
Why are Luo Shibin and Zhou Rong in "The World of Man" keen on "tossing children"?

"The World of Man" is a film and television work set against the background of "family culture".

From this play, we can learn about the way many families get along.

For example, I mentioned in previous articles that "father is the starting point for children" and "wife is the feng shui of husband".

Today, let's analyze another question: what kind of people are most enthusiastic about "tossing children"?

01 Luo Shibin and Zhou Nan

Personally, I think that in this play, the most persistent person for the problem of "children" is Luo Shibin.

Zhou Nan's birth was an accident for Luo Shibin, and it was also evidence of his crime against Zheng Juan that year.

So in the beginning, Luo Shibin did not want this child.

Even sending living expenses to Zheng Juan every month stemmed from the painstaking advice of the water flowing freely.

Luo Shibin really began to pay attention to Zhou Nan after learning that he could no longer have children.

Luo Shibin's kindness to Zhou Nan, including taking him to dinner, sending him to study in the United States, giving him money, and even indulging in the wonderful imagination of delivering Zhou Nan's "business empire", is not because he loves Zhou Nan.

It's because he wants a child whose blood is flowing from his body, preferably a good child.

Whether this child is "Nannan" or "Beibei" is not important to Luo Shibin.

Although Luo Shibin is willing to "lay down the blood" in order to get Zhou Nan, compared with Bingkun and Zheng Juan's love for the child, Luo Shibin's love is based on "satisfying himself".

He gave the inducement and coercion to Zheng Juan and Bingkun, and the embarrassment and entanglement to Zhou Nan.

Based on this, his love is selfish, and what he clings to is not "giving to the child", but "tossing the child".

Why did Luo Shibin toss the child?

Why are Luo Shibin and Zhou Rong in "The World of Man" keen on "tossing children"?

In addition to being influenced by traditional ideas, another important reason is that he is really a person who is so poor that he has nothing but money!

In the play, Luo Shibin's parents and family never appeared.

His relationship with the water flow, from the dismissal of the water flow from the company, also gradually became delicate.

Over the years, the women around Luo Shibin have changed stubble after stubble like leeks, they all have a younger and more beautiful face than Zheng Juan, but they all have a snobbish heart.

Judging from Luo Shibin's handling of equity in his will, he has always been defensive against the women around him.

The happiness index of social people is closely related to the quality of intimate relationships.

If a person treats the closest people around him with no trust and only defense, then even if he looks bright on the outside, his inside is very bitter and empty.

Luo Shibin was so dissatisfied with his life that he had to find someone who could be completely trusted to carry his loneliness, and he had to find someone who could perpetuate his glory to dispel his fear of the future.

Therefore, he clung to Zhou Nan tightly, like a ghost, lingering around the Zhou family for several years, and the ghost did not disperse.

Why are Luo Shibin and Zhou Rong in "The World of Man" keen on "tossing children"?

Zhou Nan's death dealt a huge blow to Luo Shibin.

Luo Shibin's death, although there is a reason for Bingkun's failure, but also the arrangement of fate, but it also stems from his own life is loveless, and all thoughts are gray...

In contrast, Zheng Juan's love for Zhou Nan is stronger and purer, but she does not toss children and is not attached to "children".

Although Zheng Juan is only an uncultured housewife, her inner world is very rich and there is plenty of love.

She loves Zhou Nan, loves Zhou Cong, and loves Bingkun.

When Zhou Nan died, Bingkun was imprisoned, Zhou Cong lived in school, and there was only her own at home, she even felt that the strange child who found her wallet and returned it to her was also worthy of love.

She could rejoice all day for the laughter of that unrelated child, which was really the envy of someone like Luo Shibin who was desolate in his heart!

02. Zhou Rong and Feng Yue

Similar to Luo Shibin, Zhou Rong also likes to "toss children" when she has a bad relationship with Feng Huacheng and her husband and wife.

When the husband and wife were in love, the mother who threw the child to her brother for more than ten years suddenly began to "care" for the child after gradually becoming disappointed in her husband and then disappointed in herself.

One will want to let the daughter go home, one will peek at the child's diary, and the other will support the daughter's love affair...

Why are Luo Shibin and Zhou Rong in "The World of Man" keen on "tossing children"?

I could actually understand why Feng Yue was so disgusted by Zhou Rong's sudden concern.

The child's mind is sharp, can capture the mother's private thoughts mixed in "love", and can feel that this "tossing" makes people physically and mentally exhausted.

But she could not say it, or based on "filial piety", she could not say it, did not dare to say it, and could only put on a posture of rejection and evasion.

The relationship between Zhou Rong and Feng Yue's mother and daughter was really eased, after Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng divorced and married Cai Xiaoguang...

Immersed in a new happy life, Zhou Rong put more energy into running her own life, tossed less to her daughter, maternal love became pure, Feng Yue was willing to be close to her mother, and there were not so many emotions of resistance.

Of course, things like "tossing children" are not limited to successful business people like Luo Shibin and intellectuals like Zhou Rong, but are more common at the bottom.

Why are Luo Shibin and Zhou Rong in "The World of Man" keen on "tossing children"?

Bingkun went to the Guoqing family to collect the house, and Wu Qian had an emotional breakdown and yelled at her son who was eating.

She wasn't yelling at her son, she was angry at her own incompetence.

Niu Niu did not go to college and ran away from home, but not because of guilt for his parents.

Because guilt makes people want to hug, fear makes people stay away.

Chun Yan's unstable mood and the dispute with Cao Debao are also a kind of "toss" for the child.

In real life, those parents who scolded when they were young because their children did a wrong question in the exam, and parents who beat their chests because their children pushed their mouths.

Those parents who, in order to repeatedly test their children's filial piety, talk with guns and sticks and knock on the side, those parents who are more interested in their daughters-in-law and son-in-law...

In the end, it all stems from dissatisfaction with one's own life.

Why are Luo Shibin and Zhou Rong in "The World of Man" keen on "tossing children"?

A person must first manage his own life, feel that everything is lovely, in order to learn to love, you yourself can become respectable and lovely.

In the management of parent-child relationship, "respectable" and "cute" are much more effective than "tossing"!

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