
Haha, embarrassed [tears] go to the boyfriend's house to eat the wrong apple [petrified] Every time I go to the boyfriend's house, the boyfriend's mother will prepare a lot of fruit snacks to wash and put them in the house for me to eat.

author:Happy little warm mm

Haha, awkward a big embarrassment [tear run]

Went to the boyfriend's house and ate the wrong apple [petrified]

Every time I go to my boyfriend's house, my boyfriend's mother will prepare a lot of fruit snacks, wash them, and put them in the house for me to eat. I was watching TV together, and I saw an apple in the corner of the table, because there was this one on the table, and I didn't bother to pick it up and eat it.

My object saw it and said to me: Take whatever you want, so I unceremoniously take a bite of the apple,

The result is a fake apple!!!

Finally learned that it was a dog toy, I don't know who to pick up and put on the table, my mom, so embarrassing!!

@Happy Little Warmmm comes from the sharing of netizens

It seems that words can be spoken indiscriminately, and things really can't be eaten indiscriminately! It is said that this girl is really big this time [tears running]

What should my boyfriend's mom think about this [laughs]

Ah, this girl is really Ma Daha, even a fake apple can't be distinguished, don't expect to be able to distinguish anything in the future!

How picky this girl must be! So many toys in the family do not take the dog! It's a real suit!


Friends, have you ever encountered such an embarrassing thing when you go to the object's house [tear running]

#虎年有娱 #

Haha, embarrassed [tears] go to the boyfriend's house to eat the wrong apple [petrified] Every time I go to the boyfriend's house, the boyfriend's mother will prepare a lot of fruit snacks to wash and put them in the house for me to eat.

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