
Thank you for being my child, for making me a mother and a better version of myself

Today is my 3rd Mother's Day, reminiscing about the past bits and pieces, suddenly a lot of emotions.

I have always felt that children are god's greatest gift to me, and I have a sense of responsibility from the time when this little guy breathes with me in my body and shares my destiny.

There are so many people in this world, and only this little guy has shared his heartbeat with me, and we are so close.

From the first time I saw her, I immediately felt that I had a great responsibility to give her all my love.

Eat and drink enough to smile

With abundant maternal love, I started my full-time day with a baby, but the process of carrying a baby was not so smooth.

In the confinement of the baby eczema is serious, during the day to change a dozen diapers, breast milk to drink half of the crying, night will also cry for no reason, the moon to the night I feel fear, because my baby has never slept peacefully, I even had hallucinations will suddenly wake up from the dream.

Finally, once I yelled out loud at my daughter who had been crying until she was halfway through the milk, and watching her shrink into my arms in the hands of the sudden roar, I couldn't help but break down and cry.

After crying, I wiped away my tears and looked at the little man in my arms with remorse. I am the one she carefully selected on the rainbow, she gave up the treasure of heaven and came straight to me, how can I let her down.

So I started looking at the parenting book and realized that her symptoms weren't quite right. In addition to hunger and the need to change diapers, there must be a reason for babies to cry for no reason at other times.

She was immediately taken to the children's hospital for examination, described the symptoms, and the doctor prescribed a urine test, which showed that she was lactose intolerant.

Because of lactose intolerance, the lactose in breast milk entering her intestines will make her uncomfortable, and she can't speak but use crying to express it, and as a mother, I still yell at her because I am impatient.

By the time I found out, my daughter had endured a month of intestinal discomfort, so there was foam in the stool, and as a mother, I didn't feel abnormal.

That's when I realized how terrible ignorance is! Since then, I have changed my laziness, learned parenting like a sponge, and started to try things that I had never done, wanted to be a better mother, and wanted to be a better version of myself.

1. From brushing short videos to learning parenting knowledge

Once the fragmented time has given funny short videos, when the mother pays attention to parenting bloggers and pediatricians. The Internet age is rich in resources, as long as you want to learn, there must be a door open for you.

In this way, in two and a half years, I went from a novice mother who knew nothing to a calm mother who could cope with her baby's fever freely. That's the result of learning!

2. Kitchen Xiaobai transforms into a mother group food supplement

Before I didn't have a baby, I rarely cooked, preferring to order takeout rather than waste time in the kitchen.

When the baby was eight months old, I began to learn the preparation of complementary foods, studied nutrition collocations every day, shared my experience with the mothers in the group, and became the food supplement master of the mother group.

Cultivating snacks that are fragrant and have a good body is my wish and the motivation for me to cook.

A collection of complementary foods

3. Handicapped party learn to do handicrafts

I have never been a skillful person, until now I see that the handmade product is still very rough, and I can't get my hands on it.

But whenever I see my daughter showing off with my friends with the toys I made, I am full of confidence in myself.

No matter how exquisite things are for children, they are not as good as their mother's fists and fists, and what they do is the best.

I think I'll keep doing this.

Mom Pai Quiet Book

4. Otaku transforms into a natural nurturing advocate

I'm an introvert who likes to be alone, and I think staying at home and watching movies is the best casual.

After having a child, I want to take her to contact nature, dig up soil, play with mud and sand, watch flowers bloom and fall, and feel the changes of the four seasons.

Children who grew up under the epidemic have not gone far, and the most frequented are fields and parks.

The child can't stop time, but can make time slow down, and she is like a slow snail taking us to appreciate the beauty of nature that we have overlooked.

A lollipop tree in the eyes of a child

5. Parent-child reading has cultivated my reading habits

When I first started reading together, I told my child a book and let her read it by herself, and I looked at my phone next to me.

Later, the child said: Mom, I don't want to read, I want to look at the phone.

I suddenly had an epiphany that parents are the references for children. I don't even read books, but I ask my children to love books, which is ridiculous.

Since then, I have made a list of books for myself, and when my children read books, I will also take the books and read them with them.

Now my favorite thing is to read a book with my children, snuggling up to each other without disturbing each other.

On this day of celebrating motherhood, I would like to thank my children for coming, for making me a mother and a better version of myself!

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