
Is it that behind a woman's maturity is that she is becoming more and more realistic? In terms of results, yes. But as far as the process is concerned, it is not. Women are sensual creatures, and they don't see reality in the first place

author:Xu Chuan

Is it that behind a woman's maturity is that she is becoming more and more realistic?

In terms of results, yes.

But as far as the process is concerned, it is not.

Women are sensual creatures,

They don't see reality as they really are right from the start.

Those sober women on earth,

They must have experienced or witnessed the pain of reality.

Some people, happily married to the man they identified, she was ready to meet her husband and godson,

But I never thought that behind the husband's godson is to consume himself, it is the husband who looks down on himself, and it is the husband's ultimate betrayal.

There are also people who are willing to pay their life's efforts to take care of a family, willing to use their own good to move the return of a man, but in the end, they are exchanged for men's indifference.

No matter what they did, they were exchanged for mismatched results.

They have extremely romantic expectations and fantasies about their lovers and marriages.

But what reality taught her was only chai rice oil and salt and a field of chicken feathers.

All her husband gave back to her was indifference and lacklustre.

It is precisely because I have experienced the process of beautiful disillusionment and experienced the pain of marriage.

Women are beginning to understand that to live beautifully, they must stand firmly.

So those mature, competent, independent, indifferent women, they must have experienced pain, seen the reality, and understood the truth of marriage.

It is often said that the more a woman is loved, the more she lives, the more stupid she is, because of peace of mind.

Women who are not loved, the more they live, the stronger they are, because they have no backers.

Maybe that's the truth behind women's maturity.

I am Xu Chuan, a marriage emotional counselor, the consultation time is more than 9000 hours, encountered difficult emotional problems, you have grievances do not know what to do, please click this 👉👉 @ Xu Chuan and talk to me, put your confusion to me to ask questions, I must have questions! From a professional point of view to help you find a way to solve, give you the motivation and courage to act!

Is it that behind a woman's maturity is that she is becoming more and more realistic? In terms of results, yes. But as far as the process is concerned, it is not. Women are sensual creatures, and they don't see reality in the first place

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