
"Dear Child": Fang Yinuo's production of confinement is too real, and women have to break through three major difficulties alone

"Dear Child", a family emotional drama, has been mixed since its inception, and because the plot is too real, netizens have mixed feelings and various hot discussions.

Even the state media People's Daily commented by name on "Dear Child" that "selling anxiety please stop at the right time", sending out a soul question: "Is the realistic theme more realistic, or is it torturing the audience?" ”

However, some netizens questioned:

"Do you watch dramas only to watch the kind of quiet, domineering president dramas and Mary Sue heroine dramas of the years of you and me?" Reflecting reality can make people see the problem. ”

So, is this drama selling anxiety, or is it a conscience drama that truly reflects real life, as some netizens say?

"Dear Child": Fang Yinuo's production of confinement is too real, and women have to break through three major difficulties alone

Personally, I think that Fang Yinuo has three major hurdles to break through in being a mother, which is indeed very true in the play

The first level: production

Zhang Ailing once wrote: "What is the use of having children? What's the use? Born of death? “

A woman, born

The child is just breaking through a ghost door.

The scene in the play when Fang Yinuo was giving birth really made even a woman who had been a mother for N years can't help but have a resonance of her heart.

Fang Yinuo wanted to have a normal birth, but the pain made it difficult for her to control herself, and when the doctor let her have a caesarean section if she didn't do it, she was still stubbornly insisting, "Doctor, I am just very afraid of pain, I want to give birth smoothly." Unfortunately, the final result was to go to the operating table and be dissected.

What a tangled and big choice to face when having a baby.

At this time, in contrast, Xiao Lu, as a husband, can quietly send the placenta to his mother who loves to play mahjong in the gap between Fang Yinuo's birth.

"Dear Child": Fang Yinuo's production of confinement is too real, and women have to break through three major difficulties alone

The highlight of life, and the difficulties of the family, first of all, fall on the woman.

The first level that Fang Yinuo broke through, is also the level that every woman wants to break before becoming a mother, Ren Suxi's interpretation, so that you and I in front of the screen feel the nervous anxiety of production.

The second level: postpartum body pain

After Fang Yinuo gave birth, although she did not show it, we can easily feel her discomfort.

Body pain, breast swelling, waist pain, wound pain, poor sleep, all kinds of physical discomfort, but also responsible for the child's feeding, pay attention to all the child's actions, the child is anxious to cry.

At this stage, it's still just the person who is the mother who bears everything alone.

If Xiao Lu showed a little bit of concern, maybe the audience's acceptance was better.

But it is obvious that Xiao Lu's husband gives people a very bland impression, and the only thing we can feel is a super depressed novice mother, Fang Yinuo, who is suspicious and nervous, nervously supporting herself and considering everything about her children.

"Dear Child": Fang Yinuo's production of confinement is too real, and women have to break through three major difficulties alone

This level will undoubtedly give the audience mothers a very deep emotional resonance, and it is not easy to be a mother.

Third level: The pressure of "mom" identity

The birth of children makes men and women automatically upgrade to mom and dad, but this is responsible for the lives of weak children, and greater mental pressure is placed on the mother.

Fang Yinuo undoubtedly loves her daughter very much, and her love is more than loving herself.

For the sake of the child, even forgot that she was confinement, could not sleep in the middle of the night, just to get up to monitor the confinement sister-in-law, whether there is milk powder for the child, she wants to ensure that her child is exclusively breastfed.

This mood is more like the state of every new mother.

Just want to give the best to the child, have a child forget themselves.

But in life, it is difficult to estimate this. We are all mortal, and the pain of production and body is already uncomfortable, and the reality of more people is that it will be difficult to adapt to this role at all.

"Dear Child": Fang Yinuo's production of confinement is too real, and women have to break through three major difficulties alone

Although I also want to be a good mother, without the support of my father and family, it will be difficult for my mother to be alone, a very painful stage, and it is difficult to pay full attention to the love of my child as Fang Yinuo.

On the other hand, Father Xiao Lu has neither given birth nor experienced physical pain, and in terms of responsibility for the child, because the mother and the child have a symbiotic relationship with the umbilical cord, Fang Yinuo's responsibility and sensitivity to the child are stronger. And Xiao Lu, should sleep or go to sleep.

Write at the end:

In fact, fang Yinuo experienced the pain of this series of production, the heaviness brought about by physical discomfort;

The nervous anxiety, emotional irritability, and excessive attention to the child due to the sense of responsibility for the child are all inevitable experienced by her mother at that stage.

It is also a more difficult stage that every mother will face, which is inevitable.

Come through this stage, everything will gradually get better.

In the play, Ren Suxi's super sense of substitution performance restores a mother who is more anxious than real life. It is to reflect reality, and then to overreact reality, and then to reflect reality, not to be true.

"Dear Child": Fang Yinuo's production of confinement is too real, and women have to break through three major difficulties alone

Therefore, I personally think that the sense of rhythm expressed in "Dear Child" is really selling anxiety.

Fang Yinuo's tone, from the first episode, the camera in front of the mirror for a minute, has laid a heavy atmosphere for the show.

It reflects real life, but exposing all kinds of deficiencies, repression, and contradictions of life together, without blood and warmth, is the prejudice against life.

The effect of this prejudice is that it is a gloomy psychological rendering for unmarried people who have not experienced it.

For women who have experienced it, if they are still dwelling on those pasts, it only reinforces the resentment and denial of life.

And for women who have gone through that stage and begun to rely on their own strength to try to live, this resonance and tearing of the past is completely meaningless and hurtful.

Some netizens said: "Life is tired enough, why watch this kind of film to make yourself more upset." "What do you say?

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