
In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

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In the past, people often said that when people fall in love, they will become too much in love, and often do some behaviors that ordinary people cannot understand.

But the parties often do not think so, and men and women in love usually feel that the most direct way to express their love is to think about each other desperately.

Under the influence of hormones, couples in love often make uncontrollable intimate gestures, such as gently kissing each other or making love more deeply.

In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

On that special occasion at that time, couples could indeed feel the love conveyed to each other, but when this passion cooled, this impulse became more and more weak.

Psychology, which has always specialized in love, has pointed out that women's emotional world is very unique, and they often want their love life to be full of sweetness and romance.

Before officially starting a relationship, they have made a series of assumptions for their love partners, speculating that men will take care of themselves considerately and gently.

At the same time, they are also very easy to get happy, even if their lives are plain, as long as the lover can accompany them and bring themselves some small pleasure, they can get great spiritual satisfaction.

In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

Of course, a qualified partner should also take on due responsibilities and contribute to maintaining the relationship.

However, the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone, and there are very few women who can really meet the ideal love. Women who have been in a relationship are all very aware that there are very few men who are willing to take responsibility for themselves in real life and genuinely care for their partners.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the couple's relationship has been very good, but in the process of getting along in private, they have many quarrels and sorrows that we can't see.

Many girls can't understand why the feelings between them in the past are still like glue, and after a period of time, she will find that the boys have already betrayed themselves.

In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

In fact, the small details after the intimacy can accurately and timely reflect a man's attitude towards women. For example, a man frequently does the following three things after performing intimate behaviors, which means that he has begun to dislike women subconsciously and has the idea of looking for new love.

1, do not want to spend more time with you, become very busy

It is said that happy times are very short, because when we enjoy happiness and beauty, we will always rely too much on the people or things we like, so that we are reluctant to separate from each other.

Sometimes just a few seconds of style will make people feel like they are living for years, and they are eager to stick to each other immediately.

In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

Therefore, people often use the term glue like paint to describe couples who are in love. When falling in love, couples are eager to be together all the time and are willing to spend more time with each other.

If a man really loves a woman, he will also be willing to take more time to live with the woman he loves, or take the woman out to play and have fun.

At this moment, they will also become more romantic and intimate, and will take the initiative to prepare some holiday gifts, or take on some heavy housework to make women feel happy as much as possible.

But when they engage with women now and have intimate behaviors, some men will gradually lose interest in women. Start using busyness as an excuse, and "busy" is the beginning of a man who dislikes you, and many women don't want to admit it.

In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

At this time, they are no longer willing to stay with women, and even if they have a lot of alone time, they will find all kinds of excuses to stay away from women.

When a man is often accompanied by his friends and is no longer willing to take time to spend time with women in the world of two people, it proves that the man has begun to silently dislike women.

2, often angry

It is said that love will change a person, and when a person has the special emotion of love, even a grumpy person will be gentle with the person he loves and wants to care for.

In fact, they really think that women have done something wrong, and they will suppress their anger as much as possible, and talk to women rationally and gently, rather than being unreasonable and angry.

In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

If a woman feels that her partner is always grumpy, even if she is wronged outside, the man always does not care about his feelings, just blindly venting his negative emotions, it proves that the man has long lost interest in you.

If the woman is not willing to take the initiative to leave at this time, you can only feel lonely in the following time.

3, unwilling to do housework

Eating and laziness is a bad habit, but this is also the dream of most people's lives.

There are even jokes that laziness is the main driving force for the development of science and technology, and many technologies are created because human beings want to be lazy. There are many men who value themselves too much and have a certain degree of machismo thinking.

In a sexual relationship, "busy" is the beginning of a man's dislike of you, and many women are reluctant to admit it

But when they meet their beloved women, they are also willing to change their bad habits, do their best to assume their due responsibilities, and create a better living environment for women. The most significant manifestation of this psychological reaction in life is to take the initiative to undertake housework.

And when a man dislikes women, he will subconsciously regard women as nannies to take care of himself, and rightly instruct women to do things for themselves.

If women do not recognize the reality at this stage, but choose to continue to live with men, it will only make men look down on themselves more and more.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Vogel, D. L., & Wester, S. R. (2003). To seek help or not to seek help: The risks of self-disclosure. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(3), 351.

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