
Men in good condition are equally single, which is normal

In the impression, people with better conditions will generally be easier to find objects.

Because when their own conditions are good, in getting along, many people will be more willing to get closer, and they will be more willing to continue to communicate.

Probably because of this, so in life, when we meet people who are obviously in good condition, but they are single, they often unconsciously often have an idea that the other party is not something wrong, so they will be left.

Is there any physical defect, is there something wrong with the personality, or is there something difficult to say?

We will have such an idea, which is understandable, but we don't have to be trapped in this kind of thinking all the time, obviously we have met a good person, but because of this imagination, we will give up in vain.

You know, if you are single in good condition, it may not be that there is something wrong with the other party.

In life, there are really a lot of women, and there are a lot of men, all aspects are very good, and they are still single.

Men in good condition are equally single, which is normal

I didn't want to find it before, and I was busy with something else.

It can be said that the current era is the most diverse and the most abundant.

In the current context of the times, people's thinking about marriage has long been less single, and they feel that in their early twenties, they must get married quickly, but can accept that young people will marry later.

At the same time, for young people, even if they are alone, they often have a lot of fun and can live very well.

Therefore, but the marriage and love environment is relatively relaxed, a person's life can be so comfortable, many men, when his own conditions are already good, he really does not want to enter the marriage so early.

For a long time, he would only want to see the world well and do something he liked.

He also hopes that after he walks out of school, he will have his own time alone and have a very good memory.

Out of this thought, if he is not careful, his age will become not small, and he will begin to want to get married.

At this time, when he really began to look for the other half of his life, he found that many people around him were already married, and he might not have a more suitable person around him, so he could only go on a blind date, and could only get to know some people he didn't know.

After all, no one is waiting for him all the time, as long as he wants to fall in love, he will rush to his side, and have a beginning with him, he also needs to look for it in the crowd.

Men in good condition are equally single, which is normal

Passive personality, not very know how to love.

In love, the conditions are good, which is indeed a plus, but just the conditions are good, but it is not enough.

Women will care about men's conditions, but also about men's personalities and how they feel about being with each other.

When a man, he is just in good condition, does not take the initiative to make friends with the opposite sex, always looks very cold, and may not just have someone come to his side, saying that he will be with him.

Even if you happen to have a beginning with whom, but if you are always very wooden when you get along with the opposite sex, you are not active at all, you don't know how to express your thoughts, and you don't know how to win the favor of women.

Generally speaking, in the relationship, women are often not as active as men, but also will desire some of the love of men, men who know how to take the initiative to show kindness, it is easier to say goodbye to singles, not active and do not know how to grasp, it will be really difficult.

Such a man, he is not deficient, but for the matter of feelings, he is not brave enough, and he still needs a little time to learn.

Compared to others, he will appear to be a little slower and hotter, and he will also appear to be less familiar with people's feelings.

It seems that falling in love with him is a very boring thing, but if you can really give him a little more time to enter his heart, it will also be a very good love, he will be more dedicated, and more affectionate.

Men in good condition are equally single, which is normal

There are requirements for love, and I have not met the right person.

The more a man with good conditions, the more he will actually have requirements for his partner.

What he wants is a love that he really likes and really likes himself, is in love with each other, and is like-minded with each other, a love that can be achieved by each other.

He has always been very aware of his demands, so when the person he meets is not suitable, even if more people come to his life, he will not choose to settle, but will only want to wait a little longer.

He has always been waiting for such a person, but his circle is limited, good fate can not be sought, for many years, he has not met, so he has always been single.

Good love, that always requires some luck, not everyone in their twenties, can be just so lucky.

For him, it was easy to find someone to marry, but he just didn't want to settle down, and he wanted to wait a little longer.

Not only women, but also many men, for love and marriage, he is always more lacking than indiscriminate.

Because he knows very well that if the person who marries himself is not what he wants, all this does not make any sense, a bad marriage is not as good as his own, what he longs for is that two people are together, better than one person, can be happier.

Men in good condition are equally single, which is normal

Whether you meet a good man in a blind date, or if you accidentally meet a good man in all aspects, we don't have to subjectively feel that the other party must have a lot of choices, and singleness is a hidden feeling.

Good conditions, still single, that is not abnormal.

There is not only one answer to the world's affairs, many questions, and many things, and there is not only one way to say them.

When we meet such a person, we just have a more normal mentality and get along with each other.

Believing that the other person is reliable, but also believing that they are worthwhile, it is possible to each other.

Give each other a chance, but also give yourself a chance.

Then, as to whether each other has a future, let time give us an answer.

Text/Tan Meng


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