
Twenty-four solar terms bloom in "One Year."

Twenty-four solar terms bloom in "One Year."

Twenty-four solar terms bloom in "One Year" (inside and outside the book)

Nest crystal

The new "One Year" published by Hunan Children's Publishing House is a set of super easy to read Chinese 24 solar terms picture books, which are divided into four volumes: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The book is based on the story of Nini, a child who was sent by her parents to her grandmother's house in the countryside for a year because of her parents' work, and tells the story of the changes in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter that Nini experienced in the whole year of waiting for her parents to pick her up, and the twenty-four different agricultural folk customs that Nini felt. Nini also experienced the psychological process of rejecting rural life from love, and she gained sincere friendship and warm family affection during the year, and also felt the gratifying earth-shaking changes in the new socialist countryside. Each volume of the book contains six short stories, from the perspective of children, to feel the beauty of spring, summer, autumn, autumn, winter, four-hour winds, and thousands of ecological beauty. The picture book story incorporates the legends and stories of each solar term related to farming folklore, and inserts the small knowledge, songs, and agricultural proverbs related to the farming folklore of each short story before each short story. In the form of stories and paintings, children are told the sources, evolutions and customs of the twenty-four solar terms and the traditional farming folklore of the mainland, and with beautiful pictures, lively and interesting words and beautiful poems, let the children learn the origin of "three volts" and "three nines", "twenty-four solar terms and songs" and other small knowledge of agricultural folklore, so that each child can subtly establish a sense of pride in Chinese civilization and inherit the long-standing Chinese civilization on the basis of consciously understanding the traditional farming civilization and seasonal culture of the mainland.

Born in the Qin and Han dynasties of the mainland, the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms", as a unique time knowledge system of Chinese, has lasted for more than 2,000 years, and to this day, it still profoundly affects people's way of thinking and code of conduct, is an important carrier of the cultural identity of the Chinese nation, and is a treasure that will never be outdated.

The twenty-four solar terms are an "agro-climatic calendar" and a "star calendar"

"The spring rain shocks the spring valley days, and the summer is full of mango and summer and summer are connected. Autumn dew autumn frost falls, winter snow snow winter small cold. From this twenty-four solar terms song that has been written into primary school Chinese textbooks, we can see the ancient Chinese people's excellent observation and transformation ability of nature. As one of the five ancient civilizations in human history, the agricultural civilization in the Yellow River Basin of China can be traced back to 6000-7000 BC, in this vast historical river, the "twenty-four solar terms" is the most brilliant representative of China's agricultural civilization. Even today, when agronomy and meteorology are so developed, the observations on climate change and phenological characteristics in different periods of the twenty-four solar terms, as well as the harmonious and timely philosophy of life between heaven and man established on these observations, have never become obsolete. It is not only an "agroclimatic calendar" that is highly valued by farmers, but also profoundly affects our way of thinking and code of conduct, and guides people to actively and scientifically adapt to nature and transform nature in the cycle of phenological changes.

In fact, the "twenty-four solar terms" are also the abuse of ancient mainland astronomy. As early as the "Shang Shu Yao Dian", there is a record of "day in the middle, day, night, and short day", corresponding to the four solar terms of "spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox, and winter solstice" today. Ancient Chinese astronomy was quite developed, and China was one of the most accurate observers of astronomical phenomena in the world and one of the best record keepers. China has the oldest and simplest astronomical instrument, the Gui Watch, which can measure the length of the sun's shadow and thus establish the time of the winter solstice and the summer solstice. Then, through mathematical calculations, the sun is divided into twenty-four equal parts of the year, and the time of each solar term is established. In the "Lü's Spring and Autumn" of the late Warring States period, there are eight divisions of the eight solar terms of Lichun, Spring Equinox, Lixia, Summer Solstice, Liqiu, Autumn Equinox, Lidong, and Winter Solstice, which have been further developed until the Qin and Han Dynasties, forming a complete concept of twenty-four solar terms. The "Taichu Calendar" formulated by Deng Ping finally clarified the astronomical position of the twenty-four solar terms and formally set it in the calendar. The "twenty-four solar terms" are the great achievements of astronomy studied by the ancients from the direction of the sun and the shift of the stars.

The twenty-four solar terms contain a "phenological calendar" and are also a "miniature history" of Chinese thought.

Lichun has "Yang Freeze Thaw", that is, the surface ice thawing; the spring equinox has "thunder line", that is, thunder often appears; Lixia has "strong wind ji", which means that the wind stops; white dew is "white dew falling"; and Li Dong has "grass and trees are dead". The twenty-four solar terms are divided into seventy-two weathers, five days for one weather, three weather for one gas, each of which has animals, plants, birds, weather and other cyclical natural phenomena that change with the seasons, which are called "phenology". The same animal, insect or weather phenomenon in the seventy-two weather will show opposite or continuous changes with the rotation of the seasons, and the ancients' farming, fishing, hunting, and animal husbandry must follow the law of phenological changes, and cannot act arbitrarily, which is the most direct and simple embodiment of the harmony between man and nature.

The "twenty-four solar terms" not only affect people's behavior habits, but also gradually infiltrate into the thinking of every Chinese son and daughter with the precipitation and accumulation of time, forming the unique ideological characteristics and cultural connotations of the Chinese nation: "The autumn equinox is early, the frost is late, and the cold dew is planting wheat; knowing the call, cutting early rice, knowing the flying, and piling grass piles..." is the spiritual wealth of the Chinese who love life and work hard; "the snow and cold plums are crazy in the wind, and the winter solstice is a mega year; the little cold wanderer is homesick, and the reunion is celebrated at the end of the big cold year." It is the Chinese nation's beautiful yearning for blood relatives and family groups; "after the mango seed, you cannot plant strongly", "Planting in the Qingming Dynasty, planting seedlings in the valley rain", "shocking the plough, the spring equinox and the earth are ventilated" and other agricultural proverbs embody the cultural concept of Chinese the unity of heaven and man, and the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Hunan Children's Publishing House newly published this set of "One Year", trying to use children's childish eyes to perceive the four-hour wind objects in the year, thousands of ecology, more vivid and interesting than in the textbook, the picture book color lead and ink sketched out of the pastoral scenery, the aesthetic beauty of the slight change of all things will also be able to give small readers and big friends a different aesthetic experience, the story into each festival of farming folklore, legends, small knowledge, poetry, agricultural proverbs, etc., can cultivate children's aesthetic taste and literary accomplishment, Feel the unique aesthetics of time exclusive to the Chinese, and integrate the pride of Chinese civilization and self-confidence in Chinese culture into the blood of the bones.

(Changsha Evening News)

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