
Most of the really powerful people are practicing the law of "succession"

Most of the really powerful people are practicing the law of "succession"


"University" has clouds:

Things have a beginning, and things have an end. If you know what to do, you will be close to the road. ”

Yes, everything has priorities, and efforts that follow the flow do not necessarily bear fruit, and a little hard work does not always yield a harvest.

Only by finding the key 20% and concentrating on doing them first can we exchange inputs for more output.

And if you go to the end and do secondary things first, even if there are temporary results, it will only be a flower in the water, fleeting.

In fact, everything in the world has its own operating laws, and acting according to the laws will double the results with half the effort.

And people with great wisdom have long understood these three laws of life.

01. Strategize first, then plan

Zeng Guofan said:

Those who seek great things are the first priority. ”

Understand the situation first, grasp the trend, and then put your head down. In this way, flexible and flexible adjustments can be made in the process to promote the overall development.

In 2018, Wang Lisheng, a transfer student, was transferred to Zhoudingtun Village to participate in poverty alleviation.

Here, the villagers have a single source of income, and the whole village has been planting corn for a long time, and the net income per mu is only six or seven hundred yuan. And the vegetables for three meals a day are all purchased, and once the income and expenditure are covered, there is not much left.

But even so, they still grow corn every year.

In order to really help the villagers, Wang Li spent a year in the village to study the overall situation in the village day and night.

Wang Lisheng found that the village not only has fertile land, but also abundant groundwater resources. It is very suitable for growing vegetables and has a higher economic value.

At this point, he found the whole idea of making a fortune - changing the structure of cultivation.

Most of the really powerful people are practicing the law of "succession"

Wang Lisheng excitedly told the villagers about the idea of growing vegetables, but the villagers strongly opposed it. They insist that their land grows only corn and not vegetables.

Wang Lisheng repeatedly explained the reason to them and promised: "If you earn money and share it together, you can go to the base to work, and you will be paid if you lose." ”

That's why the villagers agreed to try growing vegetables.

In the end, the vegetable planting was successful, and the circulating land in the village was used to build a vegetable base, and the villagers were paid monthly salaries.

Wang Lisheng also personally worked as a wholesaler with zero price difference, strictly keeping accounts and keeping the vegetable payment in a unified manner. Gradually, the reputation of Zhou Dingtun vegetables became a hit in the market.

Today, villagers earn more than 5,000 yuan per mu, and their money bags are bulging. Wang Lisheng also continued to harden dirt roads and renovate dilapidated houses, so that the villagers could really live a good life.

Wang Lisheng planned the layout based on the actual situation, persuaded the villagers to stop blindly burying their heads in reckless work, and let the villagers enter the "bureau" step by step to do things, and finally achieved poverty alleviation.

But in real life, many people just look down at the car and never look up at the road. Once you encounter a fork in the road, it is likely to deviate from the right direction and get farther and farther away from your destination.

Only by considering comprehensively and comprehensively can we not be trapped in the present, determine the most appropriate decision, and work hard to hurry.

There is such a sentence in "Les Misérables":

Where the feet cannot reach, the eye can reach; Where the eye cannot reach, the spirit can fly. ”

Yes, only by improving your pattern and taking a long-term view can you continue to accumulate strength and win the championship in the final sprint.

Most of the really powerful people are practicing the law of "succession"

02. Give profit first, then profit

Li Ka-shing once said in an interview:

You work with someone else, and if you get seven points reasonably and eight points are okay, then we can take six points, and the business will roll in. ”

Fools, always want to take advantage of the benefits, seem to have gained small profits, but lose the opportunity for long-term cooperation in the future;

The wise man, willing to give three points of profit, seems to have suffered a big loss, but in fact has gained repeat customers in the future.

In the TV series "Chasing Love Family", Xiao Nan runs a car beauty shop.

One day, his son Qi Mowen was playing in the store and found the car wash card, so he asked his mother curiously: "A single car wash of 15 times, 15 times of 1,000, isn't it a loss?" ”

Xiao Nan said: "You will find the problem very well, although you wash the car once for one hundred and five, but after washing this time, will you come again next time?" ”

The son thought for a moment and said, "Not necessarily. ”

Xiao Nan replied, "Yes." But if he tops up money to get a card, he can wash it fifteen times, and he will come to our store fifteen times. Actually, we earn more. Doing business, like being a person, takes a long-term view and cannot only look at the immediate benefits. ”

Qi Mowen seemed to understand whether he understood or not, and he repeated his mother's words, saying: "People should take a long-term view, not just look at the present. ”

A few months later, Xiao Nan opened a branch.

Xiao Nan's card strategy seems to be a loss of 1250, which benefits customers.

But in fact, customers will increase the arrival rate because of the discount, which will further make Xiao Nan profitable.

A hammer is not as good as a thin stream of water, small wisdom to compete for profit, big wisdom to give profit.

Those who are too much profit-seeker will only get a small profit in the end, while those who give it generously will accumulate more and more profit.

Most of the really powerful people are practicing the law of "succession"

Zeng Shiqiang said:

If you can suffer losses, you will take advantage. If you see the part, you will suffer a loss, and if you can't see the part, you must take advantage. If you see the part, you will lose money, and if you can't see the part, you will definitely suffer. ”

Most of the world's ways follow the law of conservation of gain and loss.

Small profits obtained by shrewdness are only temporary; The hearts of people who rely on wisdom will be long-lasting.

Only by giving up the small profits in front of us can we accumulate blessings for ourselves, and the road of life can go steadily and far.

03. Pleasing yourself first, then pleasing others

Warren Buffett once said:

Your inner evaluation of yourself is more important than the evaluation of you by the outside world. If you can focus on your inner thoughts, I think you will have a good time. ”

If you care too much about what others think, you will feel inferior. If you suppress the true needs of your heart, you will be aggrieved.

Instead of blindly pleasing others, please yourself first.

Chen Xinyi, the "post-it note" girl in "Destiny I Love You", is impressive.

Most of the really powerful people are practicing the law of "succession"

She is afraid of being hated, desperately treats the people around her, and does not refuse the requests of others.

As a result, she is always covered with post-it notes with various requests written on it.

Colleagues asked her to help bring breakfast, she got up an hour early to buy buns and coffee, and in the elevator, she kept raising her arms for fear that the food would be squeezed.

In the end, the colleague did not have the slightest gratitude, let alone care whether she ate breakfast.

Near the end of work, colleagues wanted to go shopping with friends, so they threw the tasks they had not yet done to Chen Xinyi, and said: "Anyway, you have nothing to do after work." ”

From beginning to end, colleagues never asked Chen Xinyi if she wanted to.

Even Chen Xinyi resigned, colleagues blamed Xinyi for not thinking about them on the grounds that they were not comfortable with no one to replace them overtime.

Only then did she understand that blindly obedient and flattering in exchange for more unscrupulous bullying, she was annoyed and began to regret her past fawning behavior.

When we are young, we all subconsciously want to please others and dare not refuse the requests made by others.

As you get older, you will understand more and more that the most important practice in life is to accept yourself and live your life according to your own wishes.

You know, please others, in exchange for the gratitude and cherishing of others, but the intensified demand and take.

In life, you must have the courage to be hated.

In the face of unreasonable demands from others, choose to decisively refuse and make yourself comfortable first.

Most of the really powerful people are practicing the law of "succession"

04. Mei Niang said

In life, there are countless things to deal with.

In order to reap the fruits of success, the most important thing is to distinguish the important urgency of the matter.

Those who understand the law of "succession" are excellent, and those who achieve the law of "succession" are excellent.

If you take the more time to plan ahead, you can put a good life in the right direction.

If you insist on giving profits first for a long time, you can accumulate the greatest blessing in life.

More energy to please yourself first, in order to make yourself more relaxed and comfortable.

When you learn to prioritize your life, you can go to success and retreat to delight yourself.


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