
#How to understand the mutual compromise between couples # In fact, there has never been any natural match in this world, a natural couple, all good love, good marriage are through each other's continuous grinding

author:W stay deep into the natural cuteness

#How to understand the mutual compromise between couples#

In fact, there has never been any match made in heaven in this world, born a pair, all good love, good marriage are through each other's continuous run-in, and changes have made a more suitable counterpart.

Marriage is not 1 + 1 = 2, but 0.5 + 0.5 = 1. We all have to eliminate half of each other's personalities and form a family. Do things that we don't really like to do. All the changes, all the compromises and tolerances stem from the deep love for the other person and the cherishing of the relationship.

In fact, compromise is never cheap, but the premise is worth it.

What do you think of mutual compromise between couples?

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