
The more people of the opposite sex get along, the higher the "self-worth", the higher the attractiveness

Everyone has their own value.

A person's value is reflected in all aspects, from work, life to feelings, there are different value attributes.

At work, your value is the ability you can provide for the company;

In life, your value is the relationship that can be managed;

In the relationship, your value determines whether there will be attraction like you, and determines whether your own emotional path is smooth.

Some people have high value in their feelings, and their emotional path is very smooth; the so-called peach blossom luck is nothing more than high self-worth.

It is precisely because he shows a high degree of attraction through his own value that many people will like him.

Just like the stars you like, why can the class flowers and school flowers of your reading era attract the attention of many people?

The most important factor is: high value.

In this article you will see:

What is the self-worth of a person?

How to improve self-worth and enhance attraction in the eyes of the opposite sex?


A person's self-worth includes 4 aspects

First: extrinsic value

External value is a person's image temperament.

From an aesthetic point of view, this is called "ornamental value";

On a social level, this is called "first impression."

People with high external value will give people a "stunning" feeling at the first glance.

Some people's love at first sight is actually a love for each other's external image.

Just like when we look at a flower, when we look at a tree, when we look at the sunrise and sunset, when we look at the moonlight, these beautiful things are all of ornamental value.

The higher the viewing value, the higher the visual experience and spiritual pleasure that can be brought to you.

And people with high external value will give people a sense of mystery and obscurity over time.

Pass ten, ten pass a hundred, after a long time, everyone wants to go to find out, to see if the other party is so amazing in the legend.

Just like when we mention "Chongqing", we think of Chongqing hot pot.

When you think of Beijing, you think of the Forbidden City.

Any place, a person, there will always be a "label" added by the outside world.

And this label is our own value.

In the process of getting along with the opposite sex, the external value determines whether two people will have further contact and emotional development.

Just like in the blind date market, two people do not know each other, and can only score each other through each other's external image.

Those with high scores naturally have an advantage; those with low scores will reduce the interest of the other party in interacting with them.

Just like men naturally like to look at girls who are beautiful, in good shape, and can dress up.

And women naturally like strong, handsome, sunny and cheerful boys alike.

It is human nature to like beauty, to pursue beauty, to appreciate beauty, to desire beauty.

Second: "Reproductive Value"

As the name suggests, it is the innate desire to reproduce the next generation.

In the animal world, female animals tend to have more initiative, because in the process of reproduction, they need to consider whether the male animal is strong and safe enough.

I watched a documentary some time ago.

There's a shot of a polar bear breeding in it.

A female polar bear occupies the absolute initiative, and it will not decide to breed with a male polar bear when they first meet.

Instead, it will constantly test it and hang it.

Female polar bears are constantly on the move, in search of food, in search of a reliable place to thrive.

The male polar bear that follows behind it will need to face the challenge of the rest of the polar bears.

Whoever wins to the end will also gain the favor of the female polar bear and become a companion with her.

The same is true in the interaction of men and women.

When men are looking for a partner, they will also measure and consider the reproductive value of girls, such as large eyes, double eyelids, and physical health.

When girls are looking for a partner, they will also consider whether the boy's body is strong, whether he is healthy, whether he is tall or not, and whether the family conditions are good or not.

In a sense, marriage is about passing on the generations.

In order to make their next generation better and better, when people choose a mate, they will choose a partner with relatively high reproductive value.

Third: "Emotional Value"

After talking about the external value, we must talk about the intrinsic value of people.

The intrinsic value mainly has emotional value and social value.

So, what is emotional value?

For example:

People with high emotional value often have a high degree of appeal and can affect the emotions of the people around them.

When he is happy, he will make the people around him happy, just like the pistachios in the group, always adjusting the atmosphere.

He is optimistic, cheerful, always with a smile on his face, and can let others enter a positive and positive emotional state through his emotional value.

On the contrary, a person with low emotional value, you can only feel a steady stream of negative emotions from him, feel his negativity.

"Near Zhu is red, near ink is black".

People are particularly susceptible to being influenced by their surroundings and by the emotions of other people.

No one likes to be pessimistic, and people are eager for positivity, sunshine, and good things and visible goals in their hearts.

Fourth: "The Value of Social Status"

A person's social status also includes objective factors such as wealth, family background, work and income.

In the blind date market, both men and women, the requirements for partners are basically very clear.

For example:

Factors such as high academic qualifications, stable jobs, good incomes, and retirement pensions for parents.

Doesn't this illustrate the value of one's social status?

Conversely, the higher the education, the better the job, the higher the income, the better the family conditions, the higher the competitiveness and attractiveness of the person.

If marriage is likened to "doing business", then people want to get the maximum benefits and make the second half of their lives better through marriage.

The marriage between the giants and the giants is called "family marriage", and the combination of the strong and the strong.

And ordinary people want to enter the giants through marriage, the odds are really small.

After all, your own social status is not high, so why should others accept you?


How to increase your own value and improve your attractiveness?

In terms of social place and family background, it is difficult to improve and change.

After all, what you have when you are born, the model of this life is almost fixed; to change, this path requires you to work harder than others.

Therefore, the self-worth that can be improved is: external value, emotional value, reproduction value.

First: manage your own external image and keep exercising

If you want to maintain a good body, you must ensure that you exercise.

A good body is the basis for everything.

When you make your body better and better through exercise and exercise, then your reproductive value and charm in the eyes of the opposite sex will naturally rise.

The external image is to pay attention to their own dress, words and deeds.

It is not necessary to wear expensive clothes or luxurious jewelry, but to make your image look at least clean and generous.

You go on a blind date, but you're wearing pajamas, isn't that appropriate?

You go to the fields to do farm work, but you wear suits and shoes, which is not appropriate, right?

On any occasion, let yourself dress up as an image.

Second: Build self-confidence and increase emotional value

Confident people must be optimistic and cheerful; and optimistic and cheerful people can gradually improve their self-confidence.

The logic in this middle should be clear to everyone.

How to make yourself have higher emotional value?

Then first make yourself confident, look at life, work and relationships with peace of mind.

Not sad and happy, not complaining about the world, not hurting the spring and autumn.

Only emotional stability is the first step to improving the value of emotions.

Emotional stability means that you can control your emotions and be able to retract them freely.

The next thing you have to do is try to give your positive emotions, positive emotions, back to the other person.

When interacting with the opposite sex, try to infect each other, let the other party feel your positive emotions, feel your love for life and feelings.

When your emotional value is high enough, you are in the eyes of the other party, like a glowing little sun, full of charm.

Today's Topic:

When the opposite sex gets along, what values do you value most?

(Article with picture source network)

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