
Easily memorize sixty-four trigrams

Easily memorize sixty-four trigrams

Now, let's do something lighthearted and enjoyable together. In twenty minutes, memorize all the information of the eight eighty-sixty-four gua in the I Ching at a time.

This information includes:

Each of the sixty-four trigrams belongs to which palace of the gossip.

Sixty-four trigrams are composed of each of the upper and lower trigrams.

Sixty-four gua each of the six gua are composed of yin and yang.

Sixty-four trigrams are read in the form of each of them.

How each of the sixty-four trigrams came about and from which ones it changed.

First of all, let's revisit the basic content of Fuxi Bagua and Zhou Wenwang Bagua.

Fuxi Bagua is composed of Qiangua, Huigua, Departure, Zhengua, Xungua, Kangua, Gonggua, and Kungua

constituted. Draw the graphic as follows:

------ -- -- ------ -- --

------ ------ -- -- -- --

------ ------ ------ ------

Qiangua And Gua Gua, Qiangua, Zhen Gua

------ -- -- ------ -- --

------ ----- -- -- -- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Xun Gua Kan Gong Gua Kun Gua

The entire I Ching prediction of the Fuxi period only uses these eight gua.

During the reign of King Wen of Zhou, the eight gua and the same eight gua were overlapped once each time to produce a complete sixty-four gua. The Sixty-Four Trigrams have completely evolved all the changes in the Gossip.

In the bagua of the Zhou Wen Wang period, because each gua has increased from the original three to six, from this time on, the original people's so-called gossip has evolved into a bagua that replicates itself and overlaps. as follows:

------ -- -- ------ -- --

------ ------ -- -- -- --

------ ------ ------ ------

------ -- -- ------ -- --

------ ------ -- -- -- --

------ ------ -- -- -- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

As we have already said, the five elements of gossip are:

Dry gua ---- gold.

Gold for ----.

Fire ---- away from the gua.

Tremor ---- wood.

Sundanese ---- wood.

Kangua ---- water.

Gungua ---- soil.

Kun Gua ---- soil.

We have also said that the eight worldly states referred to by Fuxi Bagua are:

Dry represents heaven, exchange represents Ze, departure represents fire, and earthquake represents thunder,

Sundanese represents wind, Kan represents water, Gun represents mountain, and Kun represents earth.

(Note that these eight references to the state of the world, to be firmly remembered, you can pass through these, remembering all the names of the sixty-four gua, and all the yin and yang composition.) )

As we have also said, gossip belongs to the eight houses. It is also the "palace" named after himself. The first gua of each palace is the one of the gossip. as follows:

The Qiangua ---- the Qiangong ---- the Qiangong Shougu ---- there are eight Gua Gua in the Qian Palace, and the other seven Gua are all derived from the First Gua.

The ---- of the Palace of Exchange---- the First Gua of the Palace of The ---- of the Palace of Exchange has a total of eight gua, and the remaining seven gua are all conjured from the first gua.

The ---- the palace is ---- the palace is the first gua---- and there are eight gua in the palace, and the remaining seven gua are all conjured from the first gua.

The Zhen gua ---- the Earthquake Palace---- the Zhen Palace First Gua ---- the Zhen Palace has a total of eight gua, and the remaining seven gua are all conjured from the first gua.

The Sunda Palace ---- the Sunda Palace ---- the Sunda Palace Shou Gua ---- Sunda Palace have a total of eight gua, and the remaining seven gua are all derived from the first gua.

The Kangua ---- The Kan Palace ---- the First Gua ---- the Kan Palace has a total of eight gua, and the remaining seven gua are all conjured from the first gua.

The Gong Gua ---- Gong Gong ---- the Gong Gong Shou Gua ---- gong gong have a total of eight gua, and the remaining seven gua are all conjured from the first gua.

Kun Gua ---- Kun Palace---- Kun Palace Shou Gua ---- Kun Palace have a total of eight gua, and the remaining seven gua are all conjured from the first gua.

(Sixty-four trigrams in total)

Easily memorize sixty-four trigrams

First of all, let's look at the name of the first gua of the eight palaces.

Qiangua (乾宫首卦). The name of the name: As we said above, Qian refers to "heaven" in the eight worldly states. Therefore, the name of the first gua of the Qiangong palace is "dry for heaven." That is, "dry" and the "heaven" it refers to, with a joint word "for" in the middle. The heads of the other seven palaces also draw the scoop according to the gourd, and the same is added to the word "for" and the state of the world referred to by the addition.

All are listed below.

Qiangua ---- the first gua of the Qiangong ---- refers to "heaven", and the name of the gua refers to "qian for heaven".

The first gua of the ---- of the palace---- refers to "Ze", and the name of the gua refers to "Ze".

The first gua---- ---- of the departure of the palace refers to "fire", and the name of the gua is "away from the fire".

Zhen Gua ---- The first gua of the Zhen Palace ---- refers to "thunder", and the name of the gua is "earthquake for thunder".

Xun Gua ---- the first gua ---- of the Xun Palace refers to "wind", and the name of the gua is "Sunda for the wind".

Kangua ---- the first gua of the Kangong ---- refers to "water", and the name of the gua "kan is water".

艮卦---- 艮宫首卦---- which refers to "mountain", and the name of the gong is "gun for the mountain".

Kun Gua ---- Kun Gong Shou Gua ---- refers to "land", and the name of the gua "Kun wei di".

Now we begin to change, through the eight first trigrams of the eight palaces, to change the remaining fifty-six trigrams, and at the same time to show their laws of change and their names.

Let's first change the "dry" palace.


Dry for days

(Note: Each of the sixty-four trigrams is composed of two parts, of which three of the six are shanggua.) The following three are the lower gua. The qiangua here, the upper gua and the lower gua are all "dry". Notice that the sixty-four trigrams in the Bagua are all drawn from the bottom to the top. That is to say, one is at the bottom, followed by two, three, four, five and six. The six trigrams of each gua represent the progression of the overall state of the event predicted by this gua.

Specifically, the first ("one" collectively referred to as the "beginning") is the initial stage of the predicted event. The second, third and fourth represent the progress of the predicted events, respectively. Wu yao represents that things have reached their peak and peak. Shangyao ("six" collectively referred to as "shang") represents the end of the predicted event.

Now we start to change, changing the remaining seven gua of the Qiangong.

The first change, starting from the bottom of the Qiangua, began to change, from the original yang to yin. as follows:

------ After the change ------

------ ------

------ -- -- (the original yang becomes the current yin)

How should the name of the gua after the change be called? What are the rules?

some. After the change of the gua, what is the upper gua, read it out first, and what the lower gua is, continue to read it out, and then add another name for this gua.

"Dry for heaven" moves, and the changed gua becomes the new gua of the five yang above and the yin below. The upper gua of this gua is still "dry", and we know that the meaning of "heaven" refers to "heaven". So let's read out the word "heaven" first.

The lower gua of this gua is "Xun Gua Gua", as follows:

-- --

And we know that Xun refers to "wind" in Bagua, so just after the word "tian" just read, plus this "wind" word, is the main component of this gua. Finally, another named word is added, which is "姤".

The first gua conjured up by the first gua of the Qiangong Palace, and the complete reading of the second gua of the Qiangong, is: "Heavenly Wind And Sorrow." (Sixty-four pronunciation tables attached to the text)

Let's start with the second change in the First Trigram of the Qiangong. The second change is that the two changes in Qiangua from the following number of yin are changed from the original yang to yin. as follows:

------ -- -- (impotence becomes yin)

Dry for the day name?

We see that after the change, the upper gua is still "dry", so the reading method remains unchanged.

The lower gua becomes "艮卦", as follows:

In the Bagua, Gong refers to "mountain", so the second word is added to the word "mountain", and another name is added "遁". The complete pronunciation of this gua is "Tianshan Escape".

Next, the third change of the Qiangong Shougua was carried out. Qiangua changed from the three yins below, all of which changed from the original yang to yin. as follows:

------ After the change ------

------ ------

------ -- -- (impotence becomes yin)

The upper gua is unchanged, still called "heaven", and the lower gua becomes "kun" gua:

Kun in Bagua refers to "earth". Add the word "earth". In addition, the name of the word "no" is called "heaven and earth no".

Next, the fourth change of the Qiangong Shougu was carried out. The four transformations below the Qiangua have all changed from the original yang to yin. as follows:

Shanggua changed and became "Xun" 卦, which means "wind" in Bagua, so read the word "wind" first. The lower gua is "kun", and kun refers to "earth" in bagua, and it is pronounced "earth". With another name, the whole gua is called "Wind and Earth View".

Next, the fifth change of the Qiangong Shougu was carried out. The five transformations below the Qiangua have all changed from the original yang to yin. as follows:

Shanggua changed and became "艮" 卦, which refers to "mountain" in bagua, so read the word "mountain" first. The lower gua is still "kun", and it is pronounced "earth". With another name, quan gua is called "mountain peeling".

Next, the sixth change of the Qiangong Shougua was carried out.

Please note that at this time, it is no longer possible to turn all six of this dry gua into yin, in that case, it will become the "kun wei di" gua. And the "Kun Wei Di" gua already exists.

At this time, the rules of change have changed. On the basis of the "mountain stripping" that was changed from the fifth time, the one, two, three, five, and six yao remained unchanged, and only the fourth yao became the seventh gua of the Qiangong.

as follows:

------ ------ after change (unchanged)

-- -- -- -- (unchanged)

-- -- ------ (Yin to Yang)

Mountain stripping what is the name?

After the change, the upper gua is separated, referring to "fire", and the lower gua is kun, which refers to "earth", and the full name is "fire and land jin". (Note, the seventh gua of each palace is also called "wandering soul gua", which is not explained in detail.) )

Then the seventh and final change of the Qiangong Shougu was carried out.

The specific variations vary. On the basis of the seventh gua, the upper three are unchanged, and the lower three are all changed. as follows:

------ ------ after change (unchanged)

------ ------ (unchanged)

-- -- ------ (Yin becomes Yang)

Fire Land Jin Name?

After the change, the upper gua has not changed, and the lower gua has become "dry" gua, and the dry means "heaven". The full name is "Fire Heaven Has". (Note that the eighth gua of each house is also called "gui soul gua", which is not explained in detail.) )

The other seven houses also change the way they are and the principles of reading.

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