
Psychology: How to meet the three rigid needs of women

author:Knowing books and talking at night

How to make a woman love you more and more?

Seriously, it's useless to draw flatbread.

Women have long passed the age of hearing about love, and they want to see your actual efforts.

Psychologists believe that the essence of marriage and love between men and women is to exchange values.

Therefore, a woman who gets three kinds of satisfaction in an intimate relationship will become addicted to you.

Psychology: How to meet the three rigid needs of women

First, material needs

Biologist Robin Baker answers the question "What kind of lover does a woman look for the opposite sex":

This proves that women value men's economic ability when choosing a mate;

After an intimate relationship, the woman still cares about whether the man has enough wealth or status to give her material satisfaction.

If a man is not enterprising, he will only play games every day with a salary of 5,000 yuan.

The woman who follows him will be insecure and feel lost about the days ahead.

When a woman wants to conceive a baby for ten months and can't work, she has something to rely on.

Instead of buying a durian, or buying a few clothes you like, you have to be blamed by men:

How do you know how to spend money every day? I don't know how to save it.

Women used to naively think that a lover could drink enough water, but she completely understood what a poor couple mourned.

As a result, women will become more and more disappointed with men.

Only a man who gives enough money will get the initiative to please the woman and the heart of loyalty.

Psychology: How to meet the three rigid needs of women

Second, emotional needs

John Gray, a global expert on marriage and love, proposed that men and women have different needs in relationships.

Women often complain: why do men pay less attention to and accompany themselves after marriage?

Not only on important holidays, but also on important holidays, you will not receive gifts that men have carefully prepared;

When you are still changing your hairstyle or makeup, you can't attract the attention of men.

used to be the one who pursued herself, and all kinds of imitations, so that women mistakenly thought that they had met their soul mates.

The mask is completely removed, revealing a real and undesirable appearance that the woman feels like or dislike.

When a man no longer takes the time to learn about a woman's hobbies; What drama have you been watching lately; Or the true desire of the heart.

In addition to constantly complaining, women will also find lovers outside to fill these emotional holes.

Only ten years like a man, who treats women with heart and often praises her.

will make women very happy on their own lawn and not look at other people's lawns.

Psychology: How to meet the three rigid needs of women

Third, physiological needs

Women sometimes deliberately behave very reservedly when they first come into contact with the opposite sex they like.

But if you're really emotional, how can you hold back your physiological liking?

Psychologist Sigmund Freud argued:

Therefore, men must learn to see through it, and behind women's desire to resist and welcome is an extreme desire for intimacy.

The "don't" in their mouths is likely to be the opposite of the truth, but it is actually "want".

If a man is cold after marriage, or lacks self-confidence when chasing a woman, and does not dare to pierce the window paper, it is enough to make a woman want to leave you.

Only a woman who can get physical pleasure will continue to become addicted to men and will feel more happiness for it.

Women can't do without you, it must be because these three rigid needs have been satisfied.

If there is one thing that dissatisfies a woman, she is likely to find a new way out.

Because since ancient times, human beings have been refined and self-interested, and they can really love anyone at the expense of their own interests.

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