
40 years later, the only child lives a "polarized" life, a generation that has never been seen before or after the ancients

Throughout history, the "family of three" model has not been common.

In 1978, family planning was promoted to the whole country, creating countless "families of three" and the glorious slogan of having only one child, which also made people's concepts deeply rooted.

For the only child whose parents are office workers, it is a common phenomenon to hang a bunch of keys around the neck and a note written by the mother at the door, "The meal is in the refrigerator, heat it up, and write homework quickly after eating" has become a common phenomenon.

They are accustomed to turning on the lights in their homes, turning on the TV to write homework, creating a lively scene with many people in the family, which is an experience that multi-child families cannot feel.

Why is there Family Planned?

Now that the second child has been released, many families have returned to the state before 1978, although it is not as lively as three or four children, but two children are still popular, so the only child is indeed a generation that has never been seen before, and many people can't help but ask, what is the reason that has led to the unprecedented end of the only child?

In the 1980s, both the East and the West believed that the population would grow rapidly in the future, and millions of people would be plagued by famine in the future, not only on the mainland, but also in many countries in Asia.

For example, Japan, South Korea, and even many Western countries have promoted family planning and advocated "eugenics."

However, the tradition of "many children and many grandchildren and many blessings" for thousands of years could not accept that a family had only one child for a time, so the phenomenon sketch "Super Life Guerrilla" was born.

I still remember the funny outfits of Huang Hong and Song Dandan, one on their backs, one in their arms, and one in their stomachs, and the two hid in the bridge and left their hometowns, just to give birth to a boy.

The only child has spawned many problems

1. The "little emperor" statement

Before the only child, there was never a "little emperor" or a "Beat generation", because there were multiple children in the family and there was no problem of coddling.

But the only child is different, three families guard a child, the grandfather's family, the grandfather's family, and the parents' home, the child enjoys the best resources, material and love are too sufficient, so it is inevitable that there will be a coddling phenomenon.

It was at that time that the idea of coddling children was put forward and widely discussed, and the concept of "selfishness and willfulness" of the only child was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for a time.

2. Lonely groups

There is also the view that only children enjoy the best resources, but at the same time suffer from not having siblings.

For a period of time, the only child is selfish and overbearing, does not know how to share the saying is very popular, they will also be compared with the small partners of multi-child families, do not know how to suffer hardships, do not feel sorry for their parents, pocket money, birthday luxury, etc., this may not be nothing.

When they grow up and face four old people without the support of their siblings, then they will experience true loneliness.

All of the above evaluations have appeared in the only child, but is this really the case? 40 years later, the only children of that time have also entered middle age, and their lives have become polarized.

1. Live out the self-type

Don't worry about it, our only children are doing well and are not lonely at all. In your spare time, the computer, TV and mobile phone are changed, when you were a child, no one competed with you for pets and snacks, and when you grew up, no one competed with you for family property, thousands of pets in one.

I cherish my life, my parents I filial piety.

This is the real experience of an only child, it can be said that he has lived out his self, but this is also a prerequisite, first of all, the family is relatively happy and happy, the parents are healthy, and they have enough financial ability to cope with everything.

In addition, his parents poured more energy and financial resources into him, he has enough insight, but also avoided many detours in life, with the joint efforts of two generations, let the only child embark on a relatively broad road, the realization of life's dreams.

2. Pressure type

Contrary to the former, there are also a considerable number of only children, experiencing the pressure of people to middle age, becoming forced to nibble on the old, and gradually no old age to gnaw, they shoulder the old age of their parents, the difficulty of raising children, and they are constantly frustrated by the post-90s .90s.

Some people say, don't scold young people loudly, they will resign immediately, but you can scold those middle-aged people to death, especially those who have cars, houses and babies, these are not the only children living in the cracks?

Don't dare to die, don't dare to travel far, especially want to make money, because my parents are only me!

I remember a photo called "The Only Child" won an award, a middle-aged man sitting between two hospital beds, on the one hand is the old father, on the other side is the old mother, at this moment, no need to say anything more, everything can feel empathy.

How do only children view their second child?

The second child has been released for five years, and it is enough for everyone to think clearly, some people say that the only child is the most difficult generation, when he was a child, he encountered family planning without brothers and sisters, and after marriage, he encountered the second child, and the birth was not in front of him, on the one hand, he did not want the child to go his own way, on the other hand, he was forced by the huge pressure of 4 + 2, and had to compromise.

In fact, the only child seems to be arrogant, but in fact, it is really skinny, they were once labeled as "little emperors", "the beat generation", now they have not collapsed, just like the saying said, "nothing is not troublesome, nothing is not afraid of things", in front of life, who is not carrying the weight forward?

When faced with the problem of the second child, they are also not instigated, they are born when they have conditions, they are not entangled without conditions, who makes us an unprecedented generation?

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