
The method of treating vascular neuropathic headache, only when the blood is enough, the pain can be stopped, in fact, the reason why many diseases cannot be cured is that the interests affect people's hearts. I know about vascular neuropathic headaches

author:Dr. Wang's Hundred Grass Classroom

The method of treating vascular neuropathic headache, only when the blood is enough, the pain can be stopped, in fact, the reason why many diseases cannot be cured is that the interests affect people's hearts.

Regarding vascular neuropathic headaches, I know that this is a stubborn disease, and there are many people who are tormented by it for more than a decade, or even decades, but there is no way to do anything about it.

I have met many similar patients, and I dare not say that each one can be cured, but it is not impossible.

I want to let everyone understand the ins and outs of this disease through my own experience and understanding, and improve everyone's confidence in overcoming it a little.

There was once a patient who had been suffering from this disease for sixteen years, and once the disease occurred, the top of the head, forehead, eye sockets, and both sides of the head hurt.

Initially, it was every three to five episodes, and gradually it became more and more frequent, especially during menstruation, and the pain became more intense.

I saw her face was yellow, her tongue was thin and white, her veins were thin and weak, slightly stringy.

I asked her about the Chinese medicines she had taken before, most of them were some anti-wind and pain-relieving medicines, and obviously these things had no effect.

I made a calculation in my heart and gave her a prescription:

Angelica, Shengdi, White Peony, Sichuan Root, Mulberry, Zombie Silkworm, Qiang Huo, Zi Wei Zi, Fine Xin, Bai Zhi.

The results are gratifying, the patient took 7 doses, the pain was greatly reduced, but felt some fatigue, sleep is not good.

On the basis of the original side, astragalus and shou wu teng were added.

After using it for a while, I didn't feel the headache, I had follow-up after stopping the drug, and I never relapsed, so it can be said that I have been subdued for many years.

The first time I saw her face, I suspected that she had a blood deficiency problem, and with the addition of the tongue vein, it was even more certain.

In particular, the exacerbation of headaches during menstruation also shows that his headaches are related to blood deficiency.

First, blood deficiency does not adequately nourish the head, causing pain.

The second point is that the blood is weak and the wind is weak, and the wind and evil attack disturb the land of Qingyang, blocking the blood veins of the head, and if it is not clear, it is painful.

This wind evil has an internal wind produced by blood deficiency, and there is a high probability that it will also have the influence of external wind. Blood is the mother of qi, and if blood is weak, qi is not much better. Qi deficiency affects wei qi and cannot resist external wind and evil intrusion.

Therefore, in order to improve the situation, it is necessary to combine blood nourishment and dispelling wind. As the saying goes, pain relief first nourishes the blood, and the blood foot pain dissolves by itself.

In Fangzhong, dihuang, white peony, Sichuan root, angelica, this is the composition of the four things soup, that is, used to nourish the blood.

Mulberry and sagebrush are used to nourish the liver and kidneys, because the liver and kidneys are the basis of sperm and blood. In addition, it also has the effect of cooling blood and dispelling stasis and relieving headaches.

Zombie silkworms, Qiang Huo, Bai Zhi, fine spices, these are all products to dispel the wind.

Astragalus is used to replenish qi, is used to straighten out, and can also make qi better handsome and bloody.

The night vine is used to calm the mind and assist sleep.

For the causes of vascular neuropathic headaches are too many, such as wind chill type, hyperactivity of liver and yang, etc., must be dialectically passed by professionals, otherwise it cannot be used, otherwise it will cause big problems if you eat it.

I have been practicing medicine for more than forty years, I have seen too many people, too many diseases, in fact, many diseases are not so difficult to treat, only depend on whether the patient is willing to cooperate, and whether the doctor is willing to work hard.

In the era of materialistic desires, interests are always easy to affect people's hearts, and doctors are also people, so it is inevitable to move distractions. Therefore, this also shows the preciousness of noble medical ethics and good heart.

The method of treating vascular neuropathic headache, only when the blood is enough, the pain can be stopped, in fact, the reason why many diseases cannot be cured is that the interests affect people's hearts. I know about vascular neuropathic headaches

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