
The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

Tomb robbers have existed since ancient times, dating back to the pre-Qin period, in addition to Wu Zixu digging tombs and whipping corpses to express his anger, tomb robbers usually rob tombs for the treasure inside. Listen to the following example: The meaning of the example sentence is: "When I was in school before, I never took it as seriously as I do now." Grave robbers use clever techniques to rob tombs once, and then use it for generations to come.

Grave robbers preemptively dig graves;

Tomb robbery technology is a skill, tomb robbers tend to take the first step, some tombs can not even be found by the archaeological team, tomb robbers can see at a glance whether there are tombs there.

For example, in the Tomb No. 1 of the Qin Palace, excavated in 1976, archaeologists recorded through historical records that they searched for the Qin Gong Cemetery near Fengxiang County in Shaanxi Province, but how to find it. Later, a farmer provided a clue that there was a wheat field in the south of the village, and the wheat did not grow well every year, and he thought there must be a reason. Subsequently, archaeologists excavated and found a huge Qin tomb. When the cultivated layer above was uncovered, 247 stolen holes were found. The ages of these cave robberies are different, starting from the Han Dynasty, the Tang, Song, and Yuan dynasties have all occurred. It can be said that it is the place with the most burglary.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

In 1999, there was also a Han tomb in Beijing, which was also discovered for the first time by tomb robbers. There are not many Han tombs around Beijing. Two young men came to The Old Hill, and they said it was a big grave. At night, they start digging holes. The main reason is that they are novices, and the real trick is to dig a hole more than ten meters deep to make sure there is no mud on the ground, they dig it up and pile it up in a nearby obvious place.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

The Hunan scholar Liu Hongfu summarized the method of tomb robbery in Changsha into a four-character recipe, and asked questions and questions.

To see is to look at the terrain and feng shui.

The ancients paid attention to the fact that the cemetery must hide the wind and gather qi, so that strangers can also get rich. A good feng shui treasure land, there is a green dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, a famous hall of flowing water in front, and a support in the back. The green dragon and white tiger here are actually the direction of the mountain, and the whole thing looks like a chair.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

This mountain and water is also very exquisite, can not be a lonely mountain and rapid water, just like the dragon mouth tip blowing lights in the ghost, the dragon seeker sees the tangled mountain in the mountain, it is a heavy entanglement, if there is an eight-point danger, it is not a yin and yang gossip shape. These four sentences were not scribbled by the author himself, but came from an ancient feng shui book" "Shaking the Dragon Classic". To find a hundred thousand dragons, entrenched in the tangled mountains, closed doors. If there are a thousand locks, there will be a royal chamber. Surrounded by mountains, the more the better, and the heavy mountains can lock in anger.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

The greater the power, the more likely it is that the land where the prince will be buried in this feng shui treasure land. I can't help but ask, have any archaeologists who can't find a tomb studied feng shui? Just kidding, how can something like feng shui get into the academy? What do you think? Tell us your opinion.

Smell, smell.

Some tomb robbers dig up the topsoil layer and pick up a small handful of grave soil to smell it, and they can tell whether the tomb was stolen or not, and even determine the age of the tomb. It is said that the tombs of the Han Dynasty and the previous ones have no peculiar smell, and the tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties are relatively close, and due to the masonry structure, the tombs may have various odors. However, few people are able to use this technique, but more people are soil experts, commonly known as Tufuzi or Tufu. Soil is divided into mature soil, five-flower soil soil and raw soil, five-flower soil refers to the soil that has been excavated and mixed with raw soil and then filled into the pit. Just judge if there are tombs in this place, if we go a little deeper. The shovel digs out of the dirt with cinnabar, pit ash, etc., which together tell us the age of the tomb and the location of the tomb door.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

To ask, is to tread water

Tomb robbers also went through history books, some of which recorded the location of the tomb after the death of the emperor, such as the "History of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin in Lishan Mountain". However, some tombs are not recorded in writing, and some due to changes in age and geographical environment, such as Cao Cao's death, require his mausoleum to be opened, and cannot be sealed with mounds, nor can trees be planted, so that it is invisible on the ground. Tomb robbers will ask locals about myths and legends or strange phenomena to determine if there are ancient tombs.

The cut word can be interpreted as the exact meaning.

First of all, to find the exact location of the hole, in order to enter the burial chamber in the shortest distance, in order to take away everything that can be taken away, in order to accurately start the Western Han Tomb, it is necessary to understand the tomb structure of each era. The Tang tombs were made of tomb bricks, rather than glued together to make a dome. Most of the tombs in the Ming and Qing dynasties were brick structures, with lime and iron sheets in the middle, and some tombs were more than two meters thick and very strong. Some of the tomb walls are also very strong, and you have to stick the walls of the tomb directly to the bottom of the tomb, from the bottom of the robbery hole.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

To put it bluntly, no matter what method the ancients used to bury it, no matter what method the tomb robbers used to dig, the so-called ingenious work is nothing more than four sentences, reading history books, playing in the mountains, smelling incense and knowing the soil, day and night.

Grave robbery is an extremely despicable act that often ends in bad luck.

This special skill is not something that everyone can learn, before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the distinction between the sects is also very exquisite, often passed down from generation to generation, there is the ability to find the dragon point cave, identify the tomb and recognize the soil, self-taught is not much, Yao Yuzhong, captured in 2015, known as the tomb robber ancestor, is the son inheriting the father's business, feng shui master, learned to see the special skills of feng shui. Among the stolen cultural relics, a Hongshan cultural horseshoe jade hoop is worth tens of millions of yuan. After the establishment of the cultural management department, some soil masters were adopted, and the technology of identifying soil entered the archaeological community, after all, it was a minority, and it was established in the early days. However, there are still many technologies in the folk, and technology has not disappeared.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

Bo Yizhi recorded the terrible deaths of grave robbers

In the ancient book Bo Yizhi, a group of tomb robbers excavated a white white thatched tomb, which, according to the epitaph, may have been the concubine of King Zhou Yi. There is not only gold and silver jade, but also a jade coffin filled with liquid silver bottles. When the group saw it, they went crazy and scrambled to drink the liquid from the silver bottle. When he finished, he opened the jade coffin, and inside there was a girl with white straight hair, her makeup was still there, she was wearing a purple cloak, embroidered with garter belts, as if she were still alive.

The tomb robbers have not lost their golden caves, archaeologists have called out fiercely, and the treasures have died tragically in front of the tomb

The tomb robber was extremely excited to see the situation, and looted the treasure in the tomb, and even the jade ring on the girl's finger could not be taken off, and even the finger was cut off, and even the finger was directly taken away. As they walked out of the room, a strange thing happened. Like the devil, the grave robbers did not know who it was, raised their knives and slashed, and nine times out of ten they were killed on the spot, and died a terrible death. The remaining man was also frightened to death, and he drove all the treasure back to the grave and ran to the governor's office to turn himself in. This may be the first story used to warn future generations of grave robbers that even if they knew something bad would happen to them, they would still flock to the treasure hunt.

But tomb robbery is forbidden by law, don't risk the world, one after another, go with the flow.

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