
What is home? Home is our nest, a place to let go of tiredness; home is our nest, a place to contain heartache. Home is one of thousands of lights, we return from afar, we are tired

author:Fun bookmarks

What is home?

Home is our nest,

Is the place to let go of tiredness;

Home is our nest,

It is a place to contain heartache.


It is one of thousands of lights,

We return from afar,

We're tired and come home from work,

See the soft lights of the home,

Someone waits,

It is the warmest dependence;

Someone to accompany,

It is the happiest harbor!

Home is a lighthouse,

Directing you further afield;

Home is a ladder,

Constantly encourage you to persevere.

Home, not a battlefield,

We didn't have to be with family,

Always angry and quarrelsome, always cold-faced,

The family is expensive in tolerance, and the value is in harmony,

Don't always,

Disagreements make you angry,

When there is disagreement, anger,

Have a home in harmony,

We are the most successful people!

Home is a giant,

With family bedding, we go higher and farther;

Home is a mountain,

With mountain peaks to rely on, we feel at peace in our hearts.

This world,

Some people hate our mediocrity,

Some people laugh at us ordinary.

But family,

But as always supporting us and encouraging us,

No matter how many difficulties we encounter,

Never give up on us.

Home is the destination of a lifetime,

A lifetime of peace of mind.

There is talk and laughter, is home;

Helping each other is home;

Giving in to each other is home;

Knowing that heartache is home;

Feel comfortable, is home.

Home, we need to maintain together,

Home, we need to work hard to build,

Home, need us to run together!

Home, the emphasis is on the family,

Working together, paying together,

Be grateful to each other and cherish each other.

Only in this way will our home,

Has been going down a long hill,

It's been thriving!

What is home? Home is our nest, a place to let go of tiredness; home is our nest, a place to contain heartache. Home is one of thousands of lights, we return from afar, we are tired

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