
Dry! Organizing life meetings, ordinary people self-criticize and speak against the high emotional intelligence of the advanced aspects of their predecessors: 1. It is not enough to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions. Usually, I also like to watch some typical things that are advanced by my predecessors

author:Shoko, who loves to talk to colleagues

Dry! Organizing life meetings, ordinary people self-criticize the high emotional intelligence of the advanced aspects of their predecessors:

1. It is not enough to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions. Usually, I also like to look at some of the advanced typical deeds of my predecessors, and I can also learn the fine qualities of them ideologically, but in deep comparison and reflection, there is still a problem of insufficient inheritance and development in specific work and life. For example, we have been to such an education base many times, although listening to the explanation and watching the exhibition board understand its spiritual quality, it is still difficult to accurately introduce advanced deeds to others. For another example, for hearing and seeing some inappropriate words and deeds, they are only satisfied with their own disbelief and do not do anything, lack sufficient understanding, have a certain degree of paralyzing thoughts, and do not resolutely resist and stop them.

2. Lack of courage to dedicate. As soon as the work is busy and there are many clues, sometimes there is a certain degree of inertia thinking, thinking about taking a break whenever it is, and not really treating the post as a career; sometimes there is still a basic thinking in the face of trouble, and we must also think about whether it is beneficial to ourselves, whether it will affect our work, and lack the spirit of striving and dedicating ourselves to the ideal cause of the advanced generations; sometimes for some difficult things, we just reflect them to the leaders and finish things, and we do not personally practice what we preach like the revolutionary ancestors and take the initiative to face the difficulties and solve problems. Now compared, I feel that I am really ashamed of myself, and the next step must be improved.

3. Lack of tenacity and concentration to work hard. The work is forward-looking and backward-looking, cautious and courageous, and lacks the courage of the predecessors to "gnaw hard bones" in advance. I went to a certain education base in our county a lot, and I was very familiar with the typical deeds of comrade so-and-so, but I did not learn well the tenacity to work hard and silently stick to it. Sometimes the work is in a passive state, the leader explains and supervises the inspection of things to quickly complete the work, they take the initiative to find ways to solve problems and grasp the new less, always think of reporting to the leaders in charge, relying on the leaders in charge, compared with the spirit of the ancestors, there is a big gap, lack of that kind of "craftsman spirit, old cattle spirit."

For more information, friends can click on the column below to understand. I am Shoko, and one of the experiences of working for nearly 20 years is that the more you go up, the more important it will be, so if you have ambitions, then you must learn early and practice early. The following content of the column has been updated in a timely manner, if you have a need or your children have needs, click to follow the sharing subscription column after contacting 2022 regularly sort out the information, there is a message on the good. #Dry Goods##Social##职场 #

Dry! Organizing life meetings, ordinary people self-criticize and speak against the high emotional intelligence of the advanced aspects of their predecessors: 1. It is not enough to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions. Usually, I also like to watch some typical things that are advanced by my predecessors

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