
What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

If the baby does not like to eat one or more complementary foods in the early stage of adding complementary foods, he can temporarily stop eating. For babies in this period, the main purpose of adding complementary foods is to help children taste the taste of various foods, improve children's acceptance of food, and cultivate healthy eating habits. If the child is resistant to a certain food, do not force it, try it again in a few days, you can also mix rice noodles and other foods to eat together, really do not like to eat something else.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

If the complementary food has been added for a period of time, knowing what the baby likes to eat and what they don't like to eat, this time you can mix the new food with the food that the baby likes, which can improve their chances of acceptance. Let your baby taste and discover new foods on his own, and don't force it if he doesn't like it. For picky eaters, they have to try a few times before they accept it.

You can also let him sit next to him and watch the adult eat when he eats, so as to attract him to eat complementary foods. Or when feeding the baby complementary food, tease the baby and talk to the baby in a relaxed and lively tone, so that the baby thinks it is a very interesting thing.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

The baby's attitude towards complementary foods is not positive, and another way for him to accept is to give him a little breast milk every time, and then feed him a little complementary food with a spoon (half a spoon and a half spoon, remember to be full of spoons), and finally give him a little breast milk or formula.

This will prevent the child from losing his temper when he is very hungry, because he is not accustomed to the taste of complementary foods, and will also allow him to slowly adapt to eating complementary foods with a spoon.

It is also possible to add a little milk to the prepared food supplement, which may be more acceptable to the baby.

Small tip: The baby's first complementary food must be salt-free and sugar-free, maintaining the original taste of the food, so as to avoid the baby's picky eating in the future and develop a heavy taste. And throughout the preliminary exploration stage of food supplements, it is necessary to let the baby touch more different ingredients and cultivate good eating habits.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

Add a three-step dietary supplement

The first step is to try again and again

Since the process of adding complementary foods is the process of the baby's understanding of the world, the resistance to the unknown is a normal psychological response. Then, we should give the baby a period of time to adapt.

The first time you do it, the baby does not eat, continue to do it every other day, and continue to do it every other day, so that the baby is slowly familiar with this food. Give your child a try on a continuous basis, sometimes 10 or even 20 attempts, before the child can accept it.

So don't think that the child does not like to eat do not add, some mothers made a beef puree, the baby does not like to eat. The mother thinks that the baby does not like the taste and will never do it again. This is the process of judging too early and not adapting to the baby.

As you try more, your baby's interest in food slowly increases and there's no need to worry too much.

The second step is to diversify food

The different flavors that children try before the age of one are to lay the foundation for a diversified diet in the future, so when adding complementary foods to the baby, you should try to diversify the complementary foods.

The first few months of adding complementary foods are not "what they like", but should be "what they don't have". Some mothers specialize in making babies love to eat, thinking that this is a manifestation of loving their children. But in fact, this will unconsciously become a "helper" for children to eat pickily.

If your baby doesn't like it, try it a few times. If your baby is particularly fond of certain tastes and is not very acceptable to other foods alone, you can mix the foods you like and don't like.

For example, if your baby's favorite is sweet and salty, and does not like sour and astringent, you can try to combine slightly bitter broccoli with grated cheese to see if you can open your baby's taste buds.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

The third step is to relax the mentality of parents

Some parents are very nervous when they see that the baby does not eat, afraid that it is not good for the body, and will use coaxing or persecution to solve the problem. For example, what reward to give after eating, so that the child will associate the meal with the external reward, and will not eat without the reward in the future.

Worse still, threatening the child, "if you don't eat, don't get off the table", this will make the child associate eating with bad experiences, and will destroy the child's relationship with food.

If your baby doesn't eat, don't make a fuss. Hunger is necessary for a smooth meal, and babies are no exception.

The formation of "foodies" is based on a happy, relaxed atmosphere, and if mothers are already anxious about their children's diet, it is a sign worth paying attention to. Moms have to deal with their emotions before they deal with specific issues.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

Happy Eating Tips

Guide your baby to food and eliminate fear of new foods. Take your baby to observe and touch the characteristics of food, and even use carrots, tomatoes and other ingredients as special toys for children. Combined with the cognition of color and touch, it is more than one thing.

Involve your baby in food arrangements, such as going to the supermarket with his mom to buy vegetables and picking the ingredients he needs. This sense of engagement stimulates your baby's interest in food.

Buy a good bowl for your baby and let him eat on his own as early as possible. Many times the baby does not eat, because it does not like the feeling of being fed, especially when the parents who feed are too strong.

Eye-catching, creatively placed foods can arouse your baby's interest in eating. Arrange food into childlike, colorful shapes, or use molds to make food into cartoon shapes to make them look irresistible.

Create a beautiful eating situation, let the baby and adults eat together, in a harmonious atmosphere for the whole family, it is easier to affect the baby's eating habits.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to eat complementary foods? The most comprehensive and practical solution in this article!

In short, during the period of complementary feeding, parents must be mentally prepared and be more patient. Once the child does not accept the situation, it is necessary to carefully analyze the reasons for the baby's non-acceptance and prescribe the right medicine.

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