
When couples quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you ever done it?

In the process of communication between men and women, often "IQ" does not play much role, and the level of "emotional intelligence" can have a great impact on feelings.

For women, and high emotional intelligence of men to communicate, will feel very comfortable and relaxed, and and low emotional intelligence of men will be very tired, and even feel difficult to communicate, especially after marriage, "emotional intelligence" on the impact of married life is more serious, and a high emotional intelligence of the man to live together, life will be a lot easier and happier, even if it is a quarrel will not be very angry, and with a man with low emotional intelligence to live a married life, there is not much of a thing, quarrel can make themselves angry half dead.

So how to tell a man's emotional intelligence is high and low? Just look at the time when the husband and wife quarrel, you know that when the husband and wife quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you done it?

When couples quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you ever done it?

1. Be reasonable

Married life is the continuation of love, a new starting point for a love.

In marriage, there are more difficult times than the love period, if you can successfully pass, the relationship between husband and wife will become more and more beautiful. However, when the husband and wife experience setbacks, it is inevitable that there will be contradictions, and there may be quarrels between husband and wife, and in the quarrel, if the man has been reasoning with the woman, then the man's "emotional intelligence" must not be high.

Men's starting point at the beginning is wrong, men and women quarrel, simply can not be reasonable with women, women quarrel with you, will not be for reason, they just want you to coax her, everything will be easy to solve, and if a man, only know to be reasonable, then things may be more and more stiff, contradictions will become bigger and bigger, and even endanger marriage.

When couples quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you ever done it?

2. Right and wrong

Everyone's married life can not be smooth, on the road of marriage, it is inevitable to encounter some setbacks, and when encountering these setbacks, if the husband and wife are handled incorrectly, it is inevitable that contradictions will occur, and at this time, the quarrel between husband and wife will begin.

At this time is the time to reflect the height of a man's "emotional intelligence", a man with low emotional intelligence, will argue with women about right and wrong, must discuss who is right and who is wrong, if it is not wrong, then no matter what they do, then they will not admit their mistakes, if it is women who do wrong, then men will not give up, this kind of man, is a typical "low emotional intelligence" performance.

Men and women quarrel, in fact, may not be a big thing, men take the lead in admitting mistakes, women will no longer think about it, the most wrong decision made by men is to argue with women about right and wrong, because you can't talk about women, and finally you have to admit your mistakes, you have a fire in your heart, and you really women, and even can endanger your married life.

When couples quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you ever done it?

3, unable to control their emotions, angry with their wives

The level of emotional intelligence is reflected in both a person's handling of the world and a person's emotional control.

A person with high emotional intelligence, who is rounded in the world, can bring a very comfortable feeling to the people around him, but also can control his emotions very well, and will not be angry at will, and people with low emotional intelligence are the opposite.

In marriage, husband and wife quarrels are inevitable, if in the process of quarrel, men can not control their emotions, always their wives are angry, then the man's emotional intelligence must not be too high, because people with high emotional intelligence, know how to control their emotions, will not easily be angry with others, let alone their wives.

When couples quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you ever done it?

4, say harsh words to hurt women

When quarreling, the most taboo thing is that men say harsh words to hurt their women, you must know that these words are like knives, which will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people they love the most. Once spoken, it will be difficult to heal, and her feelings for you will become weaker and weaker after that.

And a wise man, on the other hand, would not do this, preferring to remain silent himself than to say what he could not say, because he knew the dangers of those words. No one can accept it, let alone his own wife.

When couples quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you ever done it?

5. Talk about divorce

When quarreling, everyone is very emotional, it is easy not to say anything, some men are more about divorce hanging on the lips, threatening women, such a method may be effective once or twice, but in the long run, the speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart, the woman will easily understand that you really want to divorce, and gradually the heart will be cold.

And the really smart man, who knows how to guard his marriage, even if he quarrels, he will manage his mouth, never easily say the two words of divorce, and he is more worried about a word of truth, resulting in an irreparable scene.

When couples quarrel, the more men with low emotional intelligence, the more often they will do these 5 things, have you ever done it?

In fact, many quarrels are not necessary at all, their wives, why bother so much?

Some small things, let go of one step on their own, when there is a sign of quarrel, men are cheeky, coax her, make her laugh Nothing happens, you let her once, next time she will listen to you once, aren't feelings sublimated in these small details of life?

You are the ones who want to accompany you for a lifetime, and you don't have this bit of arrogance, so where will there be a future? So, these 5 taboos when quarrelling, do you remember? Don't be that stupid man.

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