
"Your confinement, my mother sent you 20 bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, you should serve"


It is said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is difficult, but in fact, it is nothing more than a matter of comparing hearts to hearts.

If both sides can treat each other with sincerity, presumably they can also get along harmoniously.

The heroine in the next case met the mother-in-law who loved to make a play, and finally broke up with her unclear husband.

Li Qianqian, like all ordinary girls, married herself at a marriageable age.

This marriage is not good or bad, it can be said that it is the kind of decent.

He and her husband Wang Lei met at a friend's party, and after more than a year of love, they were ready to settle the marriage.

Li Qianqian vaguely remembers the day she met her parents, her mother-in-law was enthusiastic and happy.

Not only did he make a large table of dishes, but he also greeted Qianqian with a mouthful of greetings.

This made her heart, who was originally a little nervous, feel warm in her heart.

After some greetings, the mother-in-law began to praise Li Qianqian. One will say that this girl has a long water spirit, and the other will say that his son is blessed.

After a burst of sugar-coated shells, Li Qianqian was a little dizzy.

Even Wang Lei said, "You see, my mother likes you a lot." Heck, if you marry me, you'll probably have more status than me!"

The two young men began to laugh and play, walking the streets of the cool night.

Not long after this time, the two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage license.

"Your confinement, my mother sent you 20 bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, you should serve"

After marriage, the mother-in-law does not live with the two children, so her and her husband's little life is still relatively calm.

But within a few months, the husband began to go to his mother-in-law's house for dinner in the evening.

Originally, she was pulling Li Qianqian along, but she was a little uncomfortable for a long time, so she became her husband alone.

Slowly, the husband did not return home until after eight o'clock.

Although the two have a general relationship, but the life has become like this, Li Qianqian still feels that something is wrong.

She also said to her husband about this matter: "Wang Lei, we are all married, you can't always stay with your mother." ”

But Wang Lei was a little confused after listening, and then he said with some displeasure: "Oh, isn't that also afraid that we will eat takeaway, yes, why don't you go, and your mother also said that if you are pregnant, you should eat healthy." ”

Li Qianqian was a little speechless when she saw that her husband was still relying on her mother like a child.

But soon, Li Qianqian was really pregnant with the child.

When the mother-in-law knows, don't be happy.

Every day, he told his son to take good care of Qianqian and buy whatever he wanted.

But Li Qianqian felt that there was one thing that was a little strange, that is, her mother-in-law rarely came to see her, but said that she would definitely come when she was confinement.

Therefore, throughout the pregnancy, the parents of the mother's family take care of her, and the parents will find a way to make it for her if they want to eat.

"Your confinement, my mother sent you 20 bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, you should serve"

Sometimes she would praise her father and mother to her husband, but her husband always said dismissively: "Then my mother is very good to you, every time she will tell me to be good to you, and my ears will be cocooned." ”

But Li Qianqian was a little uncomfortable when she heard this, and she thought that no one would say beautiful words.

She wanted to see how her mother-in-law would serve her after giving birth to a child.

Soon the baby was born, but the mother-in-law said good to take care of the confinement, and there has been no news.

Until Li Qianqian carried the child home, the mother-in-law did not have a letter of approval.

At this time, she was a little upset, and said to her husband: "Your mother, didn't you pat your chest and take care of me?" I've brought all my children home, but what about people?"

The husband was a little embarrassed on the face, but he insisted that he would come right away.

Privately he quickly contacted his mother again, and when he saw his son calling, the old lady finally came reluctantly.

When I arrived at my son's house, I didn't have two things in my hand, but I said it very well.

I have been complaining that I am late, and I also say that I blame my body for not fighting, either headaches or pains in my arms and legs.

And Li Qianqian listened to these words, and she only smiled awkwardly.

After the mother-in-law came, in fact, Li Qianqian's pressure did not ease much.

Because the mother-in-law is lazy and loves to watch TV, only when the son is there, he will pour two bowls of chicken soup out of the rice cooker.

In front of her son, she smiled and gave the chicken soup to Li Qianqian, and said that she could not lose her mouth during the month.

The old lady's drama is just right every time, so that the son always thinks that she is doing her best to serve the daughter-in-law.

But only Li Qianqian knew that this chicken soup was served to her son.

Usually, when her husband is not at home, her mother-in-law rarely brings food to her, but she gets up to get food by herself.

Even when the children are crying, the mother-in-law stays in the living room to watch TV. After a few times, Li Qianqian did not expect her mother-in-law to take care of the children by herself.

Although she did not break with her mother-in-law on the surface, privately she also told her husband about the mother-in-law's face and a set of things behind her back.

"Your confinement, my mother sent you 20 bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, you should serve"

But when the husband heard it, he didn't believe it at all, and said, "Mom is not good for you?" I have given you every bowl of chicken soup, and you must act according to your conscience. ”

Finally, no matter what Li Qianqian said, her husband said that she was slandering her mother-in-law.

Seeing that her husband did not believe in herself at all, Li Qianqian's chest was stuffy for several days.

Later, when she saw her mother-in-law making a play, she had a tight chest.

It wasn't until she came out of the confinement and sent her mother-in-law away that she became angry.

Although the days had returned to calm, the yuezi vendetta had lingered in Li Qianqian's heart.

Coincidentally, feng shui took turns.

Within two years, my mother-in-law was hospitalized for a small stroke.

Because the husband's work is busy, the in-laws want their daughter-in-law to take care of it.

Only to see her husband say to Li Qianqian: "Qian'er, my mother has suffered a stroke." I can't be busy, so I rely on you to take care of my mother. ”

But Li Qianqian said for half a day: "Oh, did your mother take care of me when I was confined?" She's still paralyzed, much harder to serve than I was then!"

Hearing this, the husband was angry: "Li Qianqian, what do you mean by this?" Your confinement, my mother brought you twenty bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, and you should take care of it!"

Li Qianqian immediately said, "Twenty bowls?" Why don't you say 20,000 drops! Thanks to the fact that you are still a man, you remember bowl after bowl so clearly! Then you calculate so clearly, let's not pass, can't afford it! Divorce it. ”

Two people who are angry, just want to divorce.

And the mother-in-law in the hospital bed listened to her son talk about this matter, and she was also full of remorse...

In the case, Li Qianqian decided to ignore her mother-in-law when she needed to serve.

In the final analysis, it is still the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who do not compare hearts to hearts when they get along, so women who enter marriage should pay attention to the following two principles.

"Your confinement, my mother sent you 20 bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, you should serve"


One: Partiality in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a manifestation of men's irresponsibility.

In fact, many mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflicts and family disputes are rooted in men.

Because as a husband, not being able to speak justice to his wife is a manifestation of dereliction of duty.

And as a son, he indulged his mother's troubles, which is even more a manifestation of confusion.

Be aware of the war between two women.

The best way to deal with it is to be fair and impartial, unbiased and unbiased.

Once one side is favored, it is to break the bridge of balance and leave the harmony of the family in a state of imbalance.

So men should not think that partiality to their mothers is filial piety.

Don't think that helping your daughter-in-law is not filial piety.

Because the family is your own.

When you deal with problems in an irresponsible way, it will inevitably make your wife lose confidence in the family.

"Your confinement, my mother sent you 20 bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, you should serve"


Second: The essence of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is actually an investment and return.

How should the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along, so that everyone can be happy.

I think the most vivid metaphor is investment and return.

Interpersonal relationships, in particular, are the most humane.

Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the most lacking thing is trust and dedication.

If any relationship has these two things, it is almost impossible to deal with it badly.

So mother-in-law, be kind to your daughter-in-law and abandon those hypocrisies and contrivances.

With the most practical actions, to exchange for a filial daughter-in-law, a harmonious family.

And the daughters-in-law, we must also be considerate of the elderly.

When you see the other party showing sincerity, don't skimp on your sincerity, and let the old man be full of pride.

"Your confinement, my mother sent you 20 bowls of chicken soup, and now she is paralyzed in bed, you should serve"


In fact, the family should be full of positive energy.

Every member should feel warm and united at home.

Don't embarrass each other, and don't be sad with each other.

In the end, I found that in fact, injuries and injuries are the same regret.

Text/No Pen

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