
Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

Engaged in not caring about himself to actively cooperate, "Dear" Lao Su to do matching, he is not just for Lei Wen

At first, Lao Su's work-oriented personality really did not bring him a good audience.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

In the eyes of many people, this old man who started a business with Xiao Lu is the epitome of most of the bosses in society: constantly drawing cakes, constantly beating chicken blood, and then constantly being calculated. Even if Hehe was sick at the beginning and used to call Xiao Lu a brother and brother, he did not offer to help Xiao Lu.

When Xiao Lu decided to jump ship, his words of retention were not at all emotional, as if the man in front of him who lacked money and was about to go crazy had to put down his self-esteem and bend his knees to ask him for help, and he was willing to help him.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

It is such a person who is good at calculation, but after knowing Lei Wen, he began to change, and even behind everyone's back, he quietly went to the hospital to draw blood to test whether he could give the match.

The two sides of human nature are vividly embodied in Lao Su.

Move for love

In Old Sue's old dictionary, the emotions between men and women were not very necessary for him. Because in his cognition, the first thing a man must have is a career.

That's what he said and that's what he did.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

Falling in love with a girl younger than herself, hearing from the background about the game she doesn't like to watch, and concluding that she has become a wronged boss. He quickly offered to break up and ended the relationship without nostalgia.

At first, Lao Sue used emotion as a spice for his life, but it didn't mean he didn't care. After breaking up with his little girlfriend, he went to the bar alone. Maybe it's drunk, maybe it's a sigh, but no matter what kind of state he appears in front of Lei Wen, he is an old man who has lost love in Lei Wen's eyes.

Old Su fascinates Lei Wen, or rather, a man like Old Su will always inexplicably fascinate some girls. Not only because they have money and leisure, but more importantly, there is stability that young people do not have.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

Lei Wen also fascinated Lao Su. The little girl in front of her opened a bar by herself. It seems to be wandering in the lights, but it is a sensual person.

Two seemingly unrelated people, but inexplicably attracted to each other and became good friends.

Old Su knew that Lei Wen's heart was not as hard as it seemed, but he did not expect that Lei Wen would engage in an activity in his own bar to draw blood and match the type to be free of orders for Fang Yinuo's children.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

Knowing that this was a thankless activity, Lao Su really did not understand why he was doing it. But when Lei Wen said: "Even if a person goes to the hospital to draw blood and do matching, this matter is not in vain." This made him feel enlightened.

He understood how much Lei Wen cared about Fang Yinuo's friend, how much he sympathized with Hehe, who was only 5 years old, and how much he hoped that he could contribute to his girlfriend. Strong feelings made Lei Wen feel the same situation as Fang Yinuo. In her heart, as long as she does it, there is a glimmer of possibility, but if she doesn't do it at all, it becomes a hundred percent loss of hope.

Haruki Murakami said:

Hope is fire, disappointment is smoke. Life is about lighting a fire and smoking at the same time.

Lei Wen's various behaviors made Lao Su even more impressed with her: this girl is really so different. She is beautiful, generous, untying, and unpretentious.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

When Old Su's attitude towards Lei Wen changed so much, he fell into it and couldn't extricate himself. The man's instinctive desire for protection drove him to the hospital to fulfill Lei Wen's wish of "no work in vain".

This love is very deep, almost seeing all the life of lao Su, for the sake of the person she loves in her heart, chooses to change herself, and let herself try to live as she hopes.

On the cruise ship, Lao Su and Lei Wen confessed their hearts, and he also heard Lei Wen's heartfelt love for himself. Two people who are afraid of love finally unloaded their shells and leaned together.

For Lei Wen to be more self-contained

Man is a very complex animal, and when the heart determines that a thing is worthwhile, it will give without hesitation and without reservation.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

When Lao Su understood his intentions, he had already decided to go to the hospital and try to match hehe. However, at this time, he was not only for Lei Wen, but also for himself.

Lao Su's company can have today's achievements, Xiao Lu is absolutely indispensable, and even it can be said that without Xiao Lu, there is no company today.

However, from Xiao Lu's divorce by Zhu Zhu's design, to remarrying later, to Hehe's illness, these are all huge things for Xiao Lu, but Lao Su has never shown his attitude towards Xiao Lu's brother. Because in Lao Su's previous cognition, these were not excuses that Xiao Lu used to prevaricate work. In the final analysis, Xiao Lu was in Lao Su's heart before, but he was just a weapon to complete his career.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

Xiao Lu resigned from the company, to put it bluntly, because he needed money to treat his illness. If only he had a thought of Xiao Lu and a hint of past friendship. It can't be said that the family is ruined, at least take the initiative to take out money to solve xiao lu's immediate urgency.

However, he did not, did not, and even did not understand Xiao Lu's departure from his job to a competitor.

Once the old Sue, too selfish. Whether for yourself or for your employees. This kind of indifference to the actions of employees who fight with themselves is not only a Xiao Lu, but his kindness to the world.

Engaged in not caring about themselves to actively cooperate, "Dear" Old Su to do matching, not for Lei Wen is for himself

All this has changed drastically after knowing Lei Wen, who is reflecting on himself in Lei Wen's deeds, so instead of saying that Lao Su took the initiative to draw blood for Lei Wen, it was better to say that what happened during this time was to redeem himself.

Write at the end

Many people feel that Lao Su just hid his goodwill under his poisonous tongue.

However, from the moment Lei Wen occupied his heart, he saw that there were still feelings in the human world that transcended blood. This had no less impact on him than going through a huge ups and downs.

Old Su was very fortunate, glad to have met Lei Wen. It is precisely because of her that I have re-expected a different life and have a transcendent interpretation of my future life.

Yang Dai once wrote:

Meeting a good lover is a gift. Only people who really like you will feel that you are particularly good in their hearts. Because of this kind of love, you will become confident and confident. A good lover can alleviate half of the human suffering.

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