
#Education Listen to Me # I joined the work in 1996, and within a few years, I bought a house in a town in Fuling, took my rural parents to live in the town, and returned my parents pocket money every month

author:A peasant doll floating at the head of the city

#Education Listen to Me # I joined the work in 1996, and within a few years, I bought a house in a town in Fuling, took my rural parents to live in the town, returned my parents pocket money every month, and later I also bought a house in my hometown county.

My son was about to graduate from college, and we told him that he had graduated from college and that he thought of buying a house and a car in the main city of Chongqing and starting a family like his parents did when they were young.

As a result, the son said that now the job is not good to find Chongqing's salary is also low, the work pressure is high, can not afford to buy a house and a car, enough to live on their own is not bad.

How did we start from scratch? I asked my son, and he laughed and said nothing.

Today's children have less spirit of hard-working and hard-working, less spirit of thrift and thrift, more character for coveting enjoyment, and more habits of nibbling on the old and playing.

The generation that can't support the wall, don't want to rely on the generation of the elderly.

#Education Listen to Me # I joined the work in 1996, and within a few years, I bought a house in a town in Fuling, took my rural parents to live in the town, and returned my parents pocket money every month

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