
The name is also a university to ask! How much do you know about the cultural story of naming?

Name, in China, is a science, but it can also be said to be a culture. How can a man be nameless, and if he can remain famous in history, it is also a supreme honor.

The name is also a university to ask! How much do you know about the cultural story of naming?

Confirm the code and a blessing. What our parents expect of us is in our name. Every time we call our name, it is a sincere blessing to us. If you watch "Water Knows" you can feel the greatness of your parents again. Whether we are good or bad, we continue to bless us and bless us for a lifetime.

Speaking of names, it is worth exploring, and the meaning now is different from before. The previous name had two meanings in it.

For example, Zhuge Liang of the Shu Kingdom in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the surname Zhuge Is zhuge and the name is Bright, and the character Kong Ming. In the current understanding, Liang is his name. What's the next word? There are many kinds of names, and it is common that names and words have the same meaning, and some are opposites. Liang and Kong Ming here mean the same thing. For example, Zhou Yu of the Wu Kingdom, the word Gongjin. The meaning of Yu and Jin is the same, both mean Meiyu. As for the meaning of Gong Jin's public characters, it may be another meaning that implies that Zhou Yu's status is noble and so on. Generally speaking, the public has this meaning, and can only speculate in this way. Previous titles were not dukes, marquises, counts, viscounts, barons. There was no second lord in the back.

The name is also a university to ask! How much do you know about the cultural story of naming?

The difference between ancient and modern names has been roughly described earlier. Some people may think that this meaning is generally not the same meaning? Why is it still so complicated? This is related to the morality of the ancients, who had a rule that only the elders could call them by their first names, and others could only call them by their first words. Calling them by their first names is an act of disrespect for others. So if we watch ancient TV dramas and the producers are very strict, you will find that when a person is angry, he will call the other person's name directly. This is similar to the meaning of the current Three Character Sutra (some incomprehensible words). Therefore, when looking at the Three Kingdoms, everyone calls Zhuge Liang, not call him Liang, but call him Mr. Kong Ming.

From this, we can see that the two words of the name look very simple, and it is a big story to tell. In addition to having the previous kind of function. The name also has another function, which can generally be seen in the relationship of some people, such as the size of the platoon's Uncle Zhong, which is equivalent to one two three four. There is also a kind of Meng Zhongshu Ji. If there are three brothers in the family, then they will be named according to this Meng Zhongji. Like this row size, there are like: Meng Jiang, Zhongzi, Shu Ji, Ji Mou recorded in ancient books, that is, the eldest daughter of the Jiang family, the second daughter of the Zi family, the third girl of the Ji family, and the sister of a certain family. (Of course, this also involves the role of surnames, in the pre-Qin period, Zhou Li stipulated that "men and women are not well-known unless they have a match", so women's surnames also assume the role of common names in society.) For example, if the daughter of the Ji family marries the son of the Zhou family, then the woman will be called Zhou Ji in the future) There is also a kind of ranking, what virtue generation, national character generation and so on. For example, if a family has several brothers, it will be named like this, Guoliang, Guomin, Guolong and so on.

The name is also a university to ask! How much do you know about the cultural story of naming?

There is also an interesting phenomenon, many people see other people's names, can probably guess the other person's home background. At that time, we had this situation, and when we saw a very meaningful name, we couldn't help but ask him: Are your parents teachers? Eight or nine can be seen from ten, and some names are not bookish at home when they hear it. Strange, why should I? It is also impossible to explain that Chinese culture has been integrated into our lives and into our genes.

Now this kind of generation, the size is weakened. But the idea of taking names still has the same method and function as the ancients in some aspects. For example, they all have the meaning of hope and blessing. This foreigner generally does not understand the beauty inside. We Chinese we might introduce a name, we can tell a story. It's a culture. The method of naming may be tangled up by many people, some people hope that the name will be good, some people want to write well, some people want to look good, some people want to remember well, some people want to read well, and so on. Various expectations. So it's interesting to take the name for ourselves.

The name is also a university to ask! How much do you know about the cultural story of naming?

Then there is a more mysterious one, to calculate. Five elements of gossip, there must be eight characters to measure the name. There may be a sub-measure of the person's ability, and determine the difficulty of the process. I might be more interested in the last one. Mainly read some books in that area, to understand later so that I can brag about it.

For example, in the preface to the "Thousand Mile Destiny Manuscript", there are these sentences that say: "The vastness of the world, the wonder of the universe, and the vagueness of human affairs, if it is known, if it is unknowable, even the saints do not dare to judge it by argument." However, in one spring and one autumn, the old things are new; one day and one night, the flowers bloom and the ones are thankful. Ruined and ruined, surplus and vain; big and famous, thin and drinking. Observing everything silently, there seems to be a certain person in the darkness, so the saints do not dare to judge by argument. "After reading this, I feel that there is still some truth in what they say, and their kind of insight and extremely high practical ability make me very impressed." I also have to carry a little awe,

So I thought that since these methods could exist with society for such a long time, there must be a reason for their existence. Just learn more, maybe you can learn something interesting. In addition, some of the ideas in it have many similarities with some of the arguments in the Taoist and Yixue. It's intriguing.

In fact, if you don't understand these, there is a better way to take words from the classics. For example, the I Ching, the Tao Te Ching, the Shang Shu and so on. There are many university names, and the method of naming them uses words from the I Ching. Some school mottos and so on. For example, the word traffic is taken from Tai Gua, and the Yuan Dynasty yuan character is taken from What Qiangua Said: "Great Qianyuan, the beginning of all materials, is the unification of heaven." "The meta-words inside. The meaning, of course, is the meaning of this sentence. The words taken out of it generally give people a very comfortable feeling, such as Jin Yong's "Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon" in which the dragon has regrets, and the flying dragon in the sky is from the I Ching. We often say that the dragons are leaderless, virtuous, self-improvement and so on. Many of the thick-sounding words come from these classics. Another example is the knowledge of gewu zhizhi, the unity of knowledge and action, etc. are from the Confucian classics. So if you don't believe in the fortune teller and hope to get a good name, then go buy a few classics, don't understand it doesn't matter, it's also a good choice to give your child a good name.

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