
At my nephew's wedding, I met my ex-girlfriend, and she got in my car and said: Joon Hyun, your son has leukemia and is now in urgent need of 500,000 bone marrow transplants. I was surprised and said: What are you talking about?

author:The is gone

At my nephew's wedding, I met my ex-girlfriend, and she got in my car and said: Joon Hyun, your son has leukemia and is now in urgent need of 500,000 bone marrow transplants. I was surprised and said, "What are you talking about?" We broke up for 10 years, where is the son, Gu Li said: We really have a son, I will explain to you in a moment, you first take the money to save your life.

I was 42 years old, I opened a technology company myself, a year ago, my wife died in a traffic accident, my wife's departure hit me very hard, I lost my virtuous wife, and my 5-year-old daughter did not have a mother. My daughter often woke up in the middle of the night and asked me: Dad, when is my mother coming home, I think my mother, whenever I hear my daughter ask me this, I tell my daughter with tears in my eyes that my mother is on a business trip and it will take a long time to come back, and the baby is obedient and continues to sleep.

After my wife died, I was very depressed, every day I took my daughter home from kindergarten, saw my wife's photos, and fragments of my past happy life came to my mind.

Later, I found that participating in some social activities can reduce my sadness about not thinking about my wife. Since then, I often participate in some activities, friends gatherings, red wine salons, book clubs, and any wedding in the community, I will go to congratulate others, just to distract myself.

This time is my nephew married, I drove more than 1200 kilometers from Shenzhen back to my hometown, many relatives have not seen for many years, although the appearance is a lot older, there are traces of age on the face, but the familiar faces have not forgotten, a careful look at a glance will come out.

It is a special coincidence that I met my former girlfriend in my hometown 10 years ago, her name is Gu Li, she is still so beautiful, her body is more plump.

Gu Li was known when I went back to my hometown to adjust my mood after the failure of my business in Shenzhen, when I stayed in my hometown for almost a year, once when I was running at night, I saw her riding a motorcycle and fell in the ditch, I helped her fix the car, and sent her home to start.

We were together for more than three months, and later after her parents found out, they said that I owed a lot of money in business, and forced us to die, and forced us to break up. When he intended to come back to adjust his mood, he did not want to go back to his hometown and was hit again.

The next morning, with 500 yuan on my body, I returned to Shenzhen and began to start from scratch again.

Later, I heard my uncle say that within a few days after I left, her parents found a man for her to marry, and I heard that the man was a truck driver, and later drank alcohol and domestic violence, and also liked to fool between men and women outside, Gu Li really couldn't stick to it, and chose to divorce.

Later, I worked hard in Shenzhen and met my deceased wife, she was very kind to me, and she was very gentle, she did not dislike me for having nothing at that time, and chose to marry me, so I was particularly grateful to my wife.

After meeting today, we ate at a table, and she seemed to have something to say to me, and she kept looking at me from time to time, and I smiled politely at her.

After the wedding feast, I lit a cigarette and sat in the car basking in the sun, Gu Li pulled the car door into the back seat, and before I could speak, she said: Junxian, your son has leukemia, and now needs 500,000 bone marrow transplants. I was surprised and said, "What are you talking about?" Gu Li said: I really can't help it, I know you have to come back, I came to find you!

Gu Li said: I am now taking care of my son in the hospital every day, and I also have to work to earn money to treat my son. Later, I heard your uncle say that your nephew married and you would come back, and then I came over, I was confused for a while, I asked her: Yes, I liked you at the time, but your parents forced us apart, we have not seen each other for 10 years, how can we have a son!

The more I listened, the more confused I became, when I broke up with you, I didn't hear you say that you were pregnant?

My parents humiliated you, you left the next day, and after you left, I realized I was pregnant. I was afraid that my parents would be laughed at, so there was no squeak. Later, my relatives introduced me to men, and I had to promise to get married quickly, and then I put this matter away.

Junxian: If you don't believe what I say, you can do a paternity test, but now you need money urgently, and it is difficult to find a match, or our son will not be there, and if my son is gone, I don't want to live.

There is news of my son, even if it is a shot in the arm for me, there are people in our family, and I did not expect to attend my nephew's wedding this time and got this news.

My wife and I only have a daughter, originally wanted to have a second child, who knew that my wife had a traffic accident, and then the insurance company also paid me 1.5 million compensation.

To be honest, in the past 10 years, I have bought 2 houses and have millions of dollars in savings. The valuation of the house is also more than 20 million, and when I get old, my daughter grows up, and these properties will be given to my daughter.

I'm especially happy to know now that I have a son, half of my property, and now there's someone to follow, and I know Gully, and she's not that kind of nonsense woman. #Emotional PK Desk#

I transferred 500,000 yuan to Gu Li on the same day, told her to quickly contact the doctor to operate on the child, and now she has a son for no reason, if the son's illness is cured, I want to re-establish a family with Gu Li, I don't know if she will agree? #Emotion#

@Shit No See : Thank you very much for sharing! You drove back to your hometown to attend your nephew's wedding, got such an unexpected good news, although your son has leukemia, but fortunately found a match, you now have money to pay for surgery, wait for the child to get better, you are slowly cultivating feelings, your daughter is still young, and their mother and son should be very good to establish a relationship, I believe you will be very happy and happy. #情感写作小能手 #

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