
Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

If I hadn't heard about it, I really wouldn't have known that there would be a "wife running" phenomenon around me.

In the family group, I heard the news: I have a distant cousin, and the man has a child, and finally ran out of the man's house. Now the mother's family was hesitant to send her back.

The cousin was still young, in her twenties, and although she had a child with her husband, she did not have a marriage license (because she was not of marriageable age at the time). Now that the child was not yet two years old, she left the child and ran back from that poor ravine.

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

I can't help but think of the phenomenon of "running wives" in some remote rural areas today. The woman is either unmarried and pregnant, has a child and does not receive a license, and finally leaves the child and leaves; or she is not long after marriage and clamors for divorce, and if she does not agree, she takes the opportunity to run away, so that the man can bear the loss of a large dowry.

For this reason, many people are indignant, thinking that such women are too "absolute", and at the same time, they are very sympathetic to the single sticks in the countryside, thinking that they have spent a lot of money to marry their daughters-in-law, and as a result, the daughter-in-law has run away because she is too material or too snobbish. When you are not married, you face "difficulty in pleasing your wife", and when you get married, you have to pass the "running wife" pass, which is really bitter.

In fact? Are those running wives in the countryside really all running because they are selfish and greedy for enjoyment? Here are some reasons you might not notice:

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

◆ No marriage to the whole family rush, married family cheating

If you ask what the status of women is today, I can only say that the status of women in the cities has increased, but the status of rural women is the same as usual.

Perhaps, it is really the economic base that determines the superstructure. In areas where economic conditions are more backward, people's thinking has not yet advanced to a certain extent, and the situation of "male superiority over female inferiority" is widespread.

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

Especially in rural areas with backward economic conditions, if there are older unmarried men in the family, the whole family is more anxious than anyone. There are also many compromises to marry a daughter-in-law. However, once the woman is married, the attitude of the whole family will change wonderfully. You will feel that as a wife, it is natural that only the husband is respected, the in-laws are the elders, and naturally they must listen to their words, and they must do whatever they want.

As a result, if you don't give birth to a son, you will be scolded by your husband and hated by your in-laws. Some family men are incompetent, and the whole family is decided by the in-laws. Once the woman marries, the strong in-laws will receive the son's salary and fix some expenses for the younger two every month. If the man works outside the home and the wife lives with the in-laws, the money sent by the man is all held by the parents, and the wife's daily expenses must be opened to the in-laws.

If the in-laws are not good to the daughter-in-law, it is usually difficult to ask for money, and the daughter-in-law naturally cannot persist.

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

◆ Life has no head, and there is no hope

Of course, many times the wife runs away because she can't see hope at home and feels that life is not running.

This includes, but is not limited to, men who have no ability to earn money; or men are not well used to eating, drinking, gambling, and hitting women when they drink; or men only care about the immediate and earn money to eat Haycocks and flowers, and can't save.

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

In fact, after women get married, most of them are upward, hoping to live a good life. This is especially true for women who have children. But if the man next to him is not motivated, or all kinds of misconduct makes him see no hope in life, women have no choice but to run.

Where did it go? Run to the city, work to earn money, and support yourself.

I believe that every parent is looking forward to Jackie Chan, looking forward to the female chengfeng, at the end of the article for all parents to share a good book, don't miss it!

Take the words of the world-famous physicist Yang Zhenning:

If you want your child to learn mathematics well, the first step is to first understand the basic concepts of mathematics; secondly, the origin of its basic concepts, which requires parents to accompany their children to read more mathematical books and play some mathematical games in the process of tutoring their children's mathematical problems.

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

However, climbing the pinnacle of mathematics is not an easy task. Yang Zhenning, a world-famous physicist, said: "I also think mathematics is very boring, but when I saw Liu Xuanyu's math book, I was very surprised. Can you still learn math like this? ”

Yang Zhenning was the greatest physicist after Newton and Einstein. The math teacher he can recognize, Liu Xuanyu, can't be wrong.

Who is Liu Xuanyu?

Compared with mathematicians such as Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun, Liu Xuanyu is not well-known, because his energy is mainly in mathematics teaching and the preparation of primary and secondary school textbooks.

Liu Xuanyu wrote many mathematical books in his lifetime, the most famous of which are these three:

The first book is "Mr. Ma Talks About Mathematics", which mainly talks about how to use the graphical method to solve some of the four problems of arithmetic

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

The second book is "Mathematical Fun", which mainly talks about the mathematical problems encountered in daily life, we say that all things are mathematics, and learning mathematics through all things is the fastest.

The third book is The Garden of Mathematics, which is a bit more difficult, and it talks about the concepts of functions, continuums, induced functions, differentiation, integrals, and sums, as well as the basic principles of their operations. Although it is a little deep, the method of explanation is very good, and the sixth grade baby can still understand part of the content.

Colleagues show this book to children, usually children also tutor mathematics, sometimes feel that cram school is a bit boring. But when the child read this book, he found it very interesting, and he could also use what he learned in the cram school.

Why is there a phenomenon of "running wives" in rural areas? Can't escape the following reasons, many people ignore

I didn't feel tired after watching it for an hour! Parents: It's a rare good book!

For this set of classic mathematical science books compiled by Mr. Liu Xuanyu, parents also gave a high evaluation, parents said that "this series of books in general has a kind of follow-through temptation, from shallow to deep feeling, the language is particularly convincing"

It can be said that after reading this set of books, there is no need to worry about mathematics in elementary and junior high schools.

This set of classic mathematics series, the biggest benefit is to stimulate students' hidden enthusiasm and desire to learn, so that students love to learn mathematics, many parents said that "Mathematics Three Books" is a rare good book, can not be missed!

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