
#Why are there fewer and fewer car thieves now#1, thanks to the great reduction in the price of cars now, most people rarely say to buy a car that comes from an unknown source, and buy a car that is found to be stolen


#Why are there fewer and fewer car thieves now #1, thanks to the great reduction in the price of cars now, most people rarely say to buy a car that comes from an unknown source, and after buying a car that is found to be stolen, not only will the property be empty, but people will also be criminally punished. This also leads to limited customer demand, less demand for stolen cars is naturally difficult to sell at a good price, and the anti-theft system of modern cars is becoming more and more perfect, the cost of theft is getting higher and higher, and there are fewer thieves who steal cars naturally. However, some thieves have turned to steal luxury car accessories, such as car headlights, tires, car logos and so on! 2, the current urban skynet monitoring is more and more perfect, not to mention the city, is the countryside are installed everywhere with cameras, if the car is stolen is easy to be traced, now the national public security system can be networked to implement online and check each other, (each has its own independent frame number and engine number) No matter where the car is stolen in any part of the country, as long as the timely report and log on to the Internet to track down, the stolen vehicle unless it is into some remote areas, otherwise there is no opportunity and room for hiding!

3. It is also because the country's economy is prosperous and strong, the people's living standards have improved, the quality of the people has been greatly improved, and the social order has become better and better. Electronic eye cameras everywhere leave criminals with nowhere to hide, and the cost of crime is too high. At present, the domestic market environment is very good, more and more people hope to get paid through their own labor, and more and more people buy luxury brand cars, is this not a small point reflecting the progress of the entire Chinese society? I was very pleased.

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