
When treating acne in Chinese medicine, do not pay attention to these problems, be careful to leave a face full of acne scars and acne pits! When we use traditional Chinese medicine to treat acne, we need to identify the phenological typing in order to accurately use the drug. if

author:Dermatology Zhang Peirong

When treating acne in Chinese medicine, do not pay attention to these problems, be careful to leave a face full of acne scars and acne pits!

When we use traditional Chinese medicine to treat acne, we need to identify the phenological typing in order to accurately use the drug. If you don't pay attention to some details, it will only get worse.

1. Young patients are mostly Yangsheng physique, body heat, wet, resulting in strong secretion of oil, treatment should be to clear the lungs and stomach damp heat, but the antipyretic drugs are mostly bitter cold products, taking a long time will hurt the spleen and stomach, resulting in spleen deficiency and stagnation, at this time should use some healthy spleen and damp drugs, can not blindly use bitter cold.

2. Female patients should pay attention to the menstrual cycle. If the medication is in the menstrual period, the patient should be instructed to reduce the dosage or temporarily stop taking it, so as to avoid cold products, take advantage of the weakness of the middle and lower focus to cause menstrual irregularities, cold blood coagulation, resulting in abnormal menstrual flow of women, dysmenorrhea and even amenorrhea.

3. Adult patients have many emotional factors, often too much desire or set the goal too high, resulting in exhaustion, and often unsuccessful, emotional depression, anxiety. When conditioning, it can be appropriately added to the products of liver soothing qi, so that the liver qi can be adjusted, the qi machine is smooth, and the acne can be improved rapidly.

4. Acne is closely related to the state of life. Urban white-collar workers, especially young women, are affected by both work and family, and are under greater pressure, easy to eat irregularly, stay up late in the cold, and often lead to blood deficiency and water, heat and cold. Clinically, it is necessary to pay attention to the overall state of conditioning and improve living habits in order to achieve satisfactory results. #Health 2021##Graphic Creation Punch Card Challenge Activity ##健康守护者 #

When treating acne in Chinese medicine, do not pay attention to these problems, be careful to leave a face full of acne scars and acne pits! When we use traditional Chinese medicine to treat acne, we need to identify the phenological typing in order to accurately use the drug. if

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