
I am 27 years old. My name is Fang Xin. Today is my sixth day of marriage. My husband pressed me every night, and I felt out of breath every night. My husband is really too fat, he weighs one hundred and eighty pounds

author:Emotional fun

I am 27 years old. My name is Fang Xin. Today is my sixth day of marriage. My husband pressed me every night, and I felt out of breath every night. My husband is really too fat, he weighs one hundred and eighty pounds. This kind of life makes me very depressed every day, so I want to end the relationship and get divorced, but my parents try to stop me, which makes me very entangled. I really don't know what to do.

After graduating from college and entering the society, I have been working hard to improve my standard of living. So no time to talk about boyfriends. I am now 27 years old. My family is very worried about my marriage and wants me to get married as soon as possible. So my parents arranged for me to go on a blind date many times.

I am a photography model. Because of the professionalism of the models, we have high requirements for this industry, and we must always maintain a good body. I am 174 tall and weigh 97 pounds. I'm in good shape. The blind date arranged by my family did not meet my criteria for choosing a mate at all. Probably because I have a high vision.

The next day, the family arranged a blind date for me, which made me very unhappy, so I went out to rent an apartment by myself to avoid the nagging of my family. But my parents kept asking me to go out on blind dates, but I was always very reluctant, so they said that it was the last blind date.

If it doesn't work out this time, they won't arrange it for me in the future. Do as I please. I thought it would be the last time and agreed.

His name is Li Feng, and he has an older sister in the family. His family is in business and has good family conditions. He is also a very generous person. Although he was a little taller than me, he was really fat. He weighs more than 180 pounds. We were really embarrassed together. Due to the nature of my work, I have strict control over my life and diet. So I can't accept such a fat person.

If he is going to be my husband. I really can't imagine my future life. So I decided to end the date and leave, but he was interested in me and he seemed to like me a lot. Because we have exchanged contact details. So he kept wanting to ask me out for fun, supper or something.

Not only that, he also messaged me every day, cared about me, and offered to chat with me. I rejected his confession many times, but he contacted me every day like a dog skin plaster, which embarrassed me. Whenever he was free, he would go straight to my house to please my parents.

Seeing that he was fine, my parents began to tell me over and over again that I was so old that I had to get married quickly, and they wanted to hold my grandson and let me try to accept him. "Xinxin, you see this young man likes you so much and cares so much about you. If you can marry him, you don't have to worry about suffering later, although he is a little fat, but why can't you try to accept him?

Because of my parents' persuasion, I began to rethink whether he was a good fit. Later, Li Feng was a little worried about his weight. So he started losing weight and went to the gym every day. After a while, he lost some weight.

He insisted on losing weight, which touched me and surprised me. It also made me reconsider him. So we used to eat and watch movies together, and he would pick me up after work.

He was very nice to me. In six months, we'll start talking about marriage. His family prepared a house and a car, and also prepared a dowry of 200,000 yuan.

In our hometown, such a high bride price is already very high, so our whole family is very satisfied. Our marriage went well. After getting married, he began to eat and drink like a changed person.

He always eats unhealthy junk food in the middle of the night and doesn't pay attention to his own health. Also, the room was often filled with bad smells, so we would argue about these issues. I often scolded him when he went out to eat and drink, but he didn't want to talk to me at all.

Every night when he went to bed, he would snore loudly. Because of the noise, I often can't sleep at night. I had no choice but to take him to workout.

I want to use exercise to regulate his healthy life. He was happy at first, but couldn't hold on after a few days. When I asked him out for a workout again, he said, "You go alone, don't bother me." I just want to stay home. "In short, he always refused to go out with me for various reasons.

Later I said to him, "Honey, you're so young and energetic now, why don't you keep losing weight?" How to lose weight when you are old? As we age, fat increases. It's best to start losing weight!

Unexpectedly, he got angry and had a big fight with me. "Leave me alone. Even if I'm so fat, someone will want me. "What he said made me completely disappointed in him. I thought I would change his habits. I couldn't stand him anymore. And I found his bad habits special: he was really lazy and never did housework when he came home.

Every day when I come home, I lie on the couch, play with my phone, or sleep. Every day, he was very inactive. He doesn't help with housework or go out looking for work. How much money he can have each month depends on what his parents give him.

Every time I scolded him, he would say, "What are you staring at me every day?" Can you give me a break and do what I want to do? My family has money, and now I am happy every day. I have my habits and you have your own. Let's not disturb each other. #Emotion# #Emotion Emotion#

What am I going to do?

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