
Think clearly about these three questions before you consider getting married!

Many couples in love will want to marry each other and love each other for a lifetime. But marriage is not the same as love, not sentient drinking, do not wait for contradictions and problems to appear and then regret.

No matter what state you are in, whether you are pregnant or not. Do not use the way of a saint and a gentleman to demand responsibility.

The most important thing in life is to choose marriage carefully. Family is the root of one's own, and you or she cannot afford it.

Don't force it.

As Johnson said, "Marriage is too hasty, and idleness will cause trouble." ”

So when you decide to go into marriage, there are a few questions you need to think hard about and not be carried away by hormones.

Think clearly about these three questions before you consider getting married!


Residency issues after marriage

It's not that you can't get married without a house, but you have to have a plan to buy a house in order for your marriage to be stable.

The house is meant to provide a sense of security!

In terms of choice expectations, compared to a person without a house, a person with a house is likely to be superior to him in some way, which may be ability, family, and so on

In this way, in the future, the person who has a house will most likely develop better than the person without a house, and the probability of his own stability and happiness will also increase

So you can't get married without a house?

No, the hukou is a necessity for marriage

But you know, walking down with you is like walking through a glass boardwalk on a canyon, and you say it's safe, but I'm insecure, I don't dare to go. And the house is like a carpet on it, although the heart is still very worried, but at least there is some sense of security

And don't want a house to want to get married, you have to prove that this glass boardwalk is really safe!

Think clearly about these three questions before you consider getting married!


Children's problems after marriage

When you meet the guy who wants to marry him, it must be someone worth cooperating with, so the essence of marriage is to unite stronger.

So, since the essence of marriage is cooperation, what does it have to do with whether or not to have children?

At this time, you can reflect the importance of the child, with a child, the couple will have to face a bunch of problems, before pregnancy to exercise together, pregnancy to take care of, postpartum children's eating, drinking and sleeping, after the child care problems, occasionally there are husband and wife contradictions, mother-in-law contradictions to deal with... After that there are problems with the education of children, etc

Having children will greatly affect women's career development, and at the same time, men's financial pressure will increase.

Moreover, previous reports and surveys showed that the cost of raising a child to junior high school in some areas was nearly 800,000 yuan, of which education accounted for the majority.

Therefore, before getting married, we must clearly know whether we are willing to give up a lot of things for the sake of children on the issue of bringing up children, and whether there are too big differences.

After all, as long as there are no children, after the divorce, the two people will have no half-cent relationship. But with children, you have to be involved for the rest of your life.

Think clearly about these three questions before you consider getting married!


The issue of post-marital responsibility

Before marriage, we always thought that the housework after marriage was half of one person, similar to when I cooked you had to wash the dishes, I mopped the floor and you had to dry your clothes, anyway, I thought that as long as I did the same housework, then relative to you also have to do the same housework.

But after marriage, you will suddenly feel: It turns out that my marriage is not equal.

For the equality of men and women is still because of the previous influence, now advocate equality between men and women, but in marriage some people tend to live and ignore equality, or your principles of life have slowly been tilted.

Marriage means not only the exchange of resources, but also the sharing of risks.

Career illness on either side can be a huge burden on the family. If both parents are old, various accidents are possible.

If the income is stable and everything is working normally, the feelings of the two people are naturally smooth, once there is a problem in the economy, or when the family has an accident or disaster, there are often many contradictions between relatives at this time, and there is not much support in thinking.

Are you really ready to take responsibility for your little family and not to give up?

Think clearly about these three questions before you consider getting married!

Write at the end

If you don't think much about marriage, then time will use neglect, unbalanced giving, lack of communication, etc., to turn the person you love into a wrong person.

If before marriage, even communication is stingy, then how can you expect to understand each other after marriage?

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