
Want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, starting with doing these things well

Want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, starting with doing these things well

In this world, the most precious thing is a person's sincerity. No matter how much money you spend, it is difficult to buy a person's sincerity.

It's easy to come by, but it's hard to find. When you meet someone who truly loves and cares about you, and you don't hate him, please know how to cherish him. After all, not everyone is willing to give your heart for you.

The so-called true love is to treat each other sincerely, willing to warm and protect each other with sincerity, and spend the rest of your life waiting for the door of love to open.

For women, wanting to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man starts by doing these things well.

Want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, starting with doing these things well

1. Pay attention to the way of communication

Two people together must learn to communicate and communicate. The chronic lack of communication and communication of emotions, like water-scarce plants, will sooner or later face depletion and decay.

The more you want to capture or retain the heart of a middle-aged man, the more you must pay attention to the ways and methods of communication.

Good communication helps to heat up feelings. When you're with a middle-aged man, pay attention to the tone and attitude of your speech.

When he is not in a high mood, you had better not say particularly ugly things to him, and after his emotions return to calm and tranquility, you will calmly express your true feelings and thoughts to him.

When you have been wronged in your feelings, your heart is full of anger, and you have accumulated too many negative emotions, you can properly vent them out, and you don't have to pile them up in your heart for a long time. However, you should pay attention to the method of communication and expression, and do not transfer negative emotions to your partner.

No matter how much a middle-aged man loves you, he also has his temper and personality. If you want to grasp his heart in your relationship, you must pay attention to the color of his speech, pay close attention to his emotional changes, and pay attention to the way and method of speaking, including the attitude and tone of communication.

The same sentence, expressed in a gentle tone, will have unexpected surprises and gains.

Especially when you ask him for help, don't use a forced tone, and don't act too arrogant and rude, otherwise he will be more and more distant from you.

Want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, starting with doing these things well

2. Maintain physical and mental independence

If you want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, you must pay attention to maintaining physical and mental independence at all times. In the relationship, don't rely too much on him, don't pin all your hopes on a middle-aged man. Otherwise, he will feel stressed.

Regardless of men and women, in the relationship, we must pay attention to maintaining an appropriate distance from their partners, and reserve a little breathing space and opportunity for feelings.

If you rely too much on a middle-aged man in your relationship, get aggressive and aggressive with him, and constantly force him to do something he doesn't want to do at all, he may turn his face to you at any time.

The premise of maintaining physical and mental independence is that you must have relatively independent and stable economic resources and income, and only when you remain materially independent can you gain more emotional and spiritual freedom.

In addition to that, you also need to maintain emotional stability. As Nietzsche put it, "The way to attain true freedom is to learn self-control." If the emotions are out of control, they will be led by the nose by the emotions and lose their freedom. So those who are mentally free and maintain independent thinking are also those who are good at controlling their emotions. ”

Whenever and wherever you are, don't entrust your future and destiny to anyone. Qiao Xiaolu once said: "What others give is never called a sense of security, and it is barely a cheap dependence." Security is based on independence, and you praise a tree for standing tall against the wind, but forget its lonely suffering year after year. ”

If you are full of dependence on a middle-aged man, eager to be with him twenty-four hours a day, for a long time, he will have disgust and disgust with you, thinking that your existence is a heavy pressure and burden, and sooner or later he will completely abandon you.

Want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, starting with doing these things well

3. Grasp his dynamics

As the saying goes, know thyself and know the other, and never lose a battle. If you want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, you must pay attention to keeping abreast of his latest developments, including his life situation, emotional changes and thought dynamics.

The reason why he is willing to live with you for a long time is that you understand and respect him enough, and you can be heart-to-heart and sympathetic to each other.

If you don't know anything about his life and don't know the details of his life and his interests, it will be difficult for you to catch or keep his heart.

If he never takes the initiative to care for and greet you, and is indifferent to your life, it means that he has completely let go of you in his heart.

If you want to understand the lifestyle of a middle-aged man, the best way is to find opportunities to get close to him and chat with him more often.

If you never care about his life, do not know anything about his world, even if he takes the initiative to chat with you, you always find excuses to resign and refuse, then in the long run, he will be discouraged by you, and you will lose his sincerity.

Want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, starting with doing these things well

In short, two people together must learn to care for and warm each other, help and support each other.

When you want to firmly grasp the heart of a middle-aged man, you must pay attention to the various details of the two people getting along.

For example, you should pay attention to the tone and tone of your speech, pay attention to keeping an appropriate distance from him, take the initiative to help him share his worries, make his pistachios, coax him to be happy, and make him feel that it is a particularly pleasant thing to be with you.

If he doesn't feel any joy or warmth with you, but instead feels endless pain and indifference, he may gradually alienate you as a result.

Feelings take time to develop. When you lack communication and exchange together, it will be difficult for you to truly integrate into his world. When you know very little about his life, it means that the common language between you is becoming more and more scarce, and the distance between you will become more and more distant.

Since you want to live with him for a long time and want to have a relationship that never breaks up, then you should pay attention to being kind to him, a little more gentle and patient, a little less accusatory and insulting, something to discuss, nothing to communicate more.

Only when you truly love each other can the flowers of your feelings always bloom undefeated.

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