
#私家车6年免检, the 6th year is still exempt from inspection # Private car is exempt from inspection for 6 years, which is that the vehicle does not need to be tested online in the second and fourth years without personal injury or death and major traffic accidents


#私家车6年免检, the 6th year is still exempt from inspection # Private car 6 years exempt from inspection, is the vehicle in the absence of personal injury and death and major traffic accidents, the second and fourth years do not need to be tested on the line, just hold the driving license to the vehicle management office to apply for the pass mark, to the sixth year need to be online testing. The testing time can be three months in advance, and the testing cost is normal at 300 yuan, but recently there are testing institutions that engage in activities, only 200 yuan.

However, the recent new regulations stipulate that private cars within 10 years after 6 years will be tested every two years, that is, the sixth year of testing, the eighth year of online testing, ten years after the annual test, and fifteen years after the annual test.

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