
In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and said, "Boss, can you sell these crap to me for 400 yuan?"

author:Zhang Romantic zlm

In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and went to buy: "Boss, can I sell these crap to 400 yuan?" ”

Ma Weidu is very famous in the collecting world, and he also has his own private museum, which contains many antique calligraphy and paintings he collected, most of which he "picked up" and retrieved.

However, Ma Weidu did not think that he was "picking up leaks", believing that these things were obtained by his own ability.

Ma Weidu often said: "It is normal for me to pick up leaks, because I have liked this since I was a child, I have spent time, carrying a little money, and every time I have a harvest, I call this a thief and not empty." ”

Ma Weidu has a bold personality, likes to make friends, up to the rich and noble, down to the three religions and nine streams, there is no one he does not know.

Once, Ma Weidu accidentally helped the little, who was also a person who was a lecture person, and knew that Ma Weidu liked antiques, so he dragged Ma Weidu to a very remote antique market.

The little asshole: "Ma Ye, I will take you to a good place, to Taobao!" ”

Ma Weidu: "You take me to Taobao?" ”

Although Ma Weidu didn't quite believe it, he didn't have anything to do around him, so he went with the little bastard.

After arriving at the place, Ma Weidu really found a few good things, so he said to the boss: "Boss, these crap, 400 yuan all give me." ”

The boss looks at a big customer, naturally can not easily agree: "You really want, 1,000 yuan you take away." ”

Ma Weidu smiled, turned around and was about to leave, the little bastard did not dry, angrily said to the boss:

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" My eldest brother wants to buy something from you, so why is he not willing to sell it? ”

Boss: "These things are mine, I am willing to sell them, if I don't want to sell, I will not sell, what can you do with me!" ”

The little picked up a porcelain bottle casually, fell to the ground, smiled and said to the boss: Boss, you see, I accidentally dropped your porcelain bottle, what can I do? ”

The boss saw that this little was not easy to mess with, and 400 yuan he also had to earn, so he had to surrender and sell things.

Ma Weidu happily took the rags and left, and how much those rags were worth, I'm afraid only Ma Wei knew.

In addition to going to the antique market to "pick up leaks", Ma Weidu also likes to go to the countryside to collect some old objects.

Once, Ma Weidu heard a friend say that he saw a plum vase in the countryside, as if it were from the Ming Dynasty, but the friend was not sure, so he did not dare to accept it.

Ma Weidu decided to go and see for himself, and when he arrived in the countryside, Ma Weidu found the family, and there was only one old lady in the family.

Ma Weidu said to the old lady, "Big Lady, I heard that your family has a Ming Dynasty plum blossom vase, and you brought it to me to clap my eyes." ”

The eldest lady took Ma Weidu to the house and carefully took out the plum vase from a large wooden box.

Ma Weidu took a look and found that this plum blossom vase was not From the Ming Dynasty at all, but a modern imitation, and it was not worth anything at all.

Ma Weidu was disappointed, turned around and was about to leave, just walked to the courtyard, Ma Weidu suddenly found that the old lady's chicken feeding plate was very beautiful, and the pattern was also very exquisite.

Ma Weidu quietly asked the eldest bride, "Big Niang, your chicken-feeding plate is very beautiful, is it for sale?" ”

Big Lady: "What do you want it to do, this plate is not valuable, it is not practical, the dishes are too shallow, you can only feed the chickens, if you want to take it, don't want money." “

Ma Weidu: "That's not okay, I'll give you 100 yuan, what do you think?"

Big Lady: "I really don't want money, just take it if you want it." ”

Ma Weidu: "No, you have to give." ”

Saying that, Ma Weidu stuffed 100 yuan into the eldest bride, took the plate and ran away, and he didn't even pay attention to the old lady beckoning him to eat chicken.

After returning home, Ma Weidu carefully identified that the plate fed to the chicken turned out to be a lacquerware plate from the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, worth at least 10 million yuan!

I have to say that Ma Weidu "picked up leaks" has a set, no wonder it can be worth tens of billions.

For the things he got from the leaks, Ma Weidu also said that when he died, he would donate all of them to the state.


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In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and said, "Boss, can you sell these crap to me for 400 yuan?"
In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and said, "Boss, can you sell these crap to me for 400 yuan?"
In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and said, "Boss, can you sell these crap to me for 400 yuan?"
In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and said, "Boss, can you sell these crap to me for 400 yuan?"
In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and said, "Boss, can you sell these crap to me for 400 yuan?"
In order to repay Ma Weidu, a small took him to the antique market. Ma Weidu looked at it with a fiery eye, smiled and said, "Boss, can you sell these crap to me for 400 yuan?"

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