returned from his studies in the United States, but what he is waiting for is the bad news of the thunderbolt on a sunny day, and Zhou Nan was shot and killed by gangsters for seeing righteous courage in the United States.

Touched by a small detail in "The World", men are really not easy

After Zheng Juan heard this news, she fell ill and lay in bed all day washing her face with tears, Zhou Rong was worried that Yue Yue would do stupid things if she was too sad, so she took Yue Yue to the Guizhou mountain village where she had once joined the team to relax.

Zhou Nan's unexpected death hit Bingkun very hard, but he did not shed a tear in front of anyone, until his brother Bingyi, who was the mayor of the city, heard the news and dared to return home, Bingkun cried like a child in his brother's arms.

In fact, this scene is quite uncomfortable.

Before his brother Bingyi returned home, Bingkun was the head of the family, even if he was grief-stricken, he had to grit his teeth and hold on, because his wife and children still needed his care, and he had to be strong.

Touched by a small detail in "The World", men are really not easy

But when his brother returned, all the strength of Bingkun in the past few days turned into tears in an instant, and he could no longer control his emotions, and he cried in front of his brother.

Because his parents are gone, his brother is Bingkun's heaven, that is, the person who holds up a piece of heaven for him when he is wronged and falls into distress, Bingkun will only have a feeling of being cared for in front of his brother, and his brother is the harbor where his soul is sheltered.

I have seen a movie by chance before, and I can't remember what the specific name is, but the plot inside is still impressive.

It is said that there was a mother who died, and his son was busy with his mother's funeral all day, and the children wondered why the father could not see a sad look on his face, and was disappointed in him, thinking that the father was a very cold-blooded person.

Touched by a small detail in "The World", men are really not easy

Until one day, the uncle who worked in the United States appeared at the door of the house with his luggage, shouted his father's nickname, and when the father saw his brother, he could no longer control his own emotions, threw himself in his brother's arms and cried: Brother, we will never have a mother in our lives.

The children understood that the father was not sad, but before the uncle did not return, he was the main backbone of the family, he was stronger than anyone, and now that his brother had returned, as a younger brother, he could finally express his sorrow to the elder brother.

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