
Don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have a baby, and now young people see it, is this a long-term solution?

In the end, it is the young people who see it! So much better than us! Marriage is a man's shackles, a trap that women use to legally control a tool man! Give you a "marry you", "give you a baby", "children with your surname" and so on a batch of empty things, let you feel good about yourself, start to self-spur responsibility, hard-earned hard-earned money to hand over, but also constantly complain that you earn less, decades later, look back, what did men get?? An honorary title for the title of surname? It's a real huh! Being used by others to be controlled by others is also to be blamed. In the end, I found out, who got whom?!

Don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have a baby, and now young people see it, is this a long-term solution?

Of course, women pregnant will have a lot of bad experiences and bad things, but she can get the feelings that men can't get, personally conceive a small life, this happiness and experience is more precious, so there is a reason to love children more than men, and women if they abandon children are more excessive than men, because men themselves have not given birth to children, women have felt it themselves, and abandoning this behavior is enough to show that it is against nature.

Can't avoid troubles, get married and have a baby! Having a baby is not only a right or an obligation, not fulfilling an obligation, not entitled to enjoy everything that comes with the order of human society, because you are not responsible for human continuation, gender harmony, and the human order should not be responsible for your extreme egoism.

Don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have a baby, and now young people see it, is this a long-term solution?

Life is your own, what right do you have to interfere in the lives of others? Others can't afford to raise, you give money to support? Other people's children can't see the sick heart like a knife, can you replace this feeling? Always take your standards to measure others? Do you know how many times the taxes on high-income groups are yours, and how many times you talk about obligations with people? Talking about order??

Only children lack the fraternal interaction between brothers and sisters, they get a unique love, they are less likely to empathize, less dedication, more consideration of self-interest, they really do not expect much from the future marriage. My son is less than fourteen years old, our family conditions can be, the relationship between husband and wife is harmonious, my son is the only son in 08 years, he said that he will marry the computer in the future, do not plan to marry and have children, a person is very good. I'm looking forward to his future face punches.

Don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have a baby, and now young people see it, is this a long-term solution?

I would like to say that the only child is very good at empathy and dedication is a lot, because from childhood to get all the love of their parents, we will not be narrow but more tolerant, there will be a lot of different pursuits, of course, these pursuits do not include marriage and children, these pursuits will be to achieve the value of their own life, let their lives be more meaningful, rather than simply pass on the inheritance, there are some only children may not have so much pursuit but they will let themselves live wantonly happy, and will be a good support for parents, marriage and children may not be a necessary option. The times are changing, people's ideological concepts are also changing, the country is more and more developed, this situation will be more and more do not buy a house, do not marry and infertility is not not to work hard, but do not need to work hard to earn money, ordinary people earn the same salary of most people in a region, pay social security, as long as it is not excessive consumption, how can you save some money, and so in the next ten years, the company institutions that serve single people in society will be less? Of course, if some people do not have a thick foundation and eat grain without planning to spend money indiscriminately, that is not responsible for themselves, they are adults, and they are responsible for themselves.

Don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have a baby, and now young people see it, is this a long-term solution?

Other does not matter, two issues need to be considered in advance, one is the sexual life problem when you are young, young people are flesh and blood, how can you not want this? The second is the problem of getting sick after getting old, people without blood relations can't really take care of you, play mahjong together, let people take care of it for free, and there is no door. These two problems, I think so, the first problem, can be solved through the dating website, want to be relatively fixed can find a long-term gun friend, take what you need; the second problem should be prepared for the rain, to have a certain economic accumulation, can not sit on the mountain sky ...!

Marriage is hardly any good for women. Single to make money on how you want to spend how to enjoy how to come. The money earned by getting married is to be spent by the husband's family. Singles can think of how to salt fish as much as they want. When you get married, you have to serve the family and become a paid nanny. Singles do not need to endure physical injury to have children, married to suffer physical injuries, to the husband's family to inherit the generations (pregnancy suffering, fertility injuries, life danger, hard feeding, worry about everything, parenting, most men take the child's surname rights, and then let the woman widowed parenting, raised, he picks the fruit, from the beginning to the end, what he pays is a price of cooling. Women give for a lifetime. Singles don't have to be afraid of domestic violence. The life of a married woman is not her own, a man can fight if he wants, kill if he wants, and finally say a housework, you can gently put it down. Single all assets parents and spend on their own. Married, the property of the mother's family belongs to the husband's family.

Don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have a baby, and now young people see it, is this a long-term solution?

In the future, girls will not be stupid to be used as a fertility machine by the man's family to give birth to babies one after another, the children are still with the father's surname, and the woman will not be foolish to give up her job and be discriminated against by men, so the low birth rate is the inevitable result of women's self-realization of self-worth, if there is not enough protection, then let the men find their own way to pass on the generations!

I think you still have to buy a house if you have the financial ability, you can't guarantee that your economic conditions after rising with age can ensure that you can always rent a decent house, and the house is permanent, you live to 80, 90 years old are yours, you can also give your brothers and sisters children when you are old, and the rent is different, the house price will definitely go up with the economy, so in the long run, ordinary people still buy a house.

Don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have a baby, and now young people see it, is this a long-term solution?

Buy a house for your parents to live, talk about love, too tired, pay for it, girls always remember that she pays youth, but once thought that boys often have money and money, and finally have to become, the "scumbag" in the mouth of girls, marriage is more exaggerated, do the wrong thing to say that she two sentences, can pull on machismo, do not say her, do not want to talk is cold violence. You marry an "ancestor" back home, and she still feels that marrying you is a gift to you, and you owe them a lifetime from that moment on, so why bother? What are you trying to do! If you like to find something for yourself to do, just when I didn't say it.

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