
"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

There is a saying: if you have money and no money, go home for the New Year.

Going home for the Chinese New Year is a grand sense of ceremony for all Chinese people, and it is also a matter of great significance.

Weary birds return to their nests, and fallen leaves return to their roots. Home is a warm harbor, but also the home of the soul. Returning home for the New Year, sitting idly with your family, watching the lights are amiable, it is a wanderer scattered at the end of the world, the happiest moment of the year.

For the wanderers who are wandering outside, the most beautiful scenery in the world is not as beautiful as the way home, even if the mountains are high and the water is far away, they are willing to cut through thorns and thorns, just to go home for the New Year.

However, for some young couples, going back to whose home for the New Year is a headache. How to agree on this issue is a very test of the couple's wisdom and emotional intelligence.

"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

01. Whose home will I go back to this year for the Chinese New Year?

Netizen Lu Ping (pseudonym) because of the matter of going home for the New Year, just broke out with her husband for more than a year of marriage, the biggest conflict, the original happy life, has become a chicken feather.

Lu Ping was born in an ordinary dual-career family in a second-tier city, the family's economic conditions are less than the top, more than the bottom, she and most of the small partners around her, is the only child in the family.

Husband Liu Wang (pseudonym) comes from a fourth-tier city on the southeast coast, is the old man in the family, and has two older sisters on it. Liu Wang's family is also generally well-off, and his parents do some small business in the local area.

When she decided to marry Liu Wang, she was strongly opposed by her parents.

In the eyes of parents, the daughters who marry far away are destined to be the children whose parents have lost, and they feel that they can travel far away and marry far away...

However, at that time, she was still immersed in the sweetness and beauty of love, did not take her parents' worries to heart, and even had many disputes with her parents.

Fortunately for her, after half a year of stalemate with her parents, she finally got her wish. The parents and Liu Wang made concessions at the same time and agreed on the issue of marriage.

"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

Liu Wang decided to stay and develop, and his parents agreed to their marriage.

When they got married, she and Liu Wang jointly funded a down payment on a house and held weddings in their respective hometown cities.

Her vision is really good, Liu Wang is a very good man, gentle and kind, self-disciplined and self-motivated, and more dedicated to feelings, but the emotional intelligence is somewhat low, and there are some stubbornness.

Life after marriage is warm and happy, but the good times are not long, and the two have differences over who to go back to for the New Year.

02. Unwell and unable to return to her in-laws' house for the Chinese New Year

Liu Wang believes that marrying a chicken with a chicken, marrying a dog with a dog, and returning to her in-laws' house for the New Year is a matter of course, not to mention that the two are still newly married. Moreover, Liu Wang came out to study and work for so many years, no matter how busy he was, he would rush back to the New Year every year.

Lu Ping did not want to go back very much, and the wet and cold weather, the difficult dialect, and the atmosphere that could not be integrated into her in-laws made her daunted.

She felt that it had only been three months since the National Day wedding had just returned, so why bother with the boat and car... Moreover, the marriage house was just bought, and if it was empty for the first New Year, it would be very unlucky.

"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

At that time, the two were newly married, the feelings were strong, although there were differences, but they could still get along harmoniously.

Later, the situation changed slightly. Their city is divided into medium and high-risk areas, and there are many inconveniences in returning home for the New Year.

Plus when they got married, they used up their annual leave... As a result, the two finally reached an agreement, responded to the call, and celebrated the New Year on the spot.

However, the differences between husband and wife have not been fundamentally resolved, and similar problems will soon return.

This year, the two of them had a very unpleasant quarrel because they went home for the New Year. Lu Ping had promised to go back to her in-laws' house for the Chinese New Year this year, but last month, she found out that she was pregnant and had severe hyperemesis gravidarum.

Seeing that the year was approaching, she had a low appetite, was physically tired, and had some difficulties in going to work. She and Liu Wang discussed that her physical condition was not suitable for long-distance travel, and it was better not to go back this year's New Year.

Liu Wang was very unhappy, but still comforted her, saying that there is still more than a month before the New Year, and her morning sickness is a first-trimester reaction, and it will be fine at that time.

"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

Liu Wang also said that the new car he just bought will drive back to his hometown for up to 8 hours.

If she feels unwell on the way, she can pre-book a room and rest for a night in the middle. Liu Wang felt that his parents were looking forward to the two of them going home for the New Year and could not let them down.

03. My mother-in-law's casual complaints ruined my happiness

After a few days, Lu Ping's morning sickness became more serious, and she called her mother-in-law to explain her physical condition and tell them that she might not be able to go home for the New Year this year.

The mother-in-law was very disappointed, but did not say anything, just told her to pay attention to her body and take good care of her.

However, the mother-in-law was not so polite to Liu Wang, directly counting Liu Wang, and said: "When I gave birth to you before, I was still working in the vegetable field, and now the young people have too poor physical fitness." ”

Before hanging up the phone, the mother-in-law complained: "You don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future..."

Lu Ping was also around at the time, and she could understand her mother-in-law's mood, after all, for parents, the Spring Festival without children at home is not called the New Year.

"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

Lu Ping thought twice and thought of a stopgap measure.

She said to Liu Wang: "Your parents very much hope that you will go back, otherwise, go back to each family in the New Year, and find each mother..."

What she did not expect was that her mother-in-law's casual complaint made Liu Wang's mood extremely bad. Moreover, Liu Wang felt that husband and wife were one, and it would be very faceless to go back alone.

Liu Wang was angry and corrupt, and some of them did not choose words, saying that she did not keep her promises, saying that she did not want to go back to her in-laws' house at all, and deliberately pretended to be unwell to escape.

Lu Ping was furious after hearing this, and reprimanded: "I have anti-vomiting injections, hanging up a little drip of nutrient solution, and I can't go to work. Do you have a conscience? ”

Then, the two had a big fight, she packed up her things and went back to her mother's house, where she stayed for several days, and Liu Wang did not call her a single phone.

Lu Ping was disappointed to the bottom, and her mother-in-law casually complained, ruining her happiness.

"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

04. Marriage is the art of compromise

There is a line in the hit drama "The Perfect Partner":

The perfect partner is not two perfect people together, but in the common life, to achieve a balance between husband and wife.

There is no perfect partner in this world, and all stable and harmonious marriages are the result of mutual balance.

Couples live together day and night, live together every day, and face countless things together, which requires couples to be like rowing boats, always and everywhere in harmony, to maintain balance in marriage.

When "going back to the mother-in-law's house for the New Year" or "going back to the mother's house for the New Year", these two wishes conflict, the husband and wife must make trade-offs and find ways to balance.

There is a saying that any kind of successful relationship is the result of compromise, and marriage is no exception.

Compromise is the wisdom of a trade-off. In marriage, the greatest wisdom and emotional intelligence of the couple is the art of understanding compromise.

"Don't go home for the New Year this year, don't come back in the future," my mother-in-law complained casually, ruining my happiness

What is the art of compromise?

Understanding, inclusion, consideration, and empathy in marriage, which together are the art of compromise.

Mastering the art of compromise, imperfect partners, can also have a happy marriage.

Whose house do you go back to this year for the Chinese New Year?


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