
Sharing - 10 conditions that are best suited for being a couple

There are many people in love in the vast world, but not all people can eventually hold hands and enter the palace of marriage. Some people are just suitable for love and not suitable for marriage, because they must meet some basic requirements to be suitable for marriage, otherwise it will be difficult to have a happy life even if they are reluctantly married. Here are the ten conditions that are best for being a couple, see how many you two meet?

First, we are friends who can talk to each other.

As a husband and wife, the most basic should be friends, and should be good friends or acquaintances, unless you are just a purely biological sense of the succession type of husband and wife, otherwise even the friendship relationship can not reach how to be a husband and wife, even if you are barely a husband and wife will not be happy.

Second, there are common values in life.

Things are clustered, friends should have a basic understanding of the world and values of life outlook, at least they can acquiesce to each other's life values, otherwise how to be friends? Friends are still like this, to live together for a long time, of course, they must have common values in life. The pursuit of life and life goals are inconsistent, there are serious differences in views on things, how can marriage continue?

Sharing - 10 conditions that are best suited for being a couple

Third, we can fully understand and trust each other.

Understanding each other is the basic premise of interpersonal communication, and if you want to be a couple, understanding is of course the most basic thing to do. Do not understand each other, the other party's family background, education, temperament, personality traits, living habits, etc., these should be fully understood, at least have a basic understanding.

Of course, understanding is far from enough, after understanding, if you can accept these things you know, you must also fully trust each other, without trust there is no communication, especially for couples.

Fourth, it is easy to communicate with each other in case of trouble.

Of course, there will inevitably be some problems and contradictions between people, and of course, husband and wife are the same, and because they are together every day, the possibility of friction and conflict is even greater. There are contradictions are not terrible, the terrible thing is that they cannot communicate with each other and let the development of contradictions intensify to the point of being unmanageable, so an important and basic element of being a husband and wife is that they can easily communicate with each other when things happen.

Sharing - 10 conditions that are best suited for being a couple

Fifth, there is a spirit of dedication and sacrifice for each other.

There is a typical combination of rights and obligations between husband and wife, but what you get is not always proportional to what you give, nor can it be exactly equal. One spouse will always pay more, while the other spouse may pay less, as a husband and wife, of course, you can't be preoccupied, you must have a spirit of dedication and sacrifice.

There is no one who owes anyone in marriage, there is no distinction between high and low, and being willing to sacrifice and pay is also one of the basic elements of being a husband and wife.

Sixth, each other can be tolerant and generous.

People will make mistakes, people have shortcomings, husband and wife because of close contact, more able to find mistakes and shortcomings, so as a husband and wife should have a tolerant and generous heart, can correctly and rationally look at each other's shortcomings and mistakes made, neither nitpicking, nor unprincipled connivance.

Tolerate small and irrelevant shortcomings and mistakes, and help the other party correct the big mistakes and shortcomings.

Sharing - 10 conditions that are best suited for being a couple

Seventh, the interests should be basically the same.

People have their own aspirations, but husband and wife should maintain basic consistency, interest in the interests of the likes can be roughly the same views and views, only in this way can be in unison and not go farther and farther away from Germany. Basically like-minded people can live together for a long time, and couples who look like they are separated cannot be happy.

Eighth, each other can firmly support each other.

The important point that marriage is different from love is that marriage has to face more real-life pressures and problems, and marriage is more tedious and even tedious, so it encounters many more difficulties and problems.

Whether it is a wife or a husband, whether in life or at work, there will be some unpredictable problems, which is not terrible, the key is to get the firm support of the other party. If you withdraw as soon as you encounter problems, this is not even as good as a friend, and your future married life will not be able to go on.

Sharing - 10 conditions that are best suited for being a couple

9. Accept each other's families.

Many young lovers tend to overlook this, thinking that marriage is a private matter of two people and can not consider others, which is of course a naïve romanticism.

Marriage is a matter of two young people, but also a matter of both parents and two families, husband and wife in addition to love each other, but also must be able to accept each other's family, if you simply can not tolerate some of the actions of the other parents' family, and they can not do without asking you about things, then your future married life will be endlessly troubled.

10. There is a basic material economy as the foundation.

Suitable for love is not the same as suitable for marriage, because marriage in addition to romance is more of a real life of chai rice oil salt vinegar, there is no certain material economy as the basis, married life can not go on, so two people who are too artist temperament may not be suitable for husband and wife, because they are most likely to be immersed in romantic artistic life and do not know how to live and make money to support the family.

Therefore, to be a husband and wife, you must have the same conversations with each other, values, interests, basically the same! Many young lovers tend to overlook this, thinking that marriage is two people and can not consider the other, which is of course a naïve romanticism.

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