
Gemini loves to lie

Gemini loves to lie

Other people's gossip is "I heard...", gemini gossip is "I see...", and some of them are not, they are all the same as the real thing. Not to mention, if it is the first time to deal with, it can really be stunned by the ta. After I cooked it, I learned that he couldn't even believe a punctuation mark in his mouth!

Gemini lies to his parents: I'm fine. Tell the people I care about I'm okay, I don't want my relatives and friends to worry about myself, maybe it's just a swollen face and fat.

Lying to the person you like, is a necessity, want to be decent in front of him, maintain a good image, lazy to lie, talk about the sky to death, in fact, want to be alone quiet.

Gemini people have always been particularly enthusiastic, can speak eloquently, the mind is difficult to see through, so Gemini people are very normal, do not love to lie, if they lie, others can not guess at all, but Gemini does not love to lie, for people to be honest and frank, lying will be uneasy.

Gemini loves to lie

But Gemini people talk, it is difficult to distinguish whether what they say is true or false, they lie without flaws, every sentence they say is like a joke, but it is not like a joke, they obviously show a lot of care, but in some cases they show that they don't care, obviously like it, but the performance is dispensable, it is difficult to distinguish what they really want in their hearts, Gemini is born to be an actor.

Gemini's mouth can say anything, if he has the intention to lie and hide things, then even the smartest people can't distinguish between true and false. And lies and truths are actually not bad for Gemini, mainly depending on how he wants to express it, not entangled in true or false, only care about fun or not. Lying can also be said to be a casual nagging of geminis, a supplementary explanation when snorting, and there is no malice, just to say it. Lack of security, sometimes for self-protection, Gemini would rather lie than express their true thoughts.

Gemini, who have a high emotional intelligence, know when to tell lies and when to tell the truth, and it is difficult to understand. In the relationship, love to take the lover to find happiness, always lie to deceive the lover, see the other party crazy on the quack, really look for a fight. It is also often possible to flirt with the opposite sex, to describe your shortcomings as advantages, and to say that your shortcomings are growing. Gemini's lies, in fact, hold a self-denial attitude, you are happy, I am happy, everyone is happy.

Gemini loves to lie

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