
What breaks a woman's heart is often another love

What breaks a woman's heart is often another love

Big Bull Busy Marriage Emotional Case Series

Keywords: divorce, marriage, lover

Article length: 4200 words

Original articles, plagiarism must be investigated

I came across a sentence like this: Marriage, whether it is wind or rain, must be brave to continue, which is my unique memory in this life. Because I'm a woman, I can't hide from it, I can't avoid it...

This is the original words of a woman who is about to divorce in a marriage case.

Looking at a period of sophistication, thinking about the years, there will always be some things inside and outside the marriage that outsiders cannot understand. Years ago and many years later, the same memories often bring different moods...

A few days ago, the woman recounted this emotional experience:

8 years ago, my parents quarreled over a small matter. Mom couldn't think for a moment, took a bottle of wine, a bottle of medicine, and left this world with hatred.

I got the call and hurried home from school, regretting not seeing my mom for the last time.

On the day I got married 4 years ago, my father put up a portrait of my mother in the house. That day I was surprised to find that dad had kept old pictures of my mother. He had good intentions to witness my happy moments with his mother.

My father and I both cried into tears that day, and although my mother had already gone to heaven, our family of three was together at that moment.

Dad has a deep affection for Mom, and after Mom left, Dad didn't renew the string. In my heart, in this life, there will probably never be anyone who can replace his mother's place in his heart.

But I didn't expect that less than half a year after I got married, my father announced the news of remarriage. It turned out that only half a year after his mother's death, he and a woman quietly got a license, and their sons were 4 years old!

Although my family was silent, I was not stupid.

I finally understood why my mother was so stupid, why she couldn't think of it because of a little "little thing".

Now, I'm experiencing the despair my mom experienced, and I don't want to go her way...

What breaks a woman's heart is often another love

First, there is a sadness that we are all women

In the following, I will tell you about the marriage case of this woman and illustrate a common psychological problem of marriage. In her words, there is a sadness that we are all women.

In her tone, I will only tell the truth, and I will sort it out a little to improve readability.

8 years ago, my mother left me forever. Since then, in this world, I have never had a mother again.

3 and a half years ago, Dad's heart was gone. He finally revealed his true colors and took the woman and their children into the house. Although Dad is still there, he is no longer my dad alone, nor is he my mom's husband alone...

I hated him so much that I never felt kind again. I hated that woman even more, but I couldn't change anything.

In the 4 years since I got married, I have experienced a lot of twists and turns. Whether it is family affection or love and friendship, it is different from my original dream.

Life changes before you know it, and when family affection is taken away by others, I am glad that at least I still have love. My husband really loves me, and he will stay with me until he is white.

But during the time I was pregnant with the baby, my husband cheated and fell in love with a woman ever since.

He argues: There is no absolute love in this world, men like to play, and your father is not the same! I have a measure in my heart, you don't have to care about me...

For the sake of my children, I endured all the humiliation. I hope my husband really just goes out and "plays" and never feels for others.

For the sake of my family, I have also sworn that as long as he can receive a heart, I can forgive him many times. As long as we hide our tears, in front of outsiders, we are still a good couple of grace and love.

But he couldn't take it in, and after the birth of the child, he was still in close contact with the woman. He verbally defended that he would never be emotional, and in fact he had already cultivated feelings. As long as the woman was slightly unhappy, he would find a way to coax her, regardless of my feelings.

I gradually discovered that love had left us. Like a shattered dream, all I got was a fragment of love.

Although we are still husband and wife on the surface, in recent years, we have rarely had the opportunity to share a bed together. As a traditional woman, I care a lot about my image. This is not only helpless, but also sad.

It is difficult to complain to my family about this kind of thing, not to mention that my mother has long gone, where do I still have my family? All I have left are friends...

What breaks a woman's heart is often another love

Second, when you are lonely, you understand who is the most important

"If you want to continue to live, don't complain all day, I will not lack your food and clothing, and let you be a wife for the rest of your life." 」 This is what my husband often says.

But in the end, even this sentence is false. The woman took root in his heart, and he gradually forgot his commitment to me and the child.

In the past, whenever I cried, he would coax me with lies, tell me a bunch of "big truths", and persuade me to be generous. Later, he didn't even bother to tell a lie, lost his temper at every turn, and forced me to compromise with divorce.

I was in my early 30s and both affection and love failed. I was reluctant to get a divorce, and the only thing I could do was to keep this home. Take good care of the child wholeheartedly and don't let the woman succeed.

But the changes in my feelings were unexpected again and again, which made me see the reality of life in advance. This is fate, I can confess my destiny, but I can't show it. I still have the dignity I can't let go of, and I don't dare to say half a "bitter" word to life.

I came to understand that as a woman, you can only understand who is the most important person when you are truly lonely.

Whenever my husband spends the night outside, I will stay up all night. All night long in the head of the thought, I did not know what I was thinking, and it was sad over and over again. Looking at the empty house, and then looking at the sleeping child, the mood fell to the bottom, the tears could not stop flowing down, and the child was my most important person at that moment.

Whenever a friend sends a message, even a lukewarm greeting will bring me a burst of warmth like a ray of fire.

Can you feel it? That's how a woman feels lonely.

I longed to grasp a life-saving straw and let me hold on a little longer in this quagmire. I'm just an ordinary woman, I want to get a little more love when I lose love, I want to get more care from one more person, is that wrong...

Half a year ago, my husband and I had a fight and dropped my phone. He was indiscriminate, slapped me in the face, asked me why I always talked to people at night, and said that I had a ghost in my heart.

Maybe I talked a little more with my friends of the opposite sex, but I never did anything that hurt my family. But in my husband's eyes, it was as if he saw that I was getting along with someone else, and threatened to divorce me.

What breaks a woman's heart is often another love

Third, love disappears, and friendship is more important

What I have not done, I will not admit to death. Even if he knocked me to the ground, I wouldn't admit it.

He only cared about his so-called face, never considered my face. Only allow him to accompany other women, not allow me to chat with other men, what a grievance, what a grievance he has!

I seemed to understand that night, maybe the reason for all this was because I was a woman.

Say what a one-day husband and wife hundred days, that belongs only to a couple of equal strength. I'm just a housewife with no job and no status. The meaning of my existence is not to run the family with him, but to unilaterally consume and give youth for him.

In my husband's eyes, I am not as beautiful as the woman, not as good as she can do things, not as good as she can speak. But is it my fault?

If I had known that there was such a day, I would rather not marry than choose this kind of marriage. If he hadn't used so many lies to coax me to forgive him when I was pregnant, I wouldn't have been with him for as long.

I understood too late.

My husband filed for divorce that day, and although it didn't work out later, our love was completely over. When love disappeared, I discovered that friendship was more important.

The friend (male) told me that your husband doesn't care about you anymore, so he will do everything he can to force you to divorce, and he is worried that he can't find an excuse. This is his purpose, you have to be calm, don't cry with him, live a good life, keep a good family, delete it when we're done talking, he can't put you how...

If it weren't for this friend who persuaded me and comforted me again and again, maybe I would have followed my mother's old path. It was he who comforted me again and again, and let me survive the most difficult days.

One day, my husband didn't come home at night, and the friend wanted to invite me to dinner. I made a fool of myself, and after the child fell asleep, I quietly went downstairs and met him downstairs.

In his lap, I didn't go home and was with him.

I didn't want to do that either, but my heart was already cold as an ice cave. I know how to be grateful, he encouraged me for so long, even if it is a free gift, I will repay him once.

It was that mistake that took my fate a different path. I fell in love with him, hopelessly in love with him. It is no longer pure friendship, but a mixture of a clear love. I knew he had a wife, and I still stubbornly loved him...

What breaks a woman's heart is often another love

Fourth, what breaks a woman's heart is often another love

Don't call me stupid so early, I was willing and didn't feel anything to lose. I haven't finished speaking yet, so let me go on...

Family affection has long made me despair, and marriage has made me despair even more. I didn't dare to ask for the rest of my life, and the only thing I could hope for was this inexplicable love.

Whether he (the lover) is hypocritical or not, I only know that he is good to me. From the first time I chatted with him, in more than 2 years, he did everything he said.

Life has come to this point, is there anything I can't afford to lose? It's long gone, and he has a wife!

I only have the last stubbornness left, even if in the end I have nothing and fall out, I will not regret this choice. I want to prove to my husband that not only can you find someone else out there, I can also...

For half a year, we quietly interacted and met again and again. Whenever my husband wasn't home, he would come to me. Whenever I cried, he would comfort me.

Our relationship was like true love, intoxicating each other's hearts. I used to be very afraid of divorce, but then I was gradually not afraid...

Yeah, you're right, it's because I have a backer in my heart. No matter whose husband he is, I only know that I love him, his love can warm my heart, and he can resolve all the grievances in my heart.

If he can love me for the rest of his life, even if he doesn't want fame, I have no complaints. Willing to be his foil outside of marriage, and love with him for a lifetime.

I thought we could continue to love like this. But now I realize that I have all thought wrong. Even if we love each other, we still see each other and hate each other, and there are obstacles between each other that cannot be crossed.

His wife is a cruel person, fierce and powerful. She found out about our relationship a few weeks ago, and she didn't argue or make a fuss, so she asked him to choose one or the other. If she chooses me, she will divorce voluntarily. If we choose her, we will never be in touch again.

I lost, I lost.

He did not hesitate to choose his wife, forgetting all the vows he had made to me. A sentence of "there is no reason, break up" sent me away, I called him again and again, waiting for "you are not friends yet".

Regarding love, I feel that I have no tears to shed, but I still shed tears for this "disease-free" attachment.

For me, love is half-divided. The tears of marriage have long been shed, and the tears of love may have just begun.

At that moment, I woke up, and what really broke a woman's heart may not be the love in marriage, but another love that should not belong to me...

What breaks a woman's heart is often another love

Fifth, love and hate in marriage are bumpy, and the world is uncertain

Even if I cry every day about it, I don't regret it. Loved and hated, passed by the wind, I confessed. Whether my husband divorced me or not, I have broken my heart, and all follow-up can be accepted calmly.

After the Spring Festival, I went to my father's house for a walk. Not to meet Daddy's old negative person, but to give Mom a grave, to see Mom, and to say a few words to her.

When I returned, my dad actually wrapped me a lot of supplements. Taking advantage of the woman's lack of attention, he quietly stuffed a card into my pocket. There were 160,000 inside, and the woman didn't know...

At the age of 31, I was suddenly confused again, I hated my father for 3 and a half years, was it wrong to hate? There is no mistake, if it were not for his empathy, how could I have lost my mother?

In tears, I remembered the question that has plagued me for several years: love, affection, which is more important? If love matters, he should leave the card to that woman. If family affection is important, why was my mother so stupid to leave us, why wasn't my father leaving?

I don't understand why, I feel like I'm going crazy. Several times I almost went down my mother's old path, but I didn't want to go that way.

Maybe there is only one answer, because we are all women, all the wind and rain in the marriage can only be greeted, can not hide, can not avoid...

This marriage case is here for the time being, told by a woman a few days ago. Before long, she would divorce her husband, and she said she would live alone ever since.

Regarding the marriage case, I do not express my opinion, the article itself is the opinion. I will only tell the truth, and everyone who comes over has their own opinion.

Love and hate in marriage are bumpy, and the so-called impermanence of the world is powerless. Since emotional problems cannot be predicted, they can only go with the flow. Either way, don't punish yourself with someone else's mistake.

As women, some people are very happy in marriage, that is because they not only have a good husband, but also know how to improve themselves all the time, and have a skill.

Regarding love, you can love, but you must love brightly. If you can't tell if you're right or wrong, you're wrong. Don't make up for the emptiness of your heart with love when you are desperate for marriage, it will backfire.

— END —

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