
This girl's experience tells you what trauma exists in the hearts of divorced women

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The world hopes to have the love feelings of hand in hand to old age, but the reality is not a fairy tale, every year so many couples embark on the road of divorce, they may be because of the betrayal of one of the parties and lead to emotional rupture, or perhaps in the middle of the ordinary life gradually wiped out the original passion, but no matter what the reason, divorce has become a foregone conclusion.

Many people will choose a second marriage after divorce, and this is what people call a halfway couple. I wonder if you are curious about how the halfway couple lives a married life? The 28-year-old woman's inner words were too realistic.

Wang Mengmeng is 28 years old this year, although to outsiders, she looks like a happy girl who has never experienced a blow, but in fact, she has had a failed marriage, and this relationship once made her heart ache.

This girl's experience tells you what trauma exists in the hearts of divorced women

Wang Mengmeng and her ex-husband met through the introduction of acquaintances, and the two people did not get along for long to feel that the other party was very close to their own eyes, so the two people were naturally together. A year later, the two of them officially entered the palace of marriage, in Wang Mengmeng's view, the other party is definitely a good husband candidate, but what she did not expect was that her ex-husband actually cheated.

There are only zero and countless times of cheating, Wang Mengmeng thinks that she is a woman who can't rub sand in her eyes, so she filed for divorce for the first time, and she can't accept that her marriage is stained.

The family has advised Wang Mengmeng not to be impulsive, because in their view, it is difficult for a woman to find a good marriage partner after divorce, but Wang Mengmeng's attitude is very resolute, no matter whether her family and friends or dissuasion, she is determined to divorce.

This girl's experience tells you what trauma exists in the hearts of divorced women

Wang Mengmeng firmly believes that as long as she waits patiently, she will be able to wait for the right person, and sure enough, in the 3rd year after the divorce, Wang Mengmeng really met a partner who was very suitable in all aspects, and she was very satisfied, and now she has married the man and lived a happy life.

Wang Mengmeng said that although he has been divorced, he has also been troubled and confused in his feelings, but a person can say goodbye to the wrong marriage is already a great courage, from the perspective of women, we must not be wrong again, and it is a good idea to stop losses in time.

After a woman's divorce, she finds a partner to marry halfway not only for material life, she is likely to find emotional sustenance.

This girl's experience tells you what trauma exists in the hearts of divorced women

After experiencing the last failure, women's hearts become extra fragile and sensitive, and they even deny themselves and attribute the failure of the previous relationship to their own reasons.

If a woman can re-enter the relationship and be nourished by love, then she can break free from negative emotions, not only that, if a woman has a child, she will invest more time and energy in the family.

When husband and wife love, children are the crystallization of love, and when husband and wife no longer love each other, children become the source of suffering. Many women have the idea of divorce, but when they consider the happiness of their children, they would rather aggrieved themselves than let their children experience the pain of their parents' divorce.

There are many children in single-parent families who grow up with problems of inferiority and anxiety, and because of this, women often swing left and right, wanting to take care of their children's psychology and pursue new happiness.

This girl's experience tells you what trauma exists in the hearts of divorced women

Fish and bear paws can not be combined, not to mention that not every child who grows up in a single-parent family has psychological problems, and many children grow up cheerfully and happily.

People have to look forward after all, even if the past life has made you lose hope, but you need to be clear, the good life is always ahead, if you look farther, you will definitely be able to see how radiant you are after getting rid of the failed marriage.

Because the couple has experienced a failed marriage in the middle of the road, the attitude of two people to marriage will be more cautious than when they are married, and when they have more rationality and maturity for each other, even if they meet, they will not quarrel and argue endlessly, but will actively face and try to find a solution.

This girl's experience tells you what trauma exists in the hearts of divorced women

Whether it is a marriage or a second marriage, life is inevitable chai rice oil salt and chicken feather trivialities, if you still hold the idea of romanticism to run a marriage, then the result will probably not be as you think, but if two people can always actively and beautifully manage the marriage, feel the small warmth and small happiness in the plain, then you can live together for a long time.

Halfway husband and wife need both parties to give each other due attention and trust, do not overcalculate and weigh gains and losses, only be honest with each other, more from each other's point of view to think about the problem, in the future life, you two can work together to meet the ups and downs.

The above is the real life of the halfway couple, I don't know how you think about the halfway couple? If you have anything you want to say, let's explore it together below the comments section.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

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参考资料:Pew Research Center. Marriage and Divorce. (2020, April 10). Retrieved June 23, 2020.

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