
On this day, the police received a report that a fire broke out on the 4th floor of building 13 in a community, and a 2-year-old girl was burned alive. The truth is shocking! The child's mother knelt in front of the corpse and cried dead and alive, but

author:Mi xi ge love movies

On this day, the police received a report that a fire broke out on the 4th floor of building 13 in a community, and a 2-year-old girl was burned alive. The truth is shocking! The child's mother knelt in front of the corpse and cried dead, but unfortunately her child could not wake up again. After learning that the fire was over, only the child in the family was playing mahjong downstairs with his mother Zhao Si. When it was discovered, the fire had spread, and it was impossible to rush in to save people.

It was the most vicious mom I've ever seen, her 2-year-old daughter was burned to death at home while she was playing mahjong downstairs. When the police offered further autopsies, she threatened her life in an attempt to stop the police investigation. Just when the truth was revealed, her heinous behavior made her husband mentally ill on the spot!

The child's father happened to be on a business trip, and the forensic doctor always felt that something was wrong with this accident. One: the ignition point is the bed, but no flammable materials are found around the bed. Second, judging from the shape of the body, the deceased was burned to death without any signs of struggle, which is obviously unreasonable. So the medical examiner felt that it might be a murder, and it was necessary to bring the body back to the police station for an autopsy.

After hearing this, the Yang team also felt that things were strange, so they returned to the room to explain the situation to Zhao Si, hoping that she would cooperate with the police investigation. I don't know if this woman is too sad to scold the police and let them hurry up. When the Yang team proposed to take the body away, her emotions became more excited, and she picked up the body and ran to the window, threatening the Yang team to dare to take another step forward and she would jump from here. The Yang team was worried that she would really do something extreme and did not dare to come forward.

Suddenly seeing that the wedding dress that was still half burned on the wall took a clever move, he moved out of the child's father to persuade him, saying that you two are a match. Then Zhao Si told the story. At one o'clock in the afternoon, after putting the child to sleep, she closed the security door and went downstairs to play mahjong. Usually this is also the case, children generally sleep until five o'clock to wake up, never anything happened. Unexpectedly, around three o'clock, the neighbor suddenly ran over to say that her house was on fire, and ran upstairs to see that the child could not be saved.

Speaking of this, Zhao Si couldn't help but cry bitterly. Subsequently, the Yang team asked the neighbors about the situation, and everyone felt very sorry, the child is usually very cute, how did he suddenly get burned to death? Yang team asked the big mother, Zhao Si and his wife usually have no enemies, the big mother swore an answer, the two of them are the envy of everyone husband and wife, the relationship is very good, listen to the big mothers said so, the Yang team did not see anything abnormal, but the next word of a card friend, let him be suspicious.

She said Zhao Si's mahjong played well, winning nine times out of ten. But today I don't know what's wrong, she has been fidgeting, firing a lot of cannons in a row, and finally even releasing a clear color. It was then that I found my home on fire. On the other hand, her husband Zhang Zhihua heard that there was an accident at home, and 100,000 rushed back. During the interrogation, nothing suspicious was found. So the Yang team asked him to go back first, and the news would be notified to him as soon as possible.

Zhang Zhihua was about to leave when his mobile phone suddenly rang. It was his wife, Zhao Si, who called and urged her husband to hurry back to accompany her. But what the police never expected was. Instead of telling her husband to hurry home, she asked him to rush to a restaurant to drink soup. This phone call is really incomprehensible, the daughter has just died tragically, and the mother even has the heart to go to the restaurant. This further aroused the suspicion of the Yang team, who immediately ran to the autopsy room and begged the forensic doctor to conduct an immediate autopsy, and soon the autopsy report came out.

In the child's stomach, the ingredients of sleeping pills were found, and judging from the digestive situation, the child was already in a coma 2 hours before the burn. That is to say, the child takes sleeping pills before going to bed, which is not difficult to explain why the child shows no signs of struggling when roasting. Now it is 100% certain that this is a premeditated murder, and soon Zhao Si is arrested, and Zhang Zhihua, who is unknown, is chased out, and he suspects that the police have made a mistake. Zhao Si is the child's biological mother, and she would never do such a thing.

In the interrogation room, Zhao Si behaved very calmly, even showing a disdainful expression. In the interrogation room, Zhao Si said, "Tell you the truth, my daughter was burned by me!" Outside the interrogation room, everyone, including Zhang Zhihua, couldn't believe this fact. Tiger poison has not yet eaten children, how can this woman be so vicious? Next, Zhao Si explained the whole crime process, and the reason why she did this kind of thing was entirely because she loved her husband too much. She said she couldn't stand her daughter taking away her husband's love for her.

It turned out that Zhao Si was an orphan, and his parents were smashed to death in the earthquake. Lacking love from childhood, she regarded her husband as her everything. She said: "He is not only my husband, but also my father, my brother, friend and lover, and you don't believe it when you say it. Even when he went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he accompanied me. I also seem to be living just for my husband. I feed him and I help him get dressed. You simply can't imagine how happy and sweet our lives are.

However, all this was before the birth of her daughter, and since she had her daughter Zhang Zhihua's thoughts, she had transferred to her daughter! He shared his love with his daughter. I will not tolerate it, I will not tolerate it. Whenever I saw him coaxing her to sleep, I tickled the root of my hated teeth and wanted to strangle her immediately, and I would never allow any obstacle between me and my husband

Zhao Si's love for her husband has gone mad, even perverted. In order to monopolize this love, she took advantage of her husband's business trip to kill her own daughter. Hearing this outrageous remark, Zhang Zhihua almost fainted on the spot. After Zhao Si finished his explanation, he actually got up and prepared to leave. She said to the police: "I see that you are a very good person, you have thought about it, I have told the truth, it is time to let the good go home!" ”

She thought she was doing it so seamlessly that the police couldn't convict her without evidence. But there was providence in the darkness, and the child still had sleeping pills left in her stomach, and the police questioned her that the girl was only two years old and 2 years old. And you are her biological mother how to bear to do it. But until this moment, this vicious woman still did not have the slightest remorse! Before being taken away, she shouted, "I don't care who she is, I will never allow anyone to share my husband's love with me!" ”

The movie < <案发现场>>, and the case finally came to an end, but the mood could not be calmed for a long time. Such a vicious mother is simply unworthy of being a human being, even if she is shot 100 times, she cannot get rid of her hatred! s

On this day, the police received a report that a fire broke out on the 4th floor of building 13 in a community, and a 2-year-old girl was burned alive. The truth is shocking! The child's mother knelt in front of the corpse and cried dead and alive, but

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