
If marriage is the graveyard of love, why get married?

There is a British proverb: "Marriage is like a birdcage painted with gold, the birds outside the cage want to live in, and the birds inside the cage want to fly out." ”

It is also said that marriage is the graveyard of love.

Love is beautiful, beautiful yearning, beautiful emotions, but entering marriage, it is more vegetable rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, more trivial life.

In recent years, some young people have chosen to be single, or even if the two get along, they are not in a hurry to get married. Maybe I thought that love was still there, so I was not bound by marriage.

When in love, most of them will be polite, hide their shortcomings and deficiencies, some bad living habits, but the marriage is exposed, there is no understanding of the past, there is not so much love, so many people are disappointed.

If marriage is the graveyard of love, why get married?

So what's the point of getting married?

Born lonely, insecure, without a sense of belonging, when he was young, he had his family to take care of him, but when he grew up, he wanted to find the other half of the world in a certain corner of the world.

First, a sense of security is needed

People are born lonely and lack a sense of security, which has a long history, so people meet together and warm each other. Of course, this is also the best arrangement of the Creator, so that human beings can live and live forever.

Marriage is a kind of contract, although the divorce rate has increased over the years, but entering marriage requires caution, divorce needs to be more cautious, because a family, not a person's business, mostly have children, property and so on.

Marriage needs to be managed, and both parties love each other to give each other a certain sense of security, so that they can manage the marriage well.

If marriage is the graveyard of love, why get married?

Second, the attribution of emotions

When I was a child, I enjoyed the love of my elders, but when I grew up, I couldn't rely on them. Although there is also affection with parents, it is a kind of blood kinship, and the sense of belonging of the soul is looking for it. Seeking is the fit of the soul.

Even if they love each other, but there is no contract of marriage, there is no marriage after passing a certain sense of ceremony, people still have no sense of belonging, like a floating boat, no mooring harbor.

After understanding and liking each other, both men and women enter marriage, and once they go, they are a lifetime.

If marriage is the graveyard of love, why get married?

3. Organize the family

The family is the independent individual of society, and the home is the most intimate place. At home, you can do whatever you want, unrestrained, like a warm harbor.

When people walk in the world and get tired, they think of having a warm place, home.

That home is unique to them, there are lovers you love, there are children you love, even if you are tired and bitter, you will have a sense of security and belonging when you return home.

If marriage is the graveyard of love, why get married?

Fourth, business happiness

A happy marriage is to be managed. Whether it is the living environment, education, experience, etc., when two people who are too different from each other are combined, they need to be well managed.

Men and women from acquaintance to acquaintance, through love, into marriage, most of them are not ready. Hence the saying that marriage is the graveyard of love.

Entering marriage is a need to slowly run in, which needs to be inclusive, understand, marriage is a common body. Each other must be loyal to the family marriage, communicate with each other more, and work hard to make it one, so that the family can be happy to speak of, and can it not become a graveyard of love.

If marriage is the graveyard of love, why get married?

5. Conclusion

In addition to creating arrangements for reproduction and raising children, marriage is more about seeking security and belonging. They look after each other and this should be a place full of warmth and love.

But the reality is that there are many people who did not resist the temptation after marriage, so that the family disintegrated and scattered in one shot.

To manage marriage, there must be love, understanding, and each other's hard work, this is not a word, but a heart to pay, the meaning of marriage is more or less like this.

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